
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Shadows of Brimstone Heroes 02

It has been a while since I posted anything for the Shadows of Brimstone game, but my enthusiasm for Dracula's America has reignited my passion for the Weird Wild West. I have recently been painting a lot of figures for these two games, and still am. One of the things I liked about Shadows of Brimstone is that you had the option of playing male or female versions of each of the heroes provided in the game. However, sadly, the two starter sets, City of the Ancients and Swamps of Death only came with figures of one sex, and they were predominantly male. Six of the eight Heroes were the male versions. Fortunately, Flying Frog Productions have rectified this oversight and have produced alternate sex figures for the eight original Heroes. Here they are.
The first thing to note is that these figures are made of resin, whereas the original Heroes were made of hard plastic. The second thing to note is that the detail on these new figures is very sharp and vastly superior to their plastic counterparts. Most of these new figures are multi-part castings. I found that they went together very well. I used Superglue on them, which worked very well. I named all of the original Heroes but I haven't yet got round to naming any of these.
In this line-up, from left to right, are the Bandida, the Indian Scout, the Nun (counterpart of the Preacher) and the Piano Player (the counterpart of the Saloon Girl).
Moving on, in this group from left to right are the Gunslinger, the Rancher, the U.S. Marshal and the Law-man (technically, she should be called a Law-woman). Stats for these alternate figures are identical to the original versions.
Now, thankfully, players have the option to chose whatever sex of a Hero they want to play. Some may favour an all-male posse, whilst others may prefer an all-female posse. Or you can mix and match if you so want. I am delighted that Flying Frog Productions have taken this step. These new figures are simply superb sculpts. I should point out that there are also resin versions of some of the original plastic Heroes available  - the Bandido, the Gunslinger, the Rancher and the Saloon Girl. I don't have any of them yet, but I am very tempted to buy them. Each resin Hero costs $8.00 from the Flying Frog webstore. However, I bought all of mine from eBay at very reasonable prices. That said, they very rarely appear for sale on eBay, so if you really want them it would probably be best to order them direct from the official webstore.


  1. American gothic horror and wild west steampunk seem to get a lot of coverage at the moment. (It may just be me noticing it more). Bravo sir keep them coming. I really like the genre.

    1. You are right about this genre's growing popularity, Clint. For an avid fan like me this is both a good thing and a bad thing - good because there are lots more figures to add, but bad because it will hurt my wallet. Ho-hum.

  2. Very nice additions to your weird wild west Bryan

    1. Thank you, Dave. Once I finish collecting and painting your Death Match figures I'll be moving on to your Wild West stuff.

    2. I'm hoping to put in a big Death Match order next month, Dave.

  3. Tbh Bryan, I thought the original plastic minis were some of the worst I've seen, so these resin alternatives seem a very wise idea imho. They certainly seem very characterful and you've picked out plenty of detail on them. "Draculas America" seems to b a winner so far and reignited Shadows of Brimstone too.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I thought the original Hero figures were acceptable - not brilliant but not bad either. I've seen far worse. However, these new resin figures are a huge improvement. If you can find them I'd certainly recommend buying them.

  4. I love 'em Bryan - you've done a brilliant paint job on what are some cracking mini's!
    There's some among them that I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for..... the nun with a gun and the gunslinger especially :-)

    1. Thank you, Greg. I'm not surprised you like the gunslinger and the nun so much - they're two of my favourites as well.

  5. V nice Bryan, the bandita is excellent and I love the scout model!

    1. Many thanks, Andy. They sure are nice models.

      By the way, keep an eye out on your letterbox. There's a parcel from me on its way to you. :-)

    2. I'm sure you'll pleased with the figures I've sent you, Andy.

  6. I'm sure it's perverted but what's not to like about Nuns with guns. It's a pity she's not available separately because in some dusty drawer half forgotten I have a small band of nuns lead by a priest. Their sole intent to rid the `tabletop' world of the forces of evil.
    Matakishi did something similar which I have always admired I wonder if there are any other religious themed anti vampire/evil/ Cthulhu cults/ whatever.... out there

    1. I agree, Phil, what's not to like about nuns with guns? I'm not sure about other religious themed anti-vampire cults but they must surely exist.

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