
Wednesday 7 October 2015

Antediluvian Miniatures Adventurers 01

Earlier this year I was lucky enough to win a blog competition run by my good friend, Christopher Sheets. The prize was three Antediluvian Miniatures 28mm scale Adventurers. This was a set I was very much interested in and so was delighted to receive them.
At the far left is Professor Cushion (a pun on actor Peter Cushing's name). However, I have named him Dr. Abner Perry, which was the name of the character Peter played in the film, At the Earth's Core. Perry is a Victorian scientist, who along with his American financier, David Innes (see below) make a test run of their Iron Mole drilling machine in a Welsh mountain, but end up in a strange underground labyrinth ruled by a species of giant telepathic flying reptiles, the Mahars, and full of prehistoric monsters and cavemen. They are captured by the Mahars, who keep primitive humans as their slaves through mind control. David falls for the beautiful slave girl Princess Dia but when she is chosen as a sacrificial victim in the Mahar city, David and Perry must rally the surviving human slaves to rebel and not only save her but also win their freedom.
In the centre of the group is Raquel Scotch (another awful pun on actress Raquel Welch's name). Seeing as Antediluvian Miniatures made two of the main cast members from At the Earth's Core I was a little surprised that they didn't sculpt a figure of Princess Dia (played by Caroline Munro). Instead, we have the heroine, Loana the Fair One, a member of the prehistoric Shell Tribe of fishermen and women from the film, One Million Years B.C. From a marketing point of view Loana is a much more famous and recognisable character.
Finally, is Shug McClure (yet another horrid pun, this time on the name of actor Doug McClure). I named him after his character's name, David Innes, from the film, At the Earth's Core. These three figures came with stat cards for the game, Pulp Alley, which I do not own. Shug is a Leader and the other two are his Sidekicks.
Clearly I won't be using them in Pulp Alley (it's not on my shopping list) but I can find other uses for them. They are beautifully sculpted and their faces are recognisable as the characters they are meant to represent. The figures cost £4.00 each or you can buy all three for £10.00. Look out for my review of the dinosaurs from this range coming very soon.


  1. Lost Worlds are a favourite setting of mine, so I'm delighted to see these characters. But no Caroline Munro? That is a pity...

    Oddly enough, I'm thinking about setting up some Pulp Alley characters for such a game at the moment (though probably involving Tarzan to start with rather than Dr. Abner or Professor Challenger :-) .

    1. Thanks, Hugh. It is a shame that Princess Dia was not included but I'm more than satisfied with Loana.

  2. Nice work, Bryan, I've got those three mini's in the queue for next month (Peter has a moustache you see). It is a shame there is no Caroline Munro, we'll all just have to write and complain till we get one.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I see have forgotten to paint in Peter's moustache - a mistake I will rectify immediately. I certainly hope we'll see a Caroline Munro mini from this company in the future

  3. Wonderful stuff Bryan, for as you well know, I'm a big admirer of both these particular miniatures and the "Antediluvian" figures in general. You've certainly brought out all of their character with your paint-jobs and a very nice touch bu changing their photos background to something more suitable. Having met Ma'am Munro I would certainly like to see a figure of her as Dia, or perhaps from my fave of her films "Golden Voyage of Sinbad" That could easily get me into some "7th Voyages" 7TV stuff :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I do indeed know how much you admire these figures in particular and this range in general. Whilst they wouldn't be something I'd ordinarily be interested in for some reason I'm very much drawn to them. For my background setting for my photos I'm using my little-used Victorian setting backdrop. My more modern day backdrop would have been totally unsuitable. Incidentally, I'm about to make a brand new backdrop to use with the two big dinosaurs from this range.

      Lucky you getting to meet Caroline. I do envy you!

    2. Meeting Caroline is just one of those chores which life throws your way every now and then Bryan ;-) Incidentally she actually signed for me a b&w photo of her, Peter and Doug taken whilst they were do a read through of "At The Earth's Core".

    3. Wow, that's really amazing, Simon. I bet you treasure that photo. Now I envy you even more!

  4. They are nice and will definitely add to any " lost worlds" game

    1. They are nice figures, Clint, and totally suitable for a Lost Worlds game.

  5. Shug Mclue, ha ha, wonder whatever happaned to Shug???

    1. Oh crap! Just googled him, I didn't realise he'd died in 1995???

    2. The passing of a legend is always sad, Ray.

  6. Nice work, Bryan. Antediluvian Miniatures are another company on my "to watch" list, as they've already released some nice stuff and looks like we have some "Warlords of Atlantis" on the way. Look forward to seeing your dinosaurs completed too.
    Regards Jez

    1. I've seen the new stuff that they are working on. I'm particularly impressed by their new dinosaurs. Yes, Jez, they are well worth keeping an eye out for.

  7. Really nice Bryan! I love Prof. Cushion, I think he'd make a great civilian or a very poorly armed survvivor. The others, although beautifully painted and sculpted, are a little too savage for my modern setting. The lost world genre doesn't really appeal to me Dude, sorry, just different tastes I guess.

    1. I agree that Prof. Cushion is the most usable figure for a zombie apocalypse game. I wouldn't worry about not liking this genre. We all like different things and thank goodness for that.

  8. This are superb Brian and I recognised the source immediately, fantastic!

    1. Just realised I spelled your namd wrong, sorry Bryan!

    2. Cheers, Adam. Nice to hear from you and don't worry about spelling my name wrong - it really doesn't bother me.

  9. Great job on these iconic characters Bryan what lovely miniatures!

    1. Thank you, Simon. They are indeed lovely miniatures and It was a pleasure to paint them.
