
Saturday 6 February 2016

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Berserker Runners 02

Looking at the four photos I'm showing here, you could be forgiven in thinking that they are the same as the four photos I showed in my previous post. But look closely and you'll see the differences. This is the second half of my 2 part review of the Berserker Zombie Runners from the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak supplement.
All eight Berserker Zombie Runners shown here have been converted by swapping their upper bodies and lower bodies around. For most, this was good enough for me to make them look (slightly) different to the eight I showed last time.
A select few had additional conversions done to them, like the one second from the left has had a couple of holes drilled through his left shoulder and upper chest to indicate gunshot wounds.
Also, when I glued the two body halves together (I made my cuts at the waist) I slightly altered how the two halves met. This is a subtle change, but it helps make each zombie unique.
For the Runner second from the left, I converted his bandana into a head band made of Milliput. The Runner who is second from the right has been shot twice in the torso by a higher calibre bullet to the similarly shot zombie shown previously. I simply used a wider drill bit on him. Giving them all different hair colours, as well as making a couple of them bald, also helps to further differentiate them.


  1. Nice work, Bryan. Due to the similar clothing and the fact that they (and the ones in your previous post) are all running, my first thought was this was a zombie football team! There might be something in that...Zomball, perhaps? With rules where injured zombies can literally fall apart on the pitch and their heads can be used as spare footballs...

    1. Ha, ha. ha! You have a sick mind, Jez, but so do I! :-)
      I see no reason why you couldn't use the Zombicide zombies of any type in games like Bloodbowl or Deadball as an all zombie undead team.

  2. More Zed-goodness from the House of Vampifan :-) I really admire your nerve by cutting this beauties in half Bryan. my hand would have been shaking thinking about how I could be ruining such great sculpts. Unsurprisingly though, you've made a cracking job of the conversions with the last four being my fave of the whole bunch; albeit where are your signature mark intestines!?! You really are rattling through these minis currently - making room for all that Undead goodness coming from "The Walking Dead" kickstarter? Or have you finally recognised that the frantic sprinting zombies from "World War Z" are the definitive version ;-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. Cutting the figures in half is no big deal. Because they are made of plastic, a sharp craft knife works fine on them. If they were made of metal I'd have to use some kind of saw and the join would need a lot more work to hide. Yes, I did miss out my "trademark" intestines on these guys. Sorry! My bad!
      As you probably know, I have backed The Walking Dead Kickstarter project, but primarily for the figures and scenery items. I'm still not convinced by the rules and I hate the game board.
      Generally speaking, I am not a fan of Zombie Runners, irrespective or where they come from, but especially that pile of excrement that is the "World War Z" film! That said however, Zombicide is the one game where I do like them, or rather, I'm happy to tolerate them. Somehow, they just seem right in Zombicide.

  3. Nicely done. Yet more zombie runners so it does not matter how much Cardio I do They will still get me! LOL

    1. Providing they don't catch me first, Clint. There is no way I could outrun one of them never mind a whole horde!

  4. Lovely work Bryan! Again excellent conversions Dude! I really am going to have to up my game to even think about something like that. I like how you are making me think about pushing boundaries in the conversion stakes. Inspiring, thank you!

    1. Many thanks, Bob. You'll notice that the majority of my conversions are very simple to do - drill holes for gunshot wounds, cut hands or arms off. I'm glad you find my work inspiring. That's the whole point of blogging.
