
Monday 23 May 2016

Black Scorpion Old West Terrors 01

This is a filler post whilst I work on my 7TV2e batrep, which should be ready for this Friday. For today, I am returning to the Wild West or more specifically, the Weird West. These four 30mm scale resin cast figures from Black Scorpion can be found in their Tombstone range as Old West Terrors.
At the far left is a mutated Mexican bandito, who would fit in perfectly in a game of Shadows of Brimstone. The mines surrounding the town of Brimstone are filled with shiny black rocks known as Dark Stone. Dark Stone has strange mystical qualities that can cause mutations to those who handle it too much. This unfortunate character has been very badly affected and his mutations are clearly visible. He has tentacles coming out of his mouth and belly and a long tentacle replacing his right arm. I think he is a tremendous figure and to date is my only Weird West Mutant. I know that Flying Frog Productions are working on making their own range of Mutants for Shadows of Brimstone, and I'll be after them as soon as they go on sale. The rules in Shadows of Brimstone list 36 possible mutations a character may acquire and it is possible to have more than mutation.
Next up is someone I'd describe as a Revenant - an undead gunfighter who seeks vengeance for his death.  He could be used as a zombie, perhaps even a smart zombie who can use a gun, but I see him as something far more deadly than that - part ghost, part avenging Angel of Death. There are no stats for Revenants in either Shadows of Brimstone or THW's High Moon but I'm sure I could come up with something appropriate. The swirling mist effect on him is beautifully done. Note the faces in the mist. He is my favourite figure out of this group.
The next two figures in line are both zombies. Not many companies make Wild West zombies and of those who do, even fewer make female zombies. So for Black Scorpion to produce a female zombie is great news for me, more so because she is so well sculpted. The male zombie is not a bad figure, it is just that I think he's the weakest out of this group as the others are all exceptional whilst he's only very good. Stats for male and female zombies can be found in both High Moon and Shadows of Brimstone.
These four figures are superbly well sculpted. I know that some of you have reservations about resin cast figures but I can not fault these at all. The level of detail on them is stunning and they paint up really well. Note that I cut their slottatabs off them and glued them to 25mm diameter wooden MDF bases. The Old West Terrors set costs £8.00 from the Black Scorpion webstore. I recommend them very highly.


  1. I love resin as a medium full stop, and resin cast miniatures are simply divine to handle, to paint, and to look at. Just the feel and the weight of them is desirous even - well so I find.

    I don`t understand the reluctance in people to avoid resin figurines. I can remember when that same reticence existed towards the change to plastic (back in the early 1990`s when Games Workshop started to introduce it to their blister pack minis) "It will never succeed" everyone cried. I can even remember arguing with the store keeper that I thought he was wrong (I`d done my homework, and knew it was the beginning of a move towards a new trend, due the advent of the spin mould system). In time of course, they did just that, and soon everyone else was dealing in plastics too.

    But yeah, I think the weird western figures you have posted this week Bryan, are absolutely stunning. VERY attractive and tastefully executed.

    Hil xx

    1. On the whole. I have nothing against resin cast figures. The Games Workshop Finecast range of resin figures were a disaster and must have done more harm than good to those wondering if resin figures were a viable option. I've bought quite a few resin figures from Black Scorpion and I have nothing but the highest praise for them. They have got it right and no one should have any doubts at all about them.

      Thank you for your kind words, Hil. Very much appreciated.

  2. Very nice, yeah I wouldn't chuck those off my shelf mate ^^. Really love them, and the fact they`re resin casts is a massive bonus, for me.

    Ideal for Brimstone too. Hey, does this mean we can look forwards to more on Shadows of Brimstone from you some time soon? I`d love to see a few batreps on that game... even a few figure reviews.

    1. Thanks, Steve. As I've said, I have nothing against resin cast figures, so I'm with you there.

      As for new posts on "Shadows of Brimstone" - hell, yes! I plan on concentrating a lot of effort on this game. Figure reviews and batreps are certainly on the cards. My only dilemma is, do I post my articles for the game on this blog or on the All Things Dungeon Crawl blog? "Shadows of Brimstone" is a game that is worthy of inclusion on either or both blogs.

  3. Easy fix mate. Do your figure reviews and painting here, and do the game/play side of things over on ATDC... sorted *winks*

    1. Sounds good to me, Steve. Kinda like getting the best of both worlds, huh?

  4. absolutely Bryan.... good `ere init?

