
Saturday 30 September 2017

Vampifans Views 96 - Monthly Musings 69

This month's Vampirella picture is the third of a trio painted by Bo Hampton, featuring my favourite vampire with Batman. Here they are looking out across Gotham City from their rooftop vantage point. It is a very good illustration.

So, what have I been up to this month? Figure painting has been going extremely well. I'm still working on my figures for the Dracula's America game, and I'm working on the vampire faction known as the Red Hand Coven at the moment. I hope to be able to show them next month. I have also been painting a lot of sci-fi figures to use in my N.E.W games.

Speaking of which, this month saw the start of my The Ace of Spades Campaign on my other blog (see here -  )
Kimberley and the crew of The Ace of Spades have accepted a job from a young farmer to help protect his colony from a bunch of marauding bandits. So far, so good but that is all about to change as they set sail for the colony on the planet, Breuse. This is very much a narrative campaign, with little mention of the rules, so if you fancy reading an epic sci-fi space opera, give it a view.

For me the highlight of this month was the arrival of my Battle Systems Sci-fi 2 terrain sets from the Kickstarter I had backed. The postman struggled to carry the box indoors as it was so heavy! Oh boy, did I order a lot of stuff. This is what I received - 2 Frontier sets and 2 Galactic sets and one of each of the following add-ons - Arrival Bay, Detention Cells, Epidemic Infestation, Gothic Crawler, Gothic Walls, Medical Research Lab, Outlands set and a Particle Transmitter. These sets are just superb!
This photo taken from my The Ace of Spades Campaign represents a hotel bar and uses some of the walls from the Galactic set, a control panel from the same set along with furniture items from the Urban Apocalypse sets. It is easy to mix and match elements from the different sets. I haven't made any big builds yet but what I have been doing is making lots of furniture items and set dressings, like that control panel shown above. You'll be seeing a lot of these new sets in my The Ace of Spades Campaign and in future Judge Dredd Miniatures Game batreps. Indeed, the main reason why I haven't been posting more JDMG batreps recently is that I have been waiting for these new sci-fi terrain sets to arrive. With them, I can really bring Mega City One to life.

I don't have much else to report this month, so I'll sign off and wish you well. Take care, folks.


  1. Great Picture for this months musings Bryan, your new sci-fi scenery looks great and enjoying the campaign on your other blog

    1. Thank you, Dave. I really am delighted with my new terrain sets.

  2. Nice stuff Bryan. I hope the terrain is everything you could possibly want.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Oh, it is... and so much more besides! I'm in heaven putting it all together. These are good times.

  3. excellent editions Bryan, really nice. Thank you so much for my "Death Match" minis which I picked up from the post office today Yayyyy!! of course they are bloody brilliant!!

    1. My plastic pile is certainly the larger because of Bryan's generous contributions, Andy. I can't peek into one of my 'painting backlog' boxes without spying at least one or two little treasures he's sent me!!

    2. Andy, I'm so glad to hear that you received and appreciated the Death Match miniatures. I know they've found a good home with you. :-)

    3. Simon, ever since I began blogging I have been pleasantly surprised by the generosity of others. So, it is nice to be able to give something back. This community of ours is simply the best!

  4. More Bo Hampton magic Bryan, and plenty of Battle Systems stuff on show too. I can only hope for your postie's sake that you don't live at the top of a tall hill!! Still using my modern-day set from a couple of years ago, so I can certainly vouch for the quality/toughness of the company's cardboard stock.

    1. Many thanks, Simon. The Bo Hampton artwork has gone down well. Funnily enough, I do live on a hill but the postman had a van. It was the walk from the van to my living room that he struggled with. I tried lifting the box and could hardly budge it. I had to empty it one set at a time! Battle Systems have really upped their game with this new sci-fi terrain.

  5. Loving the continued Vampirella & Batman artwork Bryan, and glad to hear you've been busy painting the DA miniatures - as for the Battle Systems terrain, well!
    To be honest I was initially put off by the visible 'tabs', but the more I've seen, the less conspicuous they seem...... hmmmm, it looks like you may have another convert here!

    1. Many thanks, Greg. I got a lot done for the hobby this past month, so I'm more than pleased with my output.
      Once you try the Battle Systems terrain I believe you'll become a convert just as I did. The tabs are barely noticeable. On some of my builds, I have painted them so that they seamlessly blend in with the walls.

  6. Nice picture Bryan the terrain looks great.

    1. Thank you kindly, Simon. The terrain most certainly is great.
