
Sunday 28 February 2016

Vampifan's Views 76 - Monthly Musings 51

I start with another painting of Vampirella by the extremely talented Joe Jusko. She looks ravishing!

I have a bit of bad news to report. My camera has died. I had a Nikon D40 digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera and after ten years of faithful use it has ceased to function and shed its mortal coil. Photography is such an important part of my hobby and I need a decent camera for my blog. So, I have ordered a new one from Amazon UK. This time I'm going for a Canon EOS 1200D digital SLR camera. I've used cameras by Canon and Nikon before and I wouldn't dream of buying anything else. It has cost me £225, which is a lot of money but that is reduced from £400, which was a hell of a saving. Plus, this model is the #1 best seller for cameras on Amazon. I'm hoping it won't take me too long to get used to it as I have a stack of photos I need to take. I was expecting it to arrive yesterday but it didn't. Hopefully, I'll get it early next week. It's just as well that I'm very patient.

My painting mojo is at a peak at the moment. Here is a list of all of the figures I have painted this month -
  1. 3 Ainsty Weird Wild West Heroes
  2. 3 Ainsty Weird Wild West Villains (vampire, werewolf and zombie)
  3. 4 Assorted contemporary sheriff and deputies (for Scooby Doo)
  4. 7 Crooked Dice Games coppers (6 male, 1 female)
  5. 5 Crooked Dice Games detectives
  6. 2 Crooked Dice Games gang bosses
  7. 4 Crooked Dice Games guard dogs
  8. 1 Crooked Dice Games 3rd Doctor Who (aka Jon Pertwee)
  9. 1 Crooked Dice Games April O'Neil conversion (friend of the TMNT)
  10. 1 Mantic Games Splinter (mentor of the TMNT)
  11. 4 My Way Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  12. 6 Zombicide: Black Plague Survivors
  13. 11 Zombicide: Black Plague Zombies (includes the Necromancer)
Quite a haul, huh? 52 figures in just one month! All of them need photographing so this really was a bad time to lose my camera. Plus, I now have all the figures that I need for my first 7TV2e batrep fully painted. I'm itching to get that game played as soon as possible. I plan on running The Ambush scenario with characters from 7TV2e's very own cop show, The Beat, hence all of the cops and crooks I've been painting. I have also bought a few vehicles to use in this batrep and future ones. I am busy painting two Crooked Dice Games resin cast Ford Transit vans, one as a police van and the other as a generic white van. I'm not bothered if I don't finish painting them in time for my batrep as I have alternative die-cast vehicles I can use. Indeed, I recently placed an order on eBay for the Ashes to Ashes vehicles set, featuring DCI Gene Hunt's red Audi Quattro and a Ford Grenada 2.8 police car. You can buy them from a number of sellers for about £25 instead of £40. Perfect for a UK-based 7TV2e cop show!
"Fire up the Quattro!"

With all of the painting I've been doing there has been less time left for gaming. However I still managed to play a few more games of Ninja All Stars and Zombicide: Black Plague. Gaming is back down to one game per week, despite my hope to play twice weekly, but I'm okay with that. More time spent painting means I'm reducing my unpainted figures mountain. Yay me! Currently on my painting table are 10 EM4 pre-painted Wild West figures (I just need to texture and paint their bases), 7 assorted dogs by various companies and an SDE Chibi figure of Vampirella that I converted, following on from a suggestion by Jez. After that lot I'll either paint some more of my Zombicide: Black Plague zombies or make a start on some of my Rum 'n' Bones pirates.

I do hope I can show some of my newly painted figures next time. If not, I have a few filler posts planned instead. Tune in next Wednesday.


  1. Well that's not terribly good news at all Bryan, but at least the Vampifan paintbrush has been stupendously busy in the meantime. Indeed that is a mouth-wateringly good list of minis you've managed to get done this month and I am especially looking forward to seeing your "7TV2" cast.

    As you say cameras are, perhaps surprisingly, a very important part of our hobby and if you're anything like me, your painting mojo can be badly affected by the quality of your photos; I certainly use my postings/WIPs to keep me motivated and try to do the same for other bloggers. If I'm unable to get a decent picture of a model I'm painting it can seriously put me off painting it, if not that genre, so whilst expensive, I think that's an excellent investment you've made.

    Of course for that sum though you could currently have bought yourself a staggering 83 copies of the one-disc version of "World War Z" and still had some change left over. Knowing how quickly you wear through your own DVD of this terrific film through repeated viewings, that might not have been a unwise investment as well ;-)

    1. I'm philosophical about losing my camera, Simon. These things don't last forever and I've had ten years good service from my Nikon. It's just a shame it happened when I've had one of my most prolific painting months ever.

      I really admire you as a friend and gamer but your misguided belief that "World War Z" is a good film is deeply disturbing and just so wrong! It is a shite film that is full of plot holes, execrable storytelling and lousy special effects. Rant over!

  2. Sorry to hear about your old camera, Bryan, but at least you've got a replacement now and it looks like we have plenty of eye candy on the way. I personally use the camera in my phone, and then tweak the pictures once uploaded to the computer - not up to your standards, of course, but better than nowt!
    And whilst i may not have seen many zombie movies, I do know that proper zombies shamble and moan, so World War Z is just...wrong.

    1. Thanks, Jez. I hope I can get back to photographing my minis as soon as possible. I don't own a mobile phone so that option is no good for me.

      Yes, the film of World War Z is so wrong on so many levels... unlike the book it was supposed to be based upon.

  3. That is jolly bad luck with the old camera Bryan. Hopefully your replacement arrives sooner rather than later. That is an immense list of figures completed, really looking forward to seeing all of them. It does raise the question, are you taking performance enhancing drugs Dude?
    Lovely Vampirella artwork too. Spread the culture Dude!

    1. Both bad luck and bad timing, Bob. I hope my new camera does arrive soon.

      No, I assure you I'm not taking any performance enhancing drugs. Just put my increased painting activity down to positive thinking and unbridled enthusiasm. I'm fully in the zone, so to speak.

      Joe Jusko's paintings of Vampirella are always a treat to the eyes.

  4. Itching to see those TMNT figs man and the 7TV2e. Ooh and the dogs :-)

    1. Thanks, Andy. I'm desperately hoping I can start showing them next time. As you can see, it'll take me some time to showcase this month's output.

  5. Sorry to hear about your camera woes, I've had mine for years (1.5 meg, that's how old it is!) but I'd be lost if it went now.

    That's some impressive list is painted mini's too. I think I'm doing well if I get out over fifteen in a month.

    Vampi's looking good at the top of the page as always.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. It is especially sad to lose my camera but hopefully it won't be too long before I'm back in action again.

      I was quite surprised my self when I totted up how many figures I'd painted this month.

      You're spot on about Vampi. :-)

  6. I am sure when the new tech arrives you will be back to normal service! 52 thats very productive mate well done!

    1. I certainly hope so, Simon. I'm hoping I can start shooting again sooner rather than later.

  7. That's quite a painting haul Bryan, wish I could get that many figures done in a month. My cameras been playing up, so I've switched to the camera on my phone, and Im very pleased with the results.

    1. Cheers, Ray. Good to hear that you're getting good results with your phone camera.

  8. Cops and Robbers, huh? You never cease to amaze me, Bryan. Though now I'm wondering whether you'll introduce an undead twist to this :-) ...

    1. Thanks, Hugh. I'm a huge fan of shows like the Sweeney, Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes, so doing a straight cops and robbers game is something I've wanted to do for a very long time. I do have plans for mixing in the undead element some time in the future. Stay tuned!
