
Friday 13 May 2016

Assorted Security Personnel

In my recent posts for my 7TV2e campaign I have looked at 1970's and 1980's style cops and criminals. There is one more group I wish to show you before my big finale - the much anticipated batrep, and they are the civilians. These are all classed as Neutral Extras in 7TV2e. Generally useless in a fight and frequently getting in the way at the most inopportune moment. I'll start with a trio of security personnel - a night watchman and two security guards. I have not named any of them yet.
At the far left is a lowly night watchman, who used to be sold by Hasslefree Miniatures, but sadly is now out of production. He was not sculpted by Kevin White and I can't remember who sculpted him. He has something of a cartoon quality to him and would not be out of place in a Scooby Doo mystery. From his surprised expression he has clearly seen something that has alarmed him. He carries a hefty torch in one hand and a truncheon in the other hand.
The other two figures are both made by Killer B Games and are KB030 Security Guard Standing and KB029 Security Guard Walking with Cash Box. I am not sure why I have a security guard carrying two cash boxes! Did I buy two of them by mistake? I must have. The cash box in the guy's left hand has been added but it is not a conversion I remember doing. But this begs the question, what happened to the rest of the figure? Hmm, very mysterious. Bear in mind I did buy these many years ago. They are obvious targets for a gang of robbers and although they will probably fare slightly better than an ordinary civilian in a fight, I still don't rate their chances very much. They are very nice sculpts and they cost £2.00 each if ordered from the Killer B Games webstore.


  1. all ready to rock and roll then Bryan!

    i love the expression on the nightwatchmans face lol

    1. Thanks, Andy. The night watchman looks like he's just received the biggest shock of his life, doesn't he? It does make you wonder what has he seen?

  2. Excellent job Bryan. Looking forward to the game report!

    1. Thanks, Simon. I keep on saying the batrep is coming soon, but it's true, it really is coming soon.

  3. Lovely minis Bryan. I really do like those "Killer B" security guards, so much so that I even considered buying some along with a number of others you've showcased during this project. But fortunately I... well, actually there is no but, I've bloomy well bought some!!! Curse you Vampifan ;-)

    1. LOL! Good for you, Simon! You're a man after my own heart. I'm sure you'll be able to find a use for them in your own 7TV2e games or one of your whacky spin off games. As for cursing me, I know I'm already doomed! As someone once said, Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over!

    2. What with you and "Killer B" Bryan, and Andy with his ruddy "Bushido" (my minis for that have arrived today btw), I'm never going to finish any of my projects. I actually thought one of my rooftop battles based upon the 'Pillow' rules you sent me, might suffice for a Good Cop/Bad Cop confrontation ;-)

      Many thanks for the link to Brown Bag too. It does seem like I;m taking over your "Blogs Side-Banner" though :-)

    3. Oh, I'd love to see your Killer B Games figures and your "Bushido" figures painted up. I'd love to get into "Bushido" but I am stubbornly resisting the lure, despite Andy's wicked posts.

      Another "Pillow Fight" batrep is a must. That reminds me, I ought to post another one myself pretty soon.

      I'm more than happy to promote your blogs in my sidebar and in my postings as you write about stuff that greatly interests me. Plus, I respect your opinions and honesty. All three of your blogs are worthy of inclusion and promotion.

    4. Bwahaha you will succumb to the Bushido goodness, got some more awesome stuff to come too....... ;-P

      I watched "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" last night and now with your talk of rooftop battles I'm thinking maybe I should make a Bushido board up as a Pagoda roof - I can just see it now, a clan of ninjas making a night assault on a monastery ......I think I'd better lie down

    5. Damn you, Andy, it is getting harder to resist the lure of "Bushido"!

      A rooftop battle in the style of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is a must. By the way, you could replicate it with the game boards from "Ninja All Stars." Of course, to get them you'd have to buy the game, ahem!

    6. I saw this on display at Salute and I was so tempted but fortunately/unfortunately ran out of money before succumbing to temptation...

  4. Another step in the right direction. You probably have enough figures for a game now (we all want more though). Nice additions I really do like the security guards I can definitely see them with an armoured car collecting money from a Bank/post office.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Yes, I do have more than enough figures for a game. The problem is choosing which ones to include and which ones to leave out. The main purpose of these figure review posts is to show people what I have in my collection.

  5. Been reading Blaxkleric`s blog recently and really enjoying what I see there. Actually made me want to drag some pieces out and make a start on a superhero comic book type game or two.

    Anyway, seeing these guys made me think.... yeah I could really go a few of these cool rozzers myself (I know I know, I just like mixing game genres). Spiffing painting Bry` mate. Mind you, they`re security really aren't they, more than police. But wow I really like how these have come out. Nice, NICE painting.

    1. Thanks Steve, very much appreciated I assure you :-) Inspiring others to pull out some long-forgotten minis or reinvigorate the mojo-less is what Fantorical is all about. Whereas Bryan's is clearly about costing me money!!! ;-)

    2. Simon/Blaxkleric posts a lot of highly inspirational stuff. His blogs are well worth following.

      I'm chuffed that you like these security guard chaps. They, and the rest of this range, were a lot of fun to paint. Look out for my more "ordinary" civilians next time.

  6. Makes me want to burst into song: "This is the self preservation society" Civvies, luuuvely, can`t wait to see those.

    {{Whereas Bryan's is clearly about costing me money!!! ;-)}

    HAHaahaaa. Oh GOD, you and me both Simon mate.

    1. I'm saying nothing as I'd only incriminate myself!

  7. Nice to see the security guards on here, as I was contemplating getting some - already got a bank, an armoured car and some nefarious clowns, just no police or security guards. Can't stage a robbery without them, really.
    Very nice work, Bryan.

    1. Thanks, Jez. I wouldn't say that security guards are an essential purchase but they are nice to have and they certainly have a role to play.

  8. The nightwatchman is still available through Armorcast. He is a cool miniature, but I am partial to his dog.
