
Friday 22 April 2016

7TV2e Criminals in Balaclavas

Here is Charlie Slater's gang that I'll be using in my first game of 7TV2e (see my last post about Criminal Masterminds to see who Charlie Slater is). These figures are predominantly by Killer B Games with one addition from Ral Partha, who is a real "blast from the past." All six figures have been named by me.
At the far left of the two photos above and below is Slater's right hand man, Micky Neville. He is armed with a 12 Gauge Sawn-Off Pump-Action Shotgun and is carrying a bag of money. Like Slater, he is dressed in a British Army camouflage jacket. Both men grew up in South London and have been close friends all their lives. He'll be a Faithful Lackey Co-Star in my 7TV2e scenario. On the Killer B Games webstore he is KB042 Masked Raider with Shotgun and Sack.
Next up are two Bruiser Thugs armed with a 12 Gauge Sawn-Off Pump-Action Shotgun and a 12 Gauge Double-Barrelled Sawn-Off Shotgun. In the centre is Dougie Wetherall and at far right is Tom Kilgour. You can find these on the Killer B Games webstore as KB046 Masked Raider with Pump Action Shotgun and KB044 Masked Raider with Sawn Off Shotgun respectively.
Moving on, I have two more Bruiser Thugs made by Killer B Games. At the far left is Colin Briggs, armed with a pick-axe handle and in the centre is George Houseman, armed with a 9mm Pistol and carrying a money bag. These are KB045 Masked Raider with Pick Axe Handle and KB043 Masked Raider with Pistol and Sack.
Bringing up the rear, is Paddy MacDee who is armed with a 5.56mm Colt M16A2 Assault Rifle. He was made by Ral Partha and is a very old 25mm scale figure of mine. In those days all 1" tall figures were 25mm scale. Then scale-creep raised the average height to 28mm and we now regard that as the norm for 1" figures. Paddy is a teenager and so his lack of height is not an issue for me.
All of the Killer B Games figures cost £2.00 each. Good luck finding the Ral Partha Masked Raider with Assault Rifle as he is long out of production and I can't even remember what range he came from, although I am certain he was made by Ral Partha.


  1. Very nicely done Bryan they all look great. I think they are really good value for money.

    1. Agreed, Simon. The Killer B Games figures are all very reasonably priced. £2.00 per figure is good value for money these days.

  2. Very nice, Bryan. A right bunch of hard nuts.
    Oh, and curse you for introducing me to the All Things Dungeon Crawl blog! I think I've written more on there than any other blog I've visited, been squabbling with Tarot and am seriously tempted by Chibi gaming. All. Your. Fault. (See, Tarot, it's Bryan fault, blame him!)

    1. Ha ha! It's ALWAYS my fault, Jez! As for the comments on ATDC, I don't think I've ever seen so many on one blog and we're barely three weeks old. Some folk don't get this many comments in a whole year!

  3. A right bunch of ne'erdowells Bryan! All tooled up for a proper shoot out. Lovely work Dude!
    Awesome value for money too Dude!

    1. You've got love dodgy geezers in balaclavas, haven't you, Bob? And they are great value for money. Lots more to come, Dudemeister!

  4. Dodgy geezers, we'll make a cockney out of you yet Bryan! All decked out with shoota's and masks - love 'em

    1. I'll take the compliment, Andy, but I'm too much of a Geordie to change!

    2. I'd watch a Geordie version of "Lockstock and two smoking barrels" lol

    3. There was a film I really enjoyed called "Cockneys vs Zombies." I'm still waiting for the sequel, "Geordies vs Zombies."

  5. Some real dodgy looking geezers!!!

  6. Some terrifically mean-looking muggers you have there, Bryan. Full of formidable menace courtesy of your tip-top paint-jobs. Can't wait to see them in your BatRep. You really are outdoing yourself with all these postings, my friend, simply wonderful stuff. Its really clear you've been inspired by "7TV2" and its assorted 'Cops Vs Robbers' fluff. I'm really enjoying these posts as your enthusiasm is wonderfully infectious :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. To be honest, this is a subject I am very passionate about. I have always wanted to recreate those old 1970's style cop dramas on the gaming table. It almost happened when I bought Killer B Games' "Geezers! Shut It!" rules. They were good but not great. So, I bided my time and lo and behold, 7TV2e arrived. I had the rules I was looking and waiting for. Now it is very much full steam ahead. I couldn't be happier!

  7. The top three figures would look great as stand in elite S.A.S. guys from that old movie "Who Dares Wins". Actually, the others would look cool as Iranian Embassy siege terrorists. I don`t know if such a subject is taboo to ply as a game, but I do see possibilities here. Extremely nicely painted Mr Bryan.

    1. Oh, I like your way of thinking, Tarot! Using them as S.A.S. guys would work very well. I see no reason why an Iranian Embassy type siege game should be taboo. Yes, I see lots of possibilities here!

  8. oh and Jez, its never my fault: always.. his -----> points to someone else.

    1. What's the betting she's pointing to me! "Sigh!" LOL!!!

    2. *purrs and sidles up to Bryan and hands him a skittle*

      *notices the way he looks nervously towards the door planning his escape route, as his hand digs into the bag for a purple sweet*

    3. Nervous? Who me? I'm way beyond nervous and somewhere in terrified territory!

      "Ooooh, sweeties! Don't mind if I do," he says, losing all thoughts of escaping!

    4. *she looks at him sweetly, revealing perfect pearly white smile that would disarm a Templar in full body armour*

      *meanwhile, while he is preoccupied, she slides the survivor one tile further away from the six runners about to pounce her*

      "my move isn't it, Bryan?"

    5. "I do believe it is," he replies totally oblivious to her subterfuge and manipulation as his eyes remain firmly on her cute smile.

      Say, are we flirting here or not? I'm just waiting for someone to say, "Get a room, you two!" :-)

    6. *Blushes from tip to toe*

      we are playing zombicide I think - and I`m cheating.

      *PING!!! of pearly white*

    7. Zombicide? Oh, right! I didn't see any cheating but it does look to me like you're winning.

      Tries to concentrate on the game and fails miserably!

  9. *ponders to himself... I wonder if Bryan would notice a noise late at night if I snuck into his man cave and half inched these off his shelf*

    Top notch mate ^^

    1. I might not notice, Steve, but my Cy-Girl watch-women would and let's not even mention the Killer Klowns right next to my bed!

      Thanks for the comment. :-)

  10. Killer Klowns, oh Man!! they`re the worst :(

    *shudders with fear*

    1. Killer Klowns scare the shit out of me. Why I keep them so close to my bed, I really do not know. They should be stuck away in the furthest corner of the attic. I suspect some form of mind control is being used by them!

  11. HAHHAHAHAHHhahaahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

    I hear ya, bro.

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