
Saturday 3 October 2015

Assorted Works in Progress 01

It is very rare for me to post Work in Progress reports on my blog. However, I thought you'd like to see what I'm working on at the moment simply because these figures and models are far from the normal figures I usually review. Although they are all 28mm scale (yes, I know that technically speaking, 28mm is a size not a scale, but it has now become universally accepted as a scale) they are far larger than 28mm in height and length. I currently have seven items on my painting desk and here they are -
First up are two dinosaurs made by Antediluvian Miniatures. At the left is an Iguanodon and at the right is a Megalosaurus. Their bodies and heads are made of resin and their legs are made of metal. I pinned and glued the legs in place and used Milliput to smooth out the joints. I have already painted the three adventurers from this range and I plan on reviewing them very soon.
Next are two wrecked vehicles made by Black Cat Bases. At the left is a Large Wrecked Truck and at the right is a Small Wrecked Truck. I ordered these models in February of 2014. Despite numerous e-mails to BCB asking when they would be delivered I never received a reply. Then, right out of the blue, they arrived last month. I was gob-smacked. I'd given up all hope of ever getting them but better late than never, huh? I'm pleased because they are such nice scenery items.
Finally, are three large monsters from the Dungeons and Dragons board-game, Castle Ravenloft. From left to right are a Flesh Golem, Gravestorm the Dracolich and a Zombie Dragon. These figures are made of plastic and come pre-assembled but unpainted. They are the last three figures that I need to paint for this game, so you can expect to see lots of Castle Ravenloft figure reviews over the next month and beyond.
I expect to finish painting all seven within the next week. Then I'll move on to finishing painting my Berserker Zombies for Zombicide.


  1. You know very well how much I enjoy WIP postings, Bryan - possibly more so than the finished figures, as I always like to see how others paint their miniatures. Such a posting from your excellent self is a real treat, so I've thoroughly enjoyed having a good look at these and those "Antediluvian Miniatures" are absolute corkers. I especially like the colour scheme of the Megalosaurus - how have you done that please? The fact you've also painted up the three Adventurers though scares me to death - I'll need to pull my finger out with my other two then :-)

    I recognised your Small Wrecked Truck by "Black Cat Bases" because they've just posted it up on their website as one of their October 2015 releases (and currently have 94 in stock). I think Jo has been rather ill for a long while though and is only now back on their feet.

    I am admittedly dreading your postings about "Castle Ravenloft" as my local store has that game in and I've been tempted by it before, as I own a couple of boxes of "Dungeon Command" (within which I believe are cards you can use for the game?). Your WIPs are not helping me resist, Bryan, especially Gravestorm, which frankly looks tremendous as is, so will doubtless prove even more awesome when he's finished.

    Terrific stuff all round, and I for one would certainly like to see more of these sorts of postings as I'm always interested to see what others are painting :-)

    1. I very much appreciate your comments, Simon. I am well aware of your love of WIP posts, so I wasn't surprised by your enthusiastic comments. The two dinosaurs were painted in a similar manner. The Iguanodon was painted all over in Foundry Bright Green 25 and the Megalosaurus in Foundry Storm Green 27A. I then gave them an ink wash over the upper parts of their bodies with Citadel Biel Tan Green and Citadel Coelia Greenshade respectively. Next I added a second ink wash along their spines with Citadel Coelia Greenshade for the Iguanodon and Citadel Nuln Oil for the Megalosaurus. After that I added lighter shades of Bright Green and Storm Green to their underbellies.

      I was aware that the owners of BCB were suffering a family illness but a reply to one of my e-mails saying my order would be delayed would have been much appreciated. Leaving their customers in the dark is not good customer service. I hope that normal service has been resumed as I really like their figures and scenery.

      I have a couple of the "Dungeon Command" boxed sets myself, and you're right, they do come with stat cards so you can use the figures with the D&D boardgames like Castle Ravenloft. Gravestorm really is an impressive figure.

      I'm sure I'll be posting more WIP reviews in the future, especially if this one is so well received.

    2. Thanks for the info on how you painted your dinosaurs, Bryan. I'll be trying to bump up my adventurers now as I really like the colour you've created with your Megalosaurus, and Dick Garrison did a cracking job of painting his too - so I need to get me some soon ;-) You're quite right, an email to a customer takes just a little time but means a great deal to us as consumers. Fingers crossed for more WIPs in future.