    *chuckles happily*

  5. They look cracking Bryan. In particular I really like the Revenant especially how it transitions from the ghostly white to the solidified black/

    1. He's certainly my favourite figure out of this lot, Simon.

  6. Agreed the revenant is a striking figure! Easily the best figure in a v high standard competition. Now stop yakking and get to finishing that 7 TV bat rep...... ("/)

    1. Another +1 for the Revenant, YAY! Thanks, Andy.

      Have no fear about the 7TV2e batrep appearing. It will be ready for Friday's post.

  7. Probably "Must have" figure for all sorts of wild west horror games. Nice job on the painting.

    1. I'd say "definitely" must have figures for Wild West horror games, Clint.

  8. double treat this week Andy. That's will be two battle report thingy-ma-jugs to enjoy.... Bryan`s much anticipated one here and there will be one over at the other All Things Dungeon Crawl site too (on Wednesday).

    1. Two batreps in a week! Has Christmas come early or are we just good to our followers? :-)

      Note that Steve never mentioned the word "Chibi". So what kind of batrep can he be talking about? You'll never guess! I can guarantee it will take you all by surprise.

    2. Soooo looking forward to this (",)

  9. Whilst Weird West is a genre i do not game, I do like that Revenant figure and can imagine him facing my alternative Scooby gang or my Ghostbusters. Shame they don't do him on his own. Very nice work, Bryan.
    And the "super secret gaming project" I mentioned in my last post is your special gift, which I previewed to a friend of mine, whose response was "That's very cool." Just needs the painting finished and it'll be on its way to you! :-)

    1. I could definitely see that Revenant being a worthy villain for either Ghostbusters or Scooby Doo. Even though he is part of a set, the other figures are of such high quality I'd still buy them anyway.

      Oooh, "Super secret gaming project" sounds very exciting. I still have no idea what it could be but I'm all excited just thinking up possibilities. And it comes ready painted? How cool! We'll chat much more when it arrives but for now, thanks in advance, Jez.

  10. Bryan, You are currently absolutely killing me with these postings!! Another four "must have" minis which are somehow already shipping their way to me. hopefully they'll prove suitable opposition to the new Earp sculpts "Black Scorpion" have just released, amongst others ;-) They are marvellously painted my friend, and have certainly tempted me into trying out the company's resin sculpts for the first time.

    Delighted to hear the BatRep is coming real soon. So excited to see all your tip top minis on the table doing what they were designed for. Fingers crossed it'll be a win for the Forces of Justice!!

    1. Many thanks, Simon. A friend of mine was at Salute 2016 and he showed me the new Earp sculpts. They are so beautiful and I definitely want them. I'm chuffed that you have gone for this excellent set of Weird West horrors. I can assure you that you won't be disappointed in them when you see them in the flesh.

      The 7TV2e batrep is coming along nicely. I'm just typing it up now. I know you'll like it but the result may surprise you. It did me!

    2. Bryan, just wanted to let you know that my minis have arrived, and they're even more impressive in the flesh. Many thanks for making me aware of these little beauties. I've also discovered I've ordered the old Earp sculpts - possibly hours before they were removed off of their site - and having seen them in the flesh, so to speak, actually prefer them to the new ones. Hopefully you'll agree when I post up some WIPs :-)

    3. I'm delighted that you like them so much, Simon. They really are superb figures. As for the Earps, I have seen the new ones in the flesh and I'm very impressed with them. A friend of mine who was at Salute bought them and he kindly showed me them. I will get them, of course but it isn't easy for me to say which versions I prefer the most. I guess now that the originals are OOP I'm stuck with the new versions but that doesn't bother me at all.

  11. those figures look so good Bryan. You`ve done a marvellous job of making them look incredible. These figures should grace the pages of Black Scorpion `s promotional front page.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Tarot. It's funny but on the Black Scorpion website, most of their Tombstone figures are shown fully painted, but for some reason, this set isn't. I don't know why but they're more than welcome to use mine should they wish to.

  12. They're all good, but I think I like the phantom gunslinger best.

    The thing which has put me off Black Scorpion isn't the resin but rather the supposed unusual size of the models. Are these significantly different in height from other companies' models?

    1. Thanks, Hugh. Black Scorpion figures are on the tall side, closer to 32mm than 28mm. Personally, it doesn't bother me but I know it is an issue with others.
