
Monday 18 April 2016

7TV2e Criminal Masterminds 01

Having concentrated on the Police figures I plan on using in my 7TV2e games these past few weeks, it is now time to look at their opposition, starting with this post concentrating on the criminal masterminds - the Villainous Stars and Co-Stars.
At the far left is Tony "King Tut" Tuttle, who bears a close resemblance to the inimitable Arthur Daley (played by George Cole) in the TV series of Minder. I might have named him Arthur Daley, but Crooked Dice Games gave him a much cooler name, in my opinion, and so I have stuck with that. In 7TV2e I see "King Tut" as either an Underworld Boss Star or as a Faithful Lackey Co-Star. He appears to be unarmed but there is a good chance he's carrying a concealed pistol. He costs £3.50 on the CDG webstore.
In the centre of the group is another CDG figure who bears a close resemblance to yet another well known villain from TV - "Genial" Harry Grout (as played by Peter Vaughan) in Porridge. "Grouty" as he was also known as, was feared by prisoners and prison guards alike. Upon his release from prison he returned to his life of crime and eventually died of a heart attack. This time, I have decided to keep the name as CDG have not named him, simply referring to him as Underworld Boss to tie in with his Villainous Star status. On the CDG webstore he has been painted with a white shirt and black tie. I decided to swap the colours round and it works very well, in my opinion. He is quite expensive, costing £4.00.
At the far right is Charlie Slater, a crime boss made by Killer B Games. He'll be making an appearance in my first 7TV2e scenario, either as an Underworld Boss Star or as a Jackbooted Sadist Co-Star. He's a vicious bastard who specialises in violent crime, notably armed robbery. On Killer B Games' webstore you'll find him listed as KB006 In Scarf with Pistol, where he costs a mere £2.00.
All three are full of character and great sculpts and each one makes for a great Mister Big. "King Tut" and Grouty (doesn't he just ooze menace?) are more sophisticated villains; both share a love of expensive cigars. Slater, on the other hand is one of the new breed of criminals, violent, hot-headed and unpredictable. I'm going to have lots of fun running these guys.


  1. A very sinister looking troop of Baddies. The guy on the right seems to be more an anarchist than a mastermind. More a thug than a leader, and if that is what you wanted (The paint job suggests it is) then more power to you.

    1. Thanks Clint and you're quite right about Slater. He is a thug and I'm sure he would support anarchy. But, he also runs his own firm of bad-ass criminals, which makes him very dangerous and a threat to the more established villains like Grouty and King Tut as well as the forces of law and order.

  2. Awesome brushwork as usual Bryan!

    1. Many thanks, BLACKSTAR and it's good to hear from you.

  3. I wondered when the villains would turn up. Very nice work Bryan and whilst I know the majority of Crooked Dice's figures were based on specific people, I hadn't placed these ones, so thanks for identifying who they're based on.

    1. Glad I could help you identify who's who, Jez.

  4. Ha, nice group of wrong'uns Bryan, my fave has to be "Grouty" he oozes big boss to me. I think the chap on the right looks like a boss of a low level street gang - more of a coked out, feral nutcase.

    1. Thanks, Andy. Yes, Grouty is my favourite too. Slater most certainly is a "feral nutcase." Can you see him going quietly without a fight? Nah, me neither!

  5. These look rather fun to paint Bry` am I right? I like the camo jacket on Slater. Its not easy to get that effect looking good, but you`ve managed it well. My fav though, has to be Arthur Daley... ooops, I mean King Tut!. He really looks shifty and totally unsavoury hehe.

    1. Absolutely, Steve. They were all fun to paint. I like them all for different reasons but my favourite is definitely Grouty.

  6. Superb job on some lovely sculpts Dude! Slater's camo jacket and teeth is some of your finest work Bryan. King Tut does bring Minder to er mind. But my favourite is the big fella Groughty, although I'd had him pegged as Tony Soprano, perfect character for your setting.

    1. Many thanks, Bob. The only problem I have with Tony Soprano is that he's an American mobster. I want my 7TV2e villains to be British. Otherwise, Tony would be a fine choice.

  7. Excellent work Bryan. The boss will soon have some minions coming :)

  8. Some fearsome gangsters indeed Bryan, though I'm a bit surprised "Grouty" hasn't become Vampifan - The Kingpin of Crime, as he's the spitting image of you I'd have thought if you'd converted the cigar into a small statue of Vampirella ;-)

    1. Simon, my first thought was WTF! But then I noticed the photo of Grouty facing the camera and alongside it was my new avatar photo and oh, my God - you're right!!!!!!!! We DO look alike! I think I need a second Grouty figure to repaint and maybe do as you suggest and convert the cigar into a little Vampirella statue or action figure. Give him a darker hair colour and he IS me! Hats off to your observation skills!

  9. You're doing a great job on these guys, Bryan. The one on the far left could be Red Reddington, too! Keep up the good work.
