
Monday 9 May 2016

Killer B Games Low Life Criminals

After a short break I return to my reviews of 1970's style figures to use with the 7TV2e tabletop skirmish game. Sticking with my recent theme of criminals I present to you a small gang of low life villains, all made by Killer B Games.
In 7TV2e terms, the figure at the far left of this group would be the Villainous Extra, Criminal Boss. The description in the rulebook sums him up perfectly. "Specialising in low level robbery and violence, the Criminal Boss menaces their manor, looking for the next big score for their motley crew of career villains". I have not given him a name yet. On the Killer B Games webstore he is KB007 Geezer in Sheepskin with Trilby.
Standing next to him is his right hand man and leg-breaking enforcer, KB036 Hard-Faced Geezer. He is handy with his fists and likes to stick the boot in to anyone who disrespects him or his boss.
Yet another bruiser is the third figure in line, KB051 Bald Geezer. He is a thug and a bully and will never amount to much. He will never rise from the gutter.
Finally, is KB025 Geezer in Shades and Sports Jacket. Note the wide-lapelled shirt and flash tie. He is the archetypal 1970's male fashion victim. He is armed with a six shot Revolver but he is probably a lousy shot.
Not all of your villains need be armed to the teeth. At times you need some low level scum and these four fit the bill perfectly. Other than the Criminal Boss, you could use the others as Villainous Extra Criminals or Thugs. As usual, all four figures cost a mere £2.00 each on the Killer B Games webstore.


  1. They all look like dodgy second hand car salesmen lol

    nicely painted Bryan. possibly the best of the batch so far.

    1. I like them too, Steve, and I take your point about dodgy second hand car salesmen.

  2. I feel a Robin Reliant is in need for transportation in a fetching shade of yellow with a worn look to it!

    Cracking job Bryan. Those unarmed would make good use as cosh armed characters.

    1. Sorry, but I can't help you with a Reliant Robin but I can offer you a nice Mini Cooper, if you're interested, squire.

      Thanks for the comment, Simon.

  3. guy on the left in the photo, in the sheepskin coat... does bear a striking resemblance to "Del Boy" dunnit?

    1. Exactly! Hence Simon's yellow Reliant Robin reference above.

      The Hard Faced Geezer standing next to "Del" reminds me of Ronnie Corbett as Bert, who with Ronnie Barker as Charlie, couldn't finish a sentence without the other one butting in and coming up with the wrong answer.

  4. Tbh Bryan, I'm a little underwhelmed by these minis. Nothing wrong with your paint-jobs I stress. Indeed I think you've raised these mediocre sculpts quite superbly. I do like the kipper tie chap too - especially with your brush-work. I simply think alongside some of the more animated "CD" models you've previously painted these will somewhat pale in comparison.

    1. No worries, Simon. These are definitely more akin to the cast Extras than to the Stars and Co-Stars, so naturally they don't shine so brightly. I still like them and they do have their uses.

  5. Kipper ties and sheepskin jackets, proper seventies hard men! Can't Adam and Eve me mince pies

  6. I'm sure I bought my Renault 19 off that first dodgy looking bloke!

  7. Splendid the 70's Police adversaries are taking the line up nicely.

  8. A right lot of East End hardmen and ne'er-do-wells there, Bryan. Whilst they may not be as detailed as some of the other offerings from Killer B, you always need some disposable 'eavies.
    On a related note, as you currently have some icons from the 70's lurking about, have you seen the Wolfie Smith figure from Matchlock Miniatures?

    A steal at 1.75 (stupid American keyboard hasn't got a Pound sign) and there are a few more figures in their "Winter of '79" range that might suit, including a rather nice armed WPC.

    1. Thanks, Jez. No I had not seen their not-Wolfie Smith figure. He's ace! I remember the show well. Up the Tooting Popular Front! Good find, mate!

    2. But wait, there's more! Took me a while to remember who made it, but Recreational Conflict does a pack of what they have named 'Clerks', which includes Arkwright, Granville and Nurse Gladys Emmanuel.

      It's under their Lead Bones range - $8.00 for 4 figures. Not sure who the 4th one is though...

    3. Aha! This time I do know about them. I have them and reviewed them way back in 2012. See here -
      The figure you can't recognise is the chemist father of Richard Brooks, who owns Recreational Conflict.
