
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Berserker Female Walkers 02

My second post reviewing the female Berserker Zombies brings to a close my reviews of all the Berserker Zombies for the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak supplement. These figures are not former prison inmates but former prison guards and one fast food restaurant server.
The four figures shown directly above and below are from the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak supplement. At the far right is my second fast food restaurant server. She will accompany the male employee I showed earlier. She has not been converted but her colour scheme makes her look very different to the others in this group.
The two zombie prison guards in the centre have not been converted either, however, I did add a spare severed arm I had to the base of the one second from the right. As you know, I like cutting limbs off and I always keep them. Speaking of cutting body parts off, the Berserker Zombie at the far right has had her right hand cut off.
These three female Berserker Zombies came from the Box of Zombies - Set 3: Angry Zombies. All three have been converted. I decided that I wanted a couple of them armed, even though they no longer know how to use weapons. It just looks cool. So I added a Truncheon to the one at the far left and a Pump-Action Shotgun to the one in the centre. Both weapons came from a box of Wargames Factory Survivors.
For the Zombie at the far right, I drilled a few small holes into her chest and upper right arm, but none of them have penetrated all the way through the body, suggesting they were low calibre bullets that hit her.
It is always immensely satisfying when a painting project comes to a close. I'm very pleased with just how many zombies I have painted for Zombicide and its first two supplements, Prison Outbreak and Toxic City Mall. I still have few more normal Zombies to paint for the original set, and all of my zombies for the Angry Neighbors and Rue Morgue supplements. So, still lots more to do but I'm slowly getting there.


  1. Great stuff Bryan, and I especially like the weapon additions and the restaurant lady; its hard to believe a simple colour change can so radically change how you view a mini!!! I'm delighted you've finished painting up your two expansions - presumably I can now send you mine ;-)

    Angry neighbours, Rue Morgue and still a few zombicide originals left... what about Rum'n'bones and Black Plague; still lots of painting yet to come from Bryan's brush - and I'm delighted to hear it :-)

    1. Hey, I'd love to paint your figures for you, Simon, but where would I find the time? Painting for Zombicide: Black Plague is currently ongoing (Yay!). Sadly, I have yet to start on Rum 'n' Bones... and then there's hundreds of Chibis still left to paint. Sigh! It's never-ending!

  2. These are really cool! nice work Bryan.

  3. Hardly slowly getting there Bryan! If this is slow what does fast look like? Lol

    1. Ha, ha! Fair point, Andy. I still wish I could paint faster or spend more time on my hobby without real life taking up so much time. The curse of all gamers, eh?

  4. There's something very atmospheric about those figures. Neat work.

  5. More zombies - will the horror never end?!

    I do like the way that the warders' uniforms also work for fast food servers :-) .

    1. Will the horror never end? Not if I have anything to do with it, Hugh! Yes, it was a stroke of luck that the prison warders' and fast food servers' uniforms match. That's serendipity!

  6. Just goes to show the discipline of prison guards compared to prisoners, as even in undeath they've managed to retain their dignity... Nice work, Bryan.

    1. You're so right. I put it all down to discipline, Jez.

  7. I was just getting back into some zombieness and a club member throws me a curve. Really nice to know I can rely on you for good old fashioned zombieness in all its forms. Thanks for these Bryan, really what I need to see, and just when I needed to see it.

    1. Clint, your comment has really cheered me up. Thanks, buddy!

  8. Great stuff Bryan....I really gotta try this Zombicide!

    1. Zombicide is in my opinion THE BEST zombie game currently on the market. You HAVE to try it, Ray!

  9. Great painting Bryan! And some lovely conversions to boot. Again the fast food employee looks terrific, amazing what a colour change can do. I think I'll be stealing that idea Dude!
    Your weapon additions look superb and are an inspired touch. I'd say that's a top job all round.
    Keep on plugging away at the zombies Dude, you are giving me hope.

    1. Much appreciated, Bob. I'm currently ploughing through my zombies for Zombicide: Black Plague, just for a change from my contemporary zombies. It's still great fun painting and converting them!

  10. Nice work on some more zombies Bryan (but I have to admit I've unfortunately skipped some of your posts!).

    I love the fast food one, it's amazing what a paintjob can do to a miniature, isn't it?

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. The fast food zombies have proved to be very popular and just goes to show how easy it is to totally change a figure by applying a different colour scheme.

  11. very impressive! I wish I could do something like this :( but the skill and dedication such work requires, I just don't have it in me. #envy :)
