
Sunday 14 February 2016

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Berserker Male Walkers 01

I have quite a lot of Berserker Walkers from the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak supplement to show, so let's start with this lot. These seven figures are all identical sculpts, which is why so many of them have been converted.
The four shown directly above and below are from the Prison Outbreak boxed set and have had the least amount of conversion work done to them. The two  Berserker Walkers at the far left have not been converted at all. It is only my paintwork that makes them different.
For the Berserker Walker second from the right, I added a baseball cap from one of the prison guards to his base. You can see it better in the first picture. The zombie at the far right has had his left hand chopped off, which wasn't an easy conversion as the hand was flush against his leg and required a bit of fiddly cutting to remove.
These three male Berserker Walkers came from the Angry Zombies: Box of Zombies set, which contains three new Berserker Zombie sculpts (a male Fatty, a male Walker and a female Walker). All three have been converted. The zombie at the far left has also had his left hand cut off but in addition, he has had a hole drilled into his neck (for a gunshot wound) and half of his face has been chewed off.
The Berserker Walker in the centre of this trio has been shot with an assault rifle or sub machine gun across his chest as you can see by the row of bullet wounds I drilled into him. The Berserker Walker at the far right is holding onto his intestines to stop them from spilling out of a huge wound in his stomach. The intestines aren't that noticeable but I assure you they are there. I probably added too much Tamiya Clear Red to them!
More male Berserker Walkers next time including a few that aren't former prisoners.


  1. I would hate to be taken into surgery and discover you as the attending surgeon Bryan, as you always seem very keen to lop limbs off whenever the opportunity arises :-) Great stuff and good to see your speciality of spilling intestines surfacing once again - though as you say I fear you got overly excited with your buckets of blood on this occasion ;-) Great stuff though and another cracking "Zombicide" posting!!

    1. Simon, I think I'd have made a very good surgeon... in the 18th century! I do agree that I went a bit OTT with the gore. What can I say? It's so easy to do!

  2. Just I time for another great zombie fix. The "Walking Dead" start again tomorrow and prison zombies from you, just how good does it get?

    Nice work on these. I DO find Orange such a hard colour to paint.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Valid point about the resumption of "The Walking Dead" TV series. Good timing, huh?

      Once I discovered the Citadel Fuegan Orange ink wash, painting orange became a lot easier.

  3. Lovely work Bryan :) Talking of the Walking Dead it starts up again soon woohoo

    1. Thanks, Simon. I suspect many TWD fans will be glad to see it return.

  4. I tried to do intestines and they've come out a little on the large side...oops!

    Looking forward to TWD, in honour of which I've got a little something in mind!

    1. Quote: "I tried to do intestines and they've come out a little on the large side...oops!"
      That is so easy to do. The trick is to roll your modelling putty into very thin sausages. It is better to go too thin than too thick. Length, however, does not matter.

      I'm intrigued about your plans for TWD. What can it be?

  5. What a lovely selections of convicts Bryan! Amputations and evisceration at every turn, bloody lovely Dude.

    1. Cheers, Bob. You're clearly a man after my own heart!

  6. "I knew I shouldn't have had the chili..." Nice work, Bryan, although the pose does suggest they'll be shambling off to the toilets. Too much gore? On zombies? Is that actually possible?

    1. Too much gore on zombies? What was I thinking? Of course there's no such thing!

  7. Hmm, it's quite a constrained subject, isn't it? Identical poses of figures in identical uniforms? I like the conversions you've done; head swaps or repositioning seems like the best way to go for variety here.

    1. Funnily enough, I haven't done any head swaps on my Zombicide figures. It's something to consider for the future.
