
Wednesday 6 January 2016

Zombicide: Black Plague WIP Figures

I am well on my way to finishing painting the six Survivors and one of each of the Zombies from the Zombicide: Black Plague game and whilst I don't normally post Work In Progress reviews I needed a quick filler today whilst I build up my library of photos to post on my blog. All figures are roughly 32mm tall, apart from the Abomination who stands 45mm tall to the top of his head. With his arms raised he stands closer to 55mm tall.
I'm more than halfway through painting them all, with most of the block colouring and shading done and the bases finished. Next comes the fiddly bits - highlighting and detail work. Shown above from left to right are three of the six Survivors - Ann the Warrior Nun, Baldric the Wizard and Clovis the Fighter.
Next up are the three remaining Survivors - Nelly the Barmaid, Samson the Dwarf Blacksmith and Silas the Elf Archer - and an unnamed evil Necromancer, who for game-play purposes is classed as a zombie.
Here are five non-Walker Zombies from the game, the fearsome Abomination, a pair of Fatties and a pair of Runners.
Finally, are five Walkers, the most numerous of the zombie types, comprising three males and two females. The game includes multiple duplicates of the Fatty, Runner and Walker zombies.
I plan on showing off a lot of Zombicide figures over the next few months, with posts split between contemporary Zombicide (namely, Prison Outbreak) and Black Plague.


  1. What a tremendously tempting post Bryan. You've certainly made me consider opening my box and getting these minis up to the top of my painting queue. It's nice to see some WIPs from you too. I'm a big fan of such posts, as well you know, and I may well 'borrow' some of the block colours you've chosen as they seem to work so well on these minis. The barmaid and elf archer in particular look suitably colourful. What a brute that abomination looks too. Awesome... and so very tempting as I said before ;-)

    1. I know you love WIP posts, Simon, so I wasn't surprised that you liked this one so much. These figures are a joy to paint, making a nice change from my usual contemporary figures.

      I am amazed that you still haven't opened Black Plague yet. What willpower! I HAD to open my copy as soon as I received it! I know you love Zombicide but trust me on this, Black Plague is even better!

    2. The only thing keeping me away from "Black Plague" Bryan, is the arrival of my "Gamma World" expansion "Legion Of Gold"; which has encouraged me to concentrate on painting up more of the models I want to use for some BatReps!!

    3. You know I'm a long time fan of Gamma World, so I look forward to seeing your posts on this classic game. More batreps is never a bad thing!

  2. Really cool! Looking forward to this. I did not have the money to get in on this Kickstarter...Sadly...

    1. Perhaps when it goes on public sale later this year you may be able to afford it, Johnny. It is a GREAT game!

  3. The "Fearsome Abomination" does indeed look fearsome. If I met him I would experience Squeaky bum time. As well as showing a trail of yellow grade fear!

    Nice job on them all. But he so big and impressive.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Abominations are rightly feared by everyone. In many a game I've played my party of Survivors could do nothing but run away from him. Frustrating and not very heroic!

  4. Great start Bryan! I am in the same position though I made some good progress on a few figures this evening. Look forward to seeing them completed.

    1. Cheers, Simon. It shouldn't take too long to complete this lot.

  5. Pretty smart looking models there Bryan.

  6. Ah, New Year Zee's. .. (See what I did there? No?...I'll get me coat...) A nice start, Bryan. It's nice to see the models actually match the concept art, for once. This is one of the Kickstarters I wanted to back, but didn't have the necessary funds at the time. I'll have to keep an eye out for special offers, once it's on general release. And because of you, I've been looking at Impact Miniatures Chibi range, which is more extensive than I first thought. Several figures there that would make good adversaries for my Ghostbusters. ..

    1. Thanks, Jez. Where possible, I'm trying to match my paintwork to the artwork. Once Black Plague goes on general sale I'm sure you'll be able to get it fairly cheaply at the likes of Amazon UK or eBay.

      I'm not surprised you're finding inspiration for your Ghostbusters project amongst the impact Miniatures Chibi range. It is a well stocked and varied range.

  7. looking forward to seeing these finished Bryan as the models look superbly detailed. the nun with the sword looks cracking! i know you said they are 32mm but how do they match up with 28mm figs? (these things are so variable aren't they?)

    btw I have changed up the photos from my last post, hopefully they are a bit better :)

    1. On the whole, the Black Plague zombies fit in well with other ranges. However, the Survivors are slightly oversized but still usable. The nun is looking great now that I have painted her plate armour (ditto Clovis).

      I've just been visiting your blog and it's great to see you've redone the photos. :-)

  8. I'll just have to live vicariously on this one and watch your progress from afar, I think. Good stuff, though.

    1. Fair enough, Hugh. I'll be posting regular updates on this project.

  9. I love this game more and more each time I play it. Very interesting to see your WIPS Bryan. TOTALLY different from mine (I have gone from a grey/brown scape ink wash effect).

    I really want to see yours finished now :)))

    1. Black Plague is bloody addictive, isn't it? You won't have too long to wait to see mine finished. They are all well over 90% completed. Soon, very soon.

  10. 90%..... *rings a finger in his ears and checks his hearing a moment* did you say ninety percent - already?


  11. I put this question to you in a letter Bryan, but it occurs to me, it maybe might be interesting to others as well, so I`ll write it again here. I have seen this come up in play through videos on you tube, and they either all get it wrong or I am playing it wrong.

    If a Necromancer spawns (a new Necromancer spawn point is placed of course) ON THE SAME SPACE AS AN ALREADY EXISTING ONE, does the Necromancer automatically hop off of the already existing one his next move, there by making his own temporary one permanent OR does he have to exit via the next closest spawn point?

    I`ve been playing it that the Necro hops off on the same tile on next zombie activation.

    1. My answer to Steve was as follows - "The answer to your question is yes, the Necromancer does escape in the same Zone. If you check on p.30 of the rulebook this point is covered in the blue bordered box at the bottom of the page. To save you looking it up I'll quote it here - "In special circumstances, all Spawn Zone tokens may end up in the same Zone. In that case, a Necromancer still comes with an additional Necromancer Spawn token, but flees as soon as he activates." It has never happened to me... yet, but if/when it does there is very little you can do to prevent it unless you have survivors very close to or in that particular Zone. Also, when he escapes, you're right, his own Spawn token would then become permanent."
      You've been playing it correctly, Steve.

      As for the figure painting, I have finished painting the six Survivors and the Necromancer. All that needs doing to my zombies is applying the gore effects - my favourite task!

  12. Woohoooo!! I THOUGHT I had it right, but had enough sense to ask THE leading expert on all things Zombicide. Thanks for that mate.

    Look forward to seeing all your painted minis for this game.

    1. Always a pleasure to help out, Steve.

      Figures are completed but won't appear just yet. I have two big reviews and my Monthly Musings to post first.
