
Sunday 10 January 2016

Heresy Miniatures Vampires 01

Last month I finally got round to painting four Heresy Miniatures 28mm scale Vampire figures that I bought years ago. I think the only reason they lay unpainted for so long is that they all required some assembly and I was just too lazy to glue them together. My interest in vampires (which has never wavered, although you wouldn't tell from my blog posts) was reignited when I recently painted my Castle Ravenloft figures. That prompted me to dig out my Heresy Vampires and show them some love.
At the far left of my two photos is a Vampire in a long coat. He came with a choice of three heads and I chose the head wearing the top hat to make him look like a Victorian Vampire. I wouldn't mind buying another copy of him and giving him the traditional Nosferatu head, all bald with long pointed ears and prominent fangs. As is, he has an air of mystery and arrogance about him. Most befitting for a Vampire!
Next up is Lord Von Blutgericht, who is a multi-part model. His head, right hand and left leg and skull are separate pieces. You can choose between an open right hand or a hand holding a long sword. I felt he'd look more dramatic with the long sword. Actually, it just occurs to me that he'd make a good substitute for the awful plastic figure of Count Strahd Von Zarovich that you get in the Castle Ravenloft game.
Third in line is Lady Von Blutgericht, wife of the aforementioned Lord. She is also a multi-part model with separate head and a choice of right and left hands. Her right hand is open-handed but you can choose between a hand holding a large goblet or a long sword for her left hand. I see her as being every bit as vicious as her husband, so gave her the long sword. Together, they make a fearsome pair.
Finally, is a Vampire in Man-Bat Form. He was the figure I was least looking forward to making as his bat wings were separate pieces. Fortunately, I was able to drill and pin them at the arm joints and glued them in place with super-glue. In the end, he went together a lot easier than I thought he would. I had to glue him to a 30mm diameter slotta-base, because his wings made him unbalanced when I tried him on a 25mm diameter slotta-base. I decided to paint him in a dry bone colour (Foundry Boneyard 9, with a Citadel Seraphim Sepia ink wash). He was the easiest of the four to paint. Note that all four vampires have glowing red eyes, a sure sign that they aren't human!
I do like this quartet of Vampires and it's nice to start the New Year off with a post of some Vampire figures. I don't showcase nearly enough of them, which is odd as I still have loads left to review. I've just checked on the Heresy website for the prices of these and sadly, the Lord and Lady Von Blutgericht are no longer available. Bummer! The Victorian Vampire is listed as Posing Vampire and he costs £4.00, whilst the Vampire in Man-Bat Form costs £7.00.


  1. What a cracking post Bryan, full of your highly infectious enthusiasm for all things which 'go bite in the night'. I'm not sure if its because I've been repeatedly watching Hammer House's original Dracula movie with Cushing and Lee (and Michael Gough) whilst painting lately but these have really struck a chord with me and two have gone on my Salute list :-). Your long-coated Vampire is clearly an inspirational Oldman Dracula (he's my fave version btw). You're spot on about the replacement Ravencroft mini (and his missus) - that's such a better sculpt. But then you've left the best til last (paint-job too) with the Man-Bat. Wow!! Imagine having a few of those swooping down on you... they could almost be used as Runners in a vampire-inspired game of "Zombicide" ;-)

    1. I'm glad you liked them, Simon. It's funny but I, too, was thinking of Gary Oldman when I painted the Posing Vampire. Man-Bat also reminds me of Mr. Oldman as well, when he transformed in the 1992 "Bram Stoker's Dracula" film. Hmm, the idea of using vampires in "Zombicide" certainly does intrigue me.

  2. Great set of characters. You have like some goth/punk heavy metal thing going on there. Well done.

    1. Many thanks, Bob. That's kind of you to say so.

  3. I've always loved the man bat sculpt, I bought it a few years ago for my Warhammer Vampires list, I love the pose and really enjoyed painting him. The other vamps are great Bryan but he wins wings down.

    Oldman's take on Dracula always resonates with me, not only was he excellent in it (as always) but the film was the backdrop for my first date with my wife all those years ago! I've even got the tagline to the film engraved in my wedding

    1. I can see why the Man-Bat sculpt would fit in well with a Warhammer Vampires army, Andy. And likewise the Von Blutgericht couple.

      That's a lovely tale about watching "Bram Stoker's Dracula" with your future wife. How romantic!

    2. Definitely could be used as the Von Carsteins!

      I think it set the tone nicely Bryan and informed her of what she was getting into, 20 years of marriage it must have worked!

    3. Yes, I was thinking of the Von Carsteins as well.

      I guess yours was a match made in Heaven. Many congratulations!

  4. All cracking vampires and all very different.

  5. I do like Heresy Miniatures figures and whilst i don't currently have a need for vampires, they would certainly be top of my list. And you're right about using the vampire count as Strahd. Very effective paint jobs, although for some reason the countess reminds me of Gene Simmons from KISS...and is that Slash from Guns N Roses in the top hat? "Rock will never die...!" ;-)

    1. Thanks, Jez. I can think of a few ageing rockers who'd make good vampires!

  6. Nice collection of vampires sad to see some are oop. But good for you for having them and painted wonderfully!

    1. It is sad that two of them are OOP. I hope it is only temporary. Thanks for the kind comments.

  7. Quick - will someone call Van Helsing, please!

    Bryan, I'm surprised at you - I would never have suspected that you had an aversion to drilling and pinning :-) . It's always nice to see some of the older models completed, isn't it?

    1. It's not that I have an aversion to drilling and pinning, Hugh. It's just that I like to have something I can actually drill! The bat-wings presented a challenge because there was so little metal to work with apart from on the arm joints. Still, yes, I'm glad that they have turned out so well.

  8. Great work as usual Bryan! I am particularly fond of the first one from the left!

    When you mentioned all the choices it made me think - we all say how much we like choices on our miniatures, where you can decide between this or that weapon (well, not me, I hate making decisions like that!) - but in the end, it just means more work on the miniature!

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I normally don't mind choices for minis, but quite often I end up buying two or more of the same figure... just to cover all bases. Hasslefree Miniatures are notorious in that respect!

  9. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
