
Friday 15 April 2016

Killer B Games UK Policemen with Caps

I reach the end of my batch of reviews of Detectives and UK Policemen from the 1970's and 1980's to use in my games of 7TV2e. This time I'm showcasing six Killer B Games 28mm scale Policemen wearing caps. When I saw these figures my first thought was to use them as members of the Special Patrol Group (SPG). The SPG was active from 1961 to 12 January 1987, being replaced by the Territorial Support Group.
The SPG recruited experienced officers capable of working as disciplined teams, either in uniform or in plain clothes preventing public disorder, targeting areas of serious crime, carrying out stop and searches or providing a response to terrorist threats. It also conducted its own surveillance and was tasked with reducing the problem of burglaries. During the time it was active it had a dedicated radio channel and a fleet of vans to allow it to work independently of routine divisions.
The SPG originally consisted of four units based throughout London. This was increased to six and finally to eight. Each unit was made up of an inspector, three sergeants and thirty constables. Its position within the Metropolitan Police was unusual; whereas the Flying Squad became the symbol of the Criminal Investigation Department in London, the SPG became recognised as a unit that efficient uniformed officers could aspire to join. As such it had an exceptionally high level of esprit de corps. Other police forces outside London created their own versions of the Special Patrol Group. The Greater Manchester Police created the Tactical Aid Group (TAG) in 1977. The Merseyside Police formed the Task Force in 1974 which was later disbanded in 1978 and replaced with the Operational Support Division (OSD).
In the two photos above are KB012 Police Officer in Cap Standing, KB010 Police Office in Cap Tapping Truncheon and KB028 Police Officer in Cap Swinging Truncheon. The Officer at the far left of this group is Inspector Steven Dyson, leader of this group and the only one I have named so far. The other figures are all unnamed constables.
Next up are three more constables who appear of the Killer B Games webstore as KB011 Police Officer in Cap Advancing, KB026 Police Officer in Cap with Pistol and KB027 Police Officer in Cap Firing Pistol. All six figures can be bought for just £2.00 each.
In 7TV2e I would use Inspector Dyson as a Strongarm Co-star and the five constables as Riot Police Constable Extras, due to their superior training in dealing with violent crimes. I'm not sure when I'll get round to using them in a game but they are good to have, especially if I want a small group of cops that are better equipped to dealing with trouble than my ordinary Police Constable Extras.

If you haven't checked out my other blog, why not give it a view. You may well be pleasantly surprised as it is a very different beast to this blog. Here's the link to it - 
The comments received so far have been highly favourable and quite surprisingly, very long, which is great because Steve, Hilary and myself love writing and we do enjoy a long chat about anything to do with gaming. Oh, and it's not all about Chibis!


  1. "Where's da mota? Who has half inched der bleedin' mota?"

    Ok jokes aside, I see no car but I am sure as eggs is eggs one will be along shortly, just like the number 57 omnibus!

    Great additions to the force. I am really coming around to this as a game. I will no doubt start looking for coppers and tea-leafs on the internet one dark and late night before I can stop the wallet will no doubt take a beating.

    Great stuff mate.

    1. Cheers, Clint. Using old school cops slang is perfectly permissible. I'll be covering vehicles later, so please be patient. They are coming, I promise.

      I'll apologise in advance if your wallet takes a beating as I'm sure I'll get all of the blame! ;-)

  2. Nice collection of coppers Bryan, bring on the wrong'uns!

    Andy (or is it Jez now, I can't

    1. Thanks, Andy. The "wrong'uns" make their first appearance next post.

      Oh dearie me, I'm never going to live down getting you and Jez mixed up on my other blog. Hangs head in shame! Sorry, mate.

    2. Lol, no biggie dude but it's got some legs on it yet, still have to see what Jez says.... :-)

  3. Another terrific posting Bryan. You're simply churning out these 'boys in blue' and the attention to detail on these chaps' flat caps is awesome. Are you sure when you had your eyes done they weren't just replaced with cybernetic implants!?! Astonishing stuff.

    Thanks also for reminding me about your other major love - No... not the film "World War Z", you watch that film more than enough as it is, I'm talking about Chibis ;-) I hadn't seen the Rail Raiders Infinite KS on account of concentrating on the "Rum'N'Bones" one. But its proved too tempting to resist - curse you :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. I really surprised myself with how well the black and white checker-board pattern on the cops' caps turned out. Ha, yes, my eyesight is excellent. I was told by my optician I now have 20/20 vision, which is just amazing!

      Ah, Rail Raiders! That just captured my imagination right from its first announcement. I just HAD to back it. You may be cursing me for "forcing" you to back it, but just look at all the awesome goodies you'll be getting.

  4. Great job Bryan! The notorious SPG, reportedly as thuggish as the criminals themselves. I'm sure your antagonists are quaking at the thought of these fellas turning up.
    Good to hear we'll get to see your vehicles as well. Really looking forward to seeing your collection of career criminals too Dude!

    1. Thanks, Bob. There was a lot of controversy about the SPG, especially in one case in 1979 when a demonstrator was killed by what many thought was a policemen using excessive violence. No SPG officer was ever charged but suspicion remains. Next post sees the start of my reviews of the villains.

  5. Excellent work Bryan! The Fuzz will be out in force it seems!
