
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Berserker Runners 01

I'll continue my review of the Berserker Zombies from the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak expansion set with part 1 of a 2 part look at the Runners. These were all former prison inmates, hence their orange jumpsuits.
Berserker Zombie Runners are every bit as nasty as other types of Zombie Runners in that they get two Actions per Turn, but they have an advantage in that they can only be killed by melee weapons or ranged weapons that affect all figures in a Zone (like Molotov Cocktails of Flame-throwers). This makes them especially dangerous.
Three of the four Berserker Runners shown above have not been converted. Their main differences is that they have different coloured bandanas. The Runner third from the left has suffered three gunshot wounds to his chest and back. I simply drilled three holes through his body to represent the wounds - a very simple but effective conversion.
The first two Berserker Runners in the photo above are straight from the box and unconverted. I gave them different hair colours.
The two Berserker Runners to the right are conversions. The second from right Zombie has been badly wounded in the stomach, causing his intestines to start spilling out. They were made from rolled up strips of Milliput. The Runner at the far right had his left arm hacked off. These are all simple conversions and help to individualise the group by making them not be clones of one another. I like my Zombies to look unique.


  1. Nice work, Bryan. I like how you make each zombie unique, either through painting or simple conversions. Just how many zombies have you actually got now? Must be a couple of hundred I'd guess...

    1. Thanks, Jez. A lot of the fun in collecting zombie figures from the Zombicide games is in coming up with ways to make each one unique. Most of my conversions are very simple. As for the question of how many zombies do I have? look at the sidebar to the left, just above the section marked BLOGS I LIKE TO READ is a small section called MY 28mm SCALE ZOMBIE HORDE. I currently have 1,022 painted metal and plastic contemporary Zombies and countless unpainted ones. Now that is what I call a horde!!!

  2. Great looking Berserkers Bryan! Your conversions are most excellent Dude!

  3. They look bloody angry, muscley buggers to fight off! Nice paintwork Bryan they turned out ace!

  4. What a corking mid-week posting Bryan. I absolutely love the intestines of your runner conversion. They look fab. And a nice simple but very effective gunshot zombie too. You;re sorely tempting me with all the zed-related eye-candy. I just wish I could churn them out as fast as you!!

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. I just wish I could churn them out faster. I still have loads more to paint!

  5. I just had a flash-back to Asian prisoners doing a Michael Jackson dance routine. Scary!

    I find Orange the hardest colour to paint and yet look right. Yet these look right! Splendid Job

    1. I find anything to do with Whacko Jacko scary!
      Thanks for your comment, Clint.
