
Friday 20 May 2016

Killer B Games Civilians 02

As promised here is part 2 of my posts reviewing some of the 1970's style civilians from Killer B Games. This time I'm looking at three young males and three females, only one of whom has been named.
First in line is KB038 Geezer in Bobble Hat. You don't see many bobble hats these days, do you? If you wanted a more contemporary version of him, simply cut the bobble off and you have a beanie hat. Simple! He is a very average looking young male, useful for filling in a crowd. On a more sinister level he'd make a useful lookout for a criminal gang.
In the centre of this trio of males is KB035 Young Geezer, either a teenager or someone in his early twenties. I used this figure to convert into an alternative version of DC Chris Skelton from Life on Mars (see here ). Once again, I don't have much to say about this rather plain looking figure.
Moving down in age, I come to KB055 Schoolboy with Catapult. Do school kids today still use catapults? I thought they were more into knives. Anyway, this lad is from the 1970's, so a very different world to today. You can tell he's a troublemaker with his long hair and shirt not tucked in and tie undone. Plus, of course, the catapult. He is certainly the most characterful figure of the three.
Far more interesting, however, are these three adult females. At the far left is KB064 Sporty Bird. Note that women are called "birds" and men are called "geezers." On the Killer B Games website she was painted with dark brown hair but I changed her to a blonde. She is dressed in her football strip, hence the "sporty" connection. She has beautiful eyes and a very pretty face. She is definitely one of my better paint jobs.
Next up is KB056 Lively Bird, possibly a resident of Carnaby Street, London or at least a fashion shopper there. I think it's a safe bet to say she'll be a keen dancer at her local discotheque. I'd like her a lot more if she ditched that ridiculous hat, although it is very 1970's.
I bring to an end my review with the only named character from this batch, KB059 Brenda Bristols. No, that is not the name I gave her. It is the name given to her by Killer B Games. To me, she sounds like a character from a Carry On film. She is very striking with her good looks, spectacular cleavage, long legs, micro-skirt and turquoise jewellery. Once again, I do like her eyes. I'd guess her most likely profession to be a barmaid.
All of these figures fit the bill as Neutral Bystander Extras if used in 7TV2e or as ordinary civilians in other games. In my opinion, they are amongst the better sculpted civilians on the market. Each one costs a lowly £2.00 from the Killer B Games webstore. As I always say, civilians are like zombies - you can never have too many of them!


  1. Excellent additions. And while the police and the thugs are civilians I do fully understand what you mean!! I bet you knew someone would say as much. LOL

    1. Thanks, Clint, and yes, technically, you are right. They are all civilians but I think the distinction between police, criminals and innocent bystanders is allowed. I have no problem with you pointing this out, mate!

  2. The females are particularly good Bryan :-)

    1. I agree, Andy. I really upped my game when I painted them.

  3. Very nice, Bryan. I'm wondering if the Schoolboy with Catapult is supposed to be "Just William"? And you've excelled yourself on the "birds"! The sporty one I always thought looked a little too modern compared to the rest of the range, but that just means she's more useful to me. And I think the Lively Bird might actually be found in Liverpool, as I think she's supposed to be one of the Liver Birds. I prefer your paint jobs of the sporty one and the barmaid to the ones on Killer B's website and may add these two when I order some coppers.

    1. That's very kind of you to say so, Jez. The schoolboy certainly could stand in for "Just William". I suspect you're right about the Lively Bird actually being a "Liver Bird". Polly James as Beryl, would be my guess. Because my "7TV2e" crime scenarios will be set in and around London, I decided to make her a Cockney bird.

  4. Well, if you have too many civilians then they *are* just zombies, right? They just haven't realised it yet...

    More '70s goodness, anyway!

  5. Outstanding stuff Bryan. You've turned some okay minis into some terrific treats for the eyes. You continue to excel at painting details on clothes etc that I wouldn't even dare consider, let alone attempt and succeed at. Tip top brushwork and what a colourful BatRep we all have to look forward to :-)

    I'm especially pleased that this posting coincides with my own packet of "Killer B" minis arriving, and they are every bit as characterful as you said, my friend. My only problem is fitting them into my painting schedule!?! As an aside I have sent your package on, so fingers crossed it will arrive tomorrow or failing that Monday. Hopefully you'll paint them up to the standard of these beauties :-)

    1. Gosh! Thanks for the compliments, Simon. I think it shows in my painting just how much I enjoyed painting this range of figures. For some reason (most likely nostalgia) they struck a chord with me.

      I'm pleased that you have also branched out into Killer B Games. Somehow figures always look better in real life and it's heartening to know you rate this range as highly as I do.

      Thanks in advance for the figures you've sent me. I'll drop you an e-mail as soon as they arrive. I'm pining for Harley already!

      Oh, and great news! My first 7TV2e batrep should be posted next week! I'll be working on it all weekend.

  6. Oh wow look - its Dawn Beryl, Sandra: or is the one on the end Carol even.

    These all take me back, uncomfortably so lol, way back to my childhood when these shows were actually NEW on TV. Uncomfortably because I am reminded on my age lol.

    1. Same with me, Hil. I remember these 1970's shows like they were on just last week.

  7. The middle top guy looks uncomfortably close to Jimmy Saville in his early years. I LOARTHED the man back then even (I saw right through him and felt the unwholesomeness oozing off him in waves, especially when I met him once at a charity event). I cant BELIEVE how blind everyone was, its not even like it was hard to see it.

    I am afraid I would be targeting this mini on the table with every weapon I had in my arsenal lol. He`s just TOO well painted lol

    1. I wish you hadn't said that the young man with the blond hair reminded you of Jimmy Saville, Hil. I hadn't noticed a resemblance but now that you have mentioned it I can see you're right. I never liked the man. Even as a youth I found him a total fucktard. I quite agree, blast him with everything you've got!

  8. These are some more fine additions to your growing collection. I really like the ladies top job! I just had a thought seeing the chap with the bobble hat I wonder if Ainsty's Castings football yob game might have some useful minis

    1. Thanks, Simon. I have seen the Ainsty Castings figures you mentioned and they are all on my shopping list.
