
Monday 11 April 2016

7TV2e UK Policemen with Helmets and WPCs

I have more UK-based policemen in helmets to show you and a small selection of Women Police Constables (WPCs). Once again, these are a mix of 28mm scale figures from Crooked Dice Games and Killer B Games.
The three Police Constables shown directly above and below are from Crooked Dice Games' range of Heroes and Allies - Coppers sets 1 and 2. All are wielding their truncheons in an aggressive manner. The figure at the far left is from set 1 and is Copper with Truncheon.
The other two figures are from Coppers set 2. The one in the centre is Copper Running and the one at far right is Copper Kicking. All three figures cost £3.25 each. As with the other CDG police constables I showed last time these come with separate helmeted heads, which you can replace with other heads from the CDG webstore.
Next, are the Women Police Constables. At the far left is WPC Cathy Black, one of three figures found in CDG's Tough Detectives set. If you want to buy her individually, she costs £3.50. She is a one-piece casting.
The other two WPCs are made by Killer B Games. In the centre is KB040 WPC Standing. I have named her Annie Cartwright as she looks remarkably like this character from the Life on Mars TV series. Annie was played by Liz White and she became the girlfriend of DS Sam Tyler. Annie was far more intelligent than she was given credit for by her male colleagues. Only Sam saw her true potential and it was he who helped her gain eventual promotion to Detective Constable.
At the far right is KB041 WPC Walking, whom I have named Juliet "Bravo" Bartley. She gained her nickname from the 1980's TV series, Juliet Bravo, a cop drama that starred Stephanie Turner in series 1 to 3 and Anna Carteret in series 4 to 6. Note that Juliet Bravo was not a character but a radio call sign for the Police Inspector played by the two leading actresses.
I'm sure that CDG's Cathy Black was meant to represent Annie Cartwright but I think the Killer B Games version is a much better likeness. The two Killer B Games WPCs cost £2.00 each.


  1. I'm not sure I can cope with a Monday "Vampifan" posting Bryan but what a cracking way to start the week ;-) This project is going great guns and you've clearly built up a considerable Police Force for your "7TV2" BatRep. I'm looking forward to seeing their opposition. Are you planning on using all of these minis for your game, as I always found "7TV" got a little slow & messy with too many figs on the tabletop, so I'll be interested to see how its second edition copes.

    1. Many thanks, Simon. First up, Vampifan's World of the Undead will be posted every Monday and Friday from now on. The All Things Dungeon Crawl blog will be posted every Wednesday morning (note, I have now added a Follow Me gadget to it).

      I still have more UK-based coppers to show and then I'll start reviewing the villains. For my first game of 7TV2e I'll be using 8 figures per side. For the good guys that will be the 4 "Ashes to Ashes" detectives and 4 police constables; for the bad guys it'll be an underworld boss, faithful lackey and 6 thug bruisers. As you say, too many figures will make the game too cluttered and the sides unwieldy.

  2. Look forward to seeing these in action dude

    1. Me too, Andy, although I doubt if they'll all appear at once.

  3. Excellent job Bryan I like the black scheme, I am debating what colour todo my own as to whether do them a dark blue or not.

    1. Thanks, Simon. There's a valid argument for dark blue or black. I just happen to prefer black.

  4. Lovely work Bryan. A tidy sized force of coppers now Dude! Can't wait to see them in action cracking heads and such. Really looking forward to seeing the criminal opposition too.

    1. Thanks, Bob. The coppers are building up a tidy force. I have more plods to show on Friday and then I can start showing you the villains.

  5. Do we get any points for stealing a Policeman's helmet?

    1. Yes... and you get double points if you replace it with a traffic cone! LOL! :-)

  6. *claps hands together excitedly* Oo I did both, I win I win!!!

    Oh, that's a 1 on the die not a 20, major fail :(

    1. Bummer! Of course, in some games rolling low is good, rolling high is bad. Just saying!

  7. hey, I was playing one of those sort of games, I was I was. So my 1 is good, right? I win I win!!!

    la la laaa *Happy dances across the room*

  8. you`re totally mad Tar`, you know that right?

    1. Of course she is... and that's why she's so lovable!

  9. *looks smugly at Steve*

    See, I AM lovable, he said it not me!! *points to Bryan*

  10. I meant to post earlier in the week, Bryan, to congratulate on your additions to the boys in blue...but coming late to the party, it seems I should be bringing the crazy!


    I got nothing... *sigh* :(

    1. Thanks, Jez and... er... welcome to the madhouse!

  11. I must have missed these. Still better late than never. I am really enjoying this 7tv treat. the figures are great and I am sure you will get a police car into the action as well. Even better should you do zombie games in Britain.... I'll say no more!

    1. Thanks, Clint. You're clearly reading my mind. Police car - coming soon. Police van - coming soon. Zombie game set in the UK - coming later.
