
Saturday 30 January 2016

Vampifan's Views 75 - Monthly Musings 50

It's my first Monthly Musings post of 2016 and as always I start with a picture of my favourite comic book super-heroine, Vampirella. Last year I had a theme which was to show my 12 favourite real life Vampirella models and cosplayers. This year, I also have a theme and it is to showcase 12 paintings by my all-time favourite Vampirella artist and friend, Joe Jusko. A Google search of Vampirella artwork by Joe netted me more than enough paintings to show one a month. Enjoy!

My biggest hobby news of January was the arrival of my Ninja All-Stars Kickstarter package. I was immediately smitten with this game and I'm looking forward to getting some Clan teams painted up. That will most likely happen later rather than sooner as I'm currently concentrating on painting zombies for Zombicide: Black Plague. I have already painted the 6 heroes, Necromancer and one each of the 10 different zombie sculpts. Expect reviews of them soon. Also on my painting table are some new figures that I bought earlier this month. I ordered a set of 6 Weird West figures from Ainsty Miniatures (3 heroes and 3 supernatural bad guys), 4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by My Way Miniatures (thanks for the heads up, Andy!) and to go with them, a Crooked Dice figure of Pandora King, who I've converted into reporter April O'Neill (friend of the Turtles) and a Mantic Dreadball Veer-myn coach to use as Splinter (mentor of the Turtles).

In a reply to a comment made to me in my first Ninja All-Stars review by my good friend Stephen Gilbert I listed my favourite board-games. Knowing that some of you will have missed our conversation I'm going to update my list to include ALL of my favourite games that I play and want to play.
  1. Zombicide: Black Plague (this fantasy version takes Zombicide to even greater heights - just perfect!)
  2. Zombicide (set in contemporary times, I didn't think it could be bettered. I was wrong! Until Black Plague came along this was my favourite board-game.)
  3. All Things Zombie: Final Fade Out (soon to be upgraded to Fade To Black, this was the game that began my love affair with zombie gaming. I'll be starting a new campaign later this year, combining rules from both versions.)
  4. Super Dungeon Explore (the game that re-sparked my long dormant interest in fantasy gaming. I immediately fell in love with the Chibi miniatures.)
  5. Rum and Bones (at last, after much searching, I found a pirate-themed game that I love.)
  6. Ninja All-Stars (more Chibi goodness that is both a stand alone game and a tie in with SDE.)
  7. Last Night on Earth (a zombie game with a real B-movie vibe about it, giving it a unique feel.)
  8. A Touch of Evil (supernatural horror set at the start of the 19th century in rural America.)
  9. Thunderbirds (superb 50th anniversary celebration of a classic TV series.)
  10. Judge Dredd Miniatures Game (a sci-fi skirmish game set in the world of 2000AD comic's most iconic hero, Judge Dredd. I'll be playing a lot more of this later this year.)
  11. Shadows of Brimstone (a Weird Wild West game. Unplayed at present but I just know I'm going to love it.)
  12. Arkham Horror (incredibly detailed and atmospheric board-game based on H.P. Lovecraft's Call of the Cthulhu stories.)
  13. Castle Ravenloft (the undead abound in this 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons game.)
There are a few other games that I must mention, none of which I've played. First up is Mars Attacks. I bought this game primarily for the human soldiers, survivors and scenery items to use with ATZ. The Martians don't really interest me. I'm unsure if I'll ever play it but I don't regret buying it. Second is another Kickstarter game, The Others: 7 Sins. I'm still waiting for this to arrive so can't comment on its game play but the figures do look quite stunning. Finally, is a new game that I plan on buying within the next week, 7TV 2nd edition. I've read nothing but good reviews of it and it does intrigue me. Most likely I'll add The Others and 7TV to my list in the near future.
Finally, I'm in two minds about buying Imperial Assault, the Star Wars game. It looks good and the figures are more detailed than those found in the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Collectible Minis game. However, it is expensive, especially if you want to replace the card counters with 3D figures (which I would). Plus, the figures for Imperial Assault come unpainted, whereas the WotC figures are all pre-painted. It was suggested (by Brummie Simon) that I buy 7TV instead and use the Star Wars rules for that game along with my WotC figures. Seeing as I plan on buying 7TV anyway, that might be the most sensible option. But seeing Blaxkleric posting lots of pics of his superbly painted Imperial Assault figures is weakening my resolve to resist the game's allure. Ah, choices, choices!

By the way, if any one else wants to make a list of their favourite games, I'd love to see them, either as a comment on here or as a separate blog post of your own, if you run a blog.


  1. That's really cool Bryan. Yes wouldn`t it be interesting to compare fav games, maybe make a pole and see which few come out on top.

    YOUR top 12 list closely mirrors mine in that, I too own (lets see hmmmm) yes a staggering 8 of the ones you mention. Slight differences in our order of preference, but STILL eight out of twelve games you and I play, make the shared grade. That says something I think.

    Really cool thread mate, talk soon,

    Steve :)

    1. That is quite a match up, Steve. Cool! I believe the 4 games out of the top 12 that you don't share with me are Rum and Bones, Ninja All-Stars, Thunderbirds and Judge Dredd. Correct?