    3. Thanks, Simon. I'm hoping to post a review of the three Antediluvian adventurers next time. I can assure you that there will be more WIP posts in the future.

  2. What an excitement packed post Bryan! Dinosaurs are for November or so I have been told by some bloggers. The wrecks look great and I've heard that Black Cat Bases have been having serious customer issues. But I'm glad you got them!

    1. Thanks, Robert. If November is dinosaur month then I should have these finished just in time. I'm very pleased to have finally received my BCB order. I'd given them up as a lost cause.

  3. I especially like the overdue wrecks, a pity they don't do them in 15mm as well!

    1. Thanks, Fran. I'm guessing your gaming interests now lie in 15mm. Whilst it's not for me, I can see the attraction - less cost and they take up less space.

  4. What's this, Vampifan allowing us a peek into the "inner sanctum". Very nice Bryan, I assume this is where "the magic happens". It's great you showing us your process for producing such finely painted mini's. Thanks Dude!
    I've been holding off getting things from BCB because of all the rumours, does this mean they are getting back to normal service?

    1. Yes, Bob, this is indeed a look into my "inner sanctum." Painting these big figures and models was a perfect excuse for doing a Work in Progress post. Expect more in the future.

      I do hope that it is once again business as normal with BCB. They still have a lot of stuff I want to order from them.

  5. A bit of a departure from your usual fare, Bryan. Lovely work on the dinosaurs! With Roger's previous posts of his ones and now yours, I'm finding it hard to resist getting them myself. And being a huge fan of the Ravenloft setting, so much so that you will find my name amongst the credits for the Domains of Dread hardback (admittedly, in the 'with thanks to' section) I can't wait to see your full compliment of painted figures for the game in play.
    Regards Jez

    1. Cheers, Jez. I'm really enjoying painting these two dinosaurs. I expected having a lot of problems sticking the legs in place but was amazed at how well the pinning and gluing process went.

      I plan on posting a lot of reviews of the Castle Ravenloft figures, simply because the undead feature so prominently in this setting. Well done on getting a credit in the "Domains of the Dead" hardback. I'll have to check it out.

  6. Great stuff...especially the Antediluvian Miniatures' dinosaurs!

    1. Thanks, Gordon. I thought you might like them. :-)

  7. Yep great work on the Dino's Bryan, you say in youe post that they both had metal legs, weird as my "Mego" had resin legs, that I thought were actually easier to fit. Have you seen the new one they have out now, I hope to pick that up when finances allow, I got those two for my 25th wedding anniversary present from my wife (so here's hoping for our 50th!!).

    Gravestorm is a cracking model, very impressive, that'll look a treat once finished, looking forward to that.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. My dinos definitely came with metal legs. I'm sure that resin legs would fit easier but all went smooth with my metal legs, I'm glad to say. I've just checked out Antediluvian Miniatures' Facebook page and the new big dinosaur looks great. I also like the smaller frog-like creatures they're making. They're all on my too buy list. I hope you get yours as your anniversary present.

      Gravestorm rocks. I've just about finished painting him.

  8. You have got some marvellous items on your work bench that your working on currently. I love the look of those dinosaurs they'd be useful for S.D.Z.A which I hope to get into more in the winter months. I really like those vehicle wrecks well worth the wait indeed I think they have been struggling with ill health for some time over at BCB.

    Nice looking monsters don't envy the adventurers coming up against those bad boys!

    1. Thanks, Simon. The dinosaurs certainly would fit in well with S.D.Z.A. I'd also like to get into this game, as I really like a lot of the figures being produced for it.

  9. Hmm, I don't usually post "in progress" models either. Come to think of it, I don't do many "start to finish" articles either; I prefer just to show completed models. But I'm very aware that other bloggers have different approaches. Interesting...

    1. I must admit that I prefer posts featuring the finished article but as I have noticed, WIP posts have their fans as well. I fully intend to post more WIP posts in the future.

  10. Some unusual figures for you Bryan, Dinosaurs?

    1. I won the dinosaurs in a competition run by a fellow blogger - Chris Sheets. Not my usual fare admittedly, but I do like them a lot.

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