
Sunday 11 October 2015

Black Cat Bases Scientists 01

I recently showed you a WIP post of my two wrecked trucks that I received last month from Black Cat Bases after ordering them way back in February 2014. Well, in addition to the resin trucks, I also received three 28mm scale scientist figures as part of my order. They got painted very quickly and here they are.
The male scientist at the far left is carrying a clipboard in his right hand and has his left hand stuffed inside his lab coat. I do like that his glasses are perched on top of his head. That's not something you see very often. I have to wear glasses for reading and figure painting and it is something I've done myself many times.
The female scientist in the centre of the group is rather amusingly described as "Young Female Scientist with Cleavage" on the BCB website. She's consulting an electronic notebook. I have not named any of my scientists yet, but this figure very much reminds me of Winifred "Fred" Burkle (as played by Amy Acker) in series 5 of the TV series, Angel. This was the final series, where Team Angel took over the Wolfram & Hart's Los Angeles law firm and Fred was appointed head of their Science Division.
The female scientist at the far right holds a book in her right hand and is pointing with her left hand. It is a simple but effective sculpt.
These three figures join my growing collection of scientists. They are all very nicely sculpted and very reasonably priced at £2.00 each or all three for £5.00. You'll find them in the Medical/Asylum & Scientists section of BCB's webstore. I'm pleased to announce that normal service has been resumed at BCB and they are accepting new orders and have sent out all of their outstanding orders.
Amy Acker as Winifred "Fred" Burkle dissects a male cadaver in the TV series Angel. Fred was without doubt, the most intelligent member of Team Angel. Whilst not a skilled fighter, she was brave, smart, clever and loved by everyone, including me.
Fred with her glasses, which she sometimes wore, showing a remarkable similarity with the young female scientist figure reviewed here.


  1. Nice to see you getting all that you'd ordered Bryan and you've certainly brought out a lot of character in these minis with your paintbrush and, as usual, with your excellent commentary. Are these metal or resin like the vehicle you recently received?

    Personally I think they'll look good in any scientific setting and will doubtless be worthy additions to your W.H.O. forces for when you finally get around to gaming that top-notch motion picture "World War Z". I know you want to ;-)

    1. You crack me up, Simon! I can think of a lot of uses for these figures but replaying the pile of garbage that is the "World War Z" film is NOT on my agenda. Cheeky devil!

      These are metal figures, as are the vast majority of BCB's figure output. Larger items like my wrecked trucks are far cheaper being made of resin.

  2. Great job Bryan! They look superb, I can think of numerous scenarios that would need scientists. They could either be looking for a cure or be responsible for the outbreak. Definitely a must have catergory of figure.
    Fantastic news about BCB back to normal, I may just have to order something now.

    1. I totally agree, Bob. Scientists are such an integral component of any zombie apocalypse, whether it be, as you say, searching for a cure or as the cause of the zombie outbreak. I'm pleased that BCB are back in business. There are a number of figures I want from them.

  3. I'm glad to hear they're back delivering, they have some furniture for my hospital project from the mundane toilets to the more important autopsy/dissection table! And I love the Fred pics, one of my fave characters from Angel ;-P

    1. I'm sure a lot of people will be delighted that BCB are trading again, GG.

      Fred was certainly one of my favourite characters from Angel. You couldn't fail to love her.

  4. Black Cat Bases have a very appealing catalogue, but have struggled with (I think) illness recently. If they're functioning properly again then that's excellent news!

    I always liked the tag line for scientist extras in the Doctor Who Miniatures Game: "white-coated monster fodder"!

    1. You're right on both counts. The folk at BCB have struggled with a long illness but they're back now, so good news for us gamers. That's a great tag line, Hugh!

  5. They do look good. We all need some back room boffins to aid in crime fighting of one kind or another. Unless we are the Crims then we need them to build dastardly devices!

  6. Awesome docs Bryan! I love Amy Acker! Another of the goddesses Joss Whedon steals for his shows. BTW there are now clicfigs of the Agents of Shield.

    1. Roger, I totally agree with you about Amy Acker. I did not know about the Agents of SHIELD figures but I'm very interested in them, as I'm a big fan of the show.

  7. Replies
    1. She's gorgeous and utterly adorable in the TV series, Steve.

  8. ...... specially last series, towards the end. LEATHERRRRRR

  9. Sweet they look great and nice work on the white coats!

    1. Cheers, mate. White is not an easy colour to paint.


    Heres the agents, but I guess there are other figs in the series.

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