  2. What a stonkingly informative posting Bryan, and whilst I own many of the games you mention (all I believe purchased due to your recommendation), I must confess to only having played "Zombicide". Bit embarrassing really... Still hopefully I can convince you that "Imperial Assault" is well worth investing in with some more painted "Star Wars" minis soon ;-)

    1. It is true, Simon, that you are making it very hard to resist buying Imperial Assault. What's worse is that I've found a seller on eBay selling it a lot cheaper than on Amazon. I really am sorely tempted because he's selling it with the "Buy Now" option, which I always prefer.

  3. {{Rum and Bones, Ninja All-Stars, Thunderbirds and Judge Dredd. Correct?}}

    All present and correct, Sir. You know me well.

  4. Top ten then

    1. ATZ FFO
    2. Bolt Action
    3. Black Powder
    4. Warhammer Fantasy Battle - any edition bar the Age of Stinkmar!
    5. Hail Caesar
    6. Blood Bowl
    7. Flames of War
    8. Battle fleet Gothic
    9. Dark Future
    10. Man O War

    Couple of big omissions in the list only because I have them but haven't played them yet although I do think they will probably rank high in the list and that's Bushido (I'm so looking forward to this but I only have one faction so far and it's not assembled!) and 7TV2 which I intend to use with my TMNT stuff again I haven't got the rule set but I have downloaded the beta rules for a little trial when I have painted up my new additions....

    1. That's a fine list, Andy, even though there are two I'm not at all familiar with (Black Powder and Hail Caesar). Of the others, I have only played ATZ-FFO, WFB and Blood Bowl. Even so, I'm very glad that you took the time out to compile this list. Much appreciated!

  5. Nice list Gobbo Grotto. Bolt Action is a massive favourite of mine, I started in on Warlord Games with their Deluxe Pegasus Bridge Special Boxed Set. I find the game plays extraordinarily well. Black Power, as well, is firmly in my list of all time favourite rule systems... my only gripe is that it covers 200 years and lumps it under Horse and Musket; BUT redeems itself in its re-assertion that the rules are "NOT cannon, and not to be adhered to as gospel. Rather it is a set of guidelines and a framework upon which each individual or group of friends can alter or extrapolate to suit their own tastes and needs.

    Hail Caeser, again I see you like Warlord Games, is THE set of rules I`d be using for sure, if I were brave enough to pick up yet another period of history. I`ve always fancied taking up either Boudicca Britains and Romans or the Arthurian Dark Ages.

    Blood Bowl, I`m friends with the original author of that game hehe.

    The rest you mention, hmmm interesting. Nothing there I don`t like at all. Excellent list.

    1. Thanks, Steve, for informing me about Black Powder and Hail Caesar. Sad to say, I didn't know either of them existed.

    2. Nice one Steve, yeah BP covers a vast range but I use it for Napoleonic gaming and yes the rules are very civilised and although our games are hard fought they are never competitive to the extent of uncouthness lol.

      Hail Caeser I use ancient Britons, I'll post a pic of my collection one day.....

    3. Ps very cool that you know Jervis :-)

  6. Got a question for you Gobbo Grotto, you mention Black Powder and Hail Caesar, but they`re both just set of rule: what I`m curious about is, what do you PLAY with them. With Black Powder... Napoleonic's, American War of Independence, Crimea, Zulus, Boar War? and with Hail Caesar... Greeks, Romans, Vikings, etc etc I`m really curious now what you collect to play the games with.

  7. Oh DUH, I just posted asking what you do, and I completely failed to notice that you already say in an earlier thread... so sorry mate.

    WOW I`m envious, if there is one big regret in my life, its that I never stuck with Napoleonics when II was a kid. If I had done, now at the ripe old age of over 50, just THINK how complete my collection and knowledge on that one subject would be. As it is, I have too content myself with giving the odd talk and lecture (to six form school tours and local historical groups) on the era over at Prince August Model Factory *sighsss wistfully*

    As for Hail Caesar, OMG now I`m soooo jealous haha. I`d love to come to your house and play a few games. That`s it, I`m swimming over... see you about tea time.

    1. No worries the table is always up and ready to play. I have an enormous red coat army but my regular opponent Chris has a massive French force, an expanding Brits, Italians, Spanish, Portugese and Austrian batallion said. Plus a high Prussian army.....
      Hail Caeser is going to be a bit of a project for me and my group later on this year I hope with Rich pressing on with his Romans and me finishing the last few calvalry units of my britons

  8. omg your Napoleonic table sounds sublime... As The Waterboys sing "I wanna be there". I always wanted to flesh out and collect a Highlander regiment.... I`d probably have gone as far as to make a regimental home base (like the one in that classic Alec Guinness and John Mills film, "Tunes of Glory"); although un-named its not too hard or a stretch of the imagination to put a name to that regiment, The Gordons come to mind easily. I`d have gone to town with that over a period of years and tried to bring it to life off and on the table, with journals and what not hehe.

    The other which would have interested me would have been the Herzoglich Braunschweigisches Korps: those Brunswicker Blacks really cut a dash. Course, I`d have had to represent myself on the table as Duke Frederick William.

