
Wednesday 8 July 2015

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Toxic Male Walkers 01

So far I have reviewed the Toxic Abominations, Toxic Fatties and Toxic Runners for Zombicide. Now it is time to look at the most numerous of the Toxic Zombie types - the Walkers. In this and my next post I'll review the male Toxic Walkers before I move onto the female Toxic Walkers. There are 17 males and 17 females to look at, so let's get started.
The two Walkers to the left of the photos above and below are straight from the box sculpts with just my paint schemes to differentiate them.
However, the next two Walkers have leg and body swaps done. The legs are the same as the two Walkers shown above. I used a sharp craft knife to cut the bodies in half. After swapping the legs and bodies around I drilled and pinned them and used superglue to fix the two halves in place.
As above, the two Walkers to the left of the photos directly above and below are straight out of the box sculpts; that box being the Toxic City Mall expansion set.
The remaining two Walkers have had leg and body swaps as described above. The only difference between them is their colour schemes.
These are quite good sculpts - not outstanding but not bad either. Best of all, because of the way they have been sculpted, they lend themselves to conversion work very easily. I'll show you more of my conversions next time.


  1. I do like the tan-brown skin tine. It fits zombies (and Toxic zombies) very well. Another good collection of similar sculpts with different paint jobs. Nice work.

    1. The Army Painter Zombicide paint sets are what I use for painting my Toxic Zombies, Clint. Zombie Skin and Zombie Shader are a great combo.

  2. Keeping you busy before the latest Kickstarter arrives on your desk

    1. Hell, yeah, Phil. So many figures to paint, so little time!

  3. Wonderful stuff Bryan... simply inspirational colour choices and yet another terrific addition to your definitive guide to all things "Zombicide". I am reminded of Emil Antonowsky's fate in the 1987 version of Robocop where he's drenched in toxic waste at the end and starts melting... You've certainly got his tan skin colour spot on.

    1. Many thanks, Simon. Ah, yes, I too, remember poor Emil. It was not a nice way to die but then he wasn't a nice man. I can definitely see where you're coming from with your observation. Good call!

  4. Outstanding looking zombies Bryan! Love the color palette you use, and the conversion work is giving me ideas again for my Toxics(they're gonna be delivered today!)

    1. Thank you kindly, Major. I'm so glad to hear that yours will be delivered today. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

  5. Great work Bryan! Those conversions are seamless, lovely paintwork too Dude. Cool colour scheme too. Again the gore is spot on.

    1. Many thanks, Bob. I do appreciate your comments. It is so easy to go over the top with the gore. It's a fine line between just enough and too much.

  6. Lovely work Bryan as already mentioned awesome conversions and paintwork. Nice additions to the horde.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I don't know if you noticed but on the sidebar to the left my 28mm scale zombie horde is currently standing at 995 painted figures. Once I complete my next batch I'll crack the 1,000 mark. Now that's a horde!
