
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Berserker Male Walkers 02

Here are the second batch of my male Berserker Walkers from the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak supplement. Not only are there prisoners but also prison guards, which makes a nice change.
The five Berserker Walkers shown directly above and below are not from the Prison Outbreak set. Instead, the three at the left, came from the Angry Zombies Box of Zombies set and the other two were free stretch goals I received for backing Zombicide Season 2 on Kickstarter.
I am quite surprised to see that I have only converted one of them - the zombie at the far left. He has had his left arm cut off just above the elbow. The other four differ by their hair colours and where I have added the gore effects. I assume that because I painted these five in two different batches I must have overlooked the fact that only one had been converted. Ah, well, such is life.
Still sticking with the prison theme, we now come to the prison guards. Looking at their uniforms I was immediately inspired to paint one of them up as a fast food restaurant server. So, there he is at the far left of this group, dressed in his red and white uniform. See how a simple change of colours transforms him.
Of the other three, only the Walker at the far right has been converted. I first cut off his left hand, then I drilled a small entry hole in his neck and a larger exit wound in his back, indicating he has been shot from above. The bullet, on a downward trajectory, entered his neck before expanding and exiting out of the centre of his back between his shoulder blades.

Rather spookily, this is the 666th post of my blog which began just short of 8 years ago! It's the number of the beast! In hindsight I should have marked it with some sort of special celebration or competition. Oops!


  1. Rotting along nicely there old chap.

  2. 666 what a milestone. I think I've read about half so far! Keep going bro I'm loving the life ;-P

    1. I have no intention of ever stopping, Andy. Blogging is such an important part of my life now.

  3. A cracking gaggle of ghouls Bryan, and I especially like the fast food restaurant employee: "Did you want fries with those brainsssss?" Love him. I also like that blue you've painted your guards with. What colour is it please?

    1. Many thanks, Simon. There's a female fast food restaurant server that I haven't shown yet. The blue that I used for my prison guards is the Foundry Deep Blue 20 triad. Most of my paints are from Foundry.

  4. Disgustingly gory, Bryan, just as they should be! Your prison guards could also double up as mailmen, bringing a new meaning to the phrase "going postal". Given the number of zombies you now have, looks like you need some heavy artillery to deal with them, or some trained zombie hunters...
    hmm...Predators vs zombies? Now that would make an interesting game...

    1. I hadn't considered the mail men connection, Jez, but it's a good one. Predators vs Zombies sounds like a very one-sided fight to me but could be a lot of fun as well.

  5. A fitting post for the number of the beast! Your berserkers are brilliant, very cool flesh effect Bryan. I really like that orange on the prison clothes, although a very close second is the blue of the prison guard unifoms. Great colour choices Dude!

    I love what you've done with the fast food employee, which is my favourite. Great trick, totally changing the model!
    Stumbling into a very close second is the inmate second from right. Great face Dude! He looks like he's sticking his tongue out too.

    1. Cheers, Bob. The fast food employee is receiving a lot of love. I see what you mean about the inmate sticking his tongue out but actually it's blood dribbling from his mouth.

  6. Good job mate. I nearly missed this post.

  7. Excellent job Bryan they all look suitably gruesome and menacing :)

  8. You got yourself a great prison crew, Bryan. Great job :)