    I`d REALLY like to see some photos.... LOTS of photos of your collection(s).

    Good luck on your Hael Caesar project this year. My own magnum opus this year is a Boxer Rebellion city campaign, aka a "55 Days at Peking" style siege warfare game.

    All the very best of luck with your endeavours,

    Steve :))

    1. Haha funny you should say that I have a batallion of Gordon's and one of the Black Watch - the kilts were a challenge! I also have a Bremen Volunteer Dragoons who like the Brunswickers wore black and cut quite a dash.....

      Sorry Bryan for the thread hijack...... ;-P

    2. Believe me, Andy, you have nothing to apologise for. Using my blog as a forum is only to be encouraged! I'm fascinated with your conversation with Steve.

    3. I`m forever hijacking Bryan`s threads... one day he`ll gafa tape my mouth I`m sure.

      .... Batallion of Gordons, Bremen Volunteer Dragoons (Mounted, and duplicated on foot with horses and handlers no doubt?). Wow I really DO want to come round to your wargame table.

  9. Impressive list. I don't have many board games (not miniature ones anyway) I want to play this year

    1. Across the Dead Earth
    2. This is not a Test
    3. 7TV2e
    4. Batman
    5. Pulp City
    6. New York Bop (Coming back soon I hear)
    7. Relics

    Thats where the list ends lol! There may be a few other games depending on what games my mates decide to pickup and play.

    1. Thanks for your list, Simon. Whilst I haven't played any of them from your list, that should change very soon when I buy 7TV2e. Your review of it greatly influenced my decision.

  10. Dead Earth sounds fascinating.... reminds me of a game from my past (back in the 80`s) called "Aftermath". Only this looks a lot more detailed and cool.

    This is not a Test sounds like fun. I`ve always had a soft spot for skirmish level games, and indeed I play them a lot myself... though normally I just use my own ABC* rules (a generic GURPS like system) decide the genre, write a scenario, pick my minis, and away I go.

    *Advanced Battle Chain

    Batman... what`s not to like there. I love all that dark earth gothic genre.

    Pulp City is another I sooooo nearly got into a few years back. It has a nice Sin City feel to it doesn't it.

    ....and what the HECK is 7TV2e??? I keep hearing it mentioned lately, lol.

    1. 7TV 2nd edition is a set of skirmish rules for recreating spy-fi games, based on the likes of 1970's James Bond films or TV shows like Doctor Who, the Avengers, Department S, the Saint, etc. They also have supplements for Ghostbusters, Scooby Doo and Star Wars.
      Here's a link to their web page -

    2. Bryan has hit the nail with it. Though with how the characters are created you can create all sorts of tv shows UFO, Battlestar Galactica, Star wars, A Team, X Files, Hopefully we will get a proper zombie supplement as well. Though the Paranormal EXterminator guide has zombie rules characters in it.

    3. O.o the idea of UFO (my goodness that takes me back. I loved that show... and was way ahead of its time, concept wise, I think) and X Files mmmm ideas are careening through my mind now. OMG The A Team, hahahaa, wow sounds like a fun set of rules. Might as well add in Fung Fu then woot!!!!

    4. You'll be delighted to hear that all of the shows you mentioned are possible with 7TZ. I just received my copy this morning and first impressions are highly favourable. I'm already thinking up ideas for The Sweeney, Life On Mars or a team up between the two, plus Captain Scarlet and... well the possibilities are endless.

  11. Thats a truckload of games Dude! Your a veritable game guru Bryan. I sense the force is strong with you!!

    1. Thanks, Bob. I loved your comment about the Force being strong with me.

  12. Personally I'd stay with ATZ-FFO and add the melee tweaks from Fade to Black right here. It's at the bottom of the page.

    All Things Zombie: Final Fade Out (soon to be upgraded to Fade To Black, this was the game that began my love affair with zombie gaming. I'll be starting a new campaign later this year, combining rules from both versions.

    1. Thanks for that link, Ed. Downloaded already. I will definitely be taking up your suggestion. ATZ-FFO are a great set of rules that I'm very familiar with. I don't want to change them too much, even though I will be adding a few house rules, like using the Risks and Rewards deck of cards.

  13. Hmm, I don't think it would be remotely possible to come up with a top 10 games; I'd need at least 20 or 30! However, you might be interested to know that I cracked recently: the very low price of SDE: Forgotten King was just too tempting to ignore and so I bought it. I'm not sure if I should be thrilled or dismayed by this :-) ...

    1. List them all, Hugh. I didn't set a limit myself. There's no reason why should.
      I noticed how cheap SDE: The Forgotten King is on Amazon and I have to say, you've got yourself one hell of a bargain! just be happy you got it so cheap.

  14. I see you and Lord Siwoc just joined the official Walking Dead kickstarter. I'll bet that's gonna get a lot of pledges. I wish I could but I am close to poverty...

    1. I'm sure it will get a lot of pledges, Roger. It only took an hour or so to be fully funded. I was delighted to get one of the early bird pledges. I'm very sorry to hear of your financial woes. I will pray for you, my friend.
