
Tuesday 21 August 2018

Strontium Dog - Assorted Humans and Mutants 01

I finish my look at the new wave 1 figures for Warlord Games' Strontium Dog skirmish game as well as a few other figures that can be used in the game.
These three figures are sold as Goons by Warlord Games. Goons are classed as Minor Characters, basically unnamed mooks. Leaders can spend Collateral to call upon their allies for extra models during the Set Up at a cost of 50,000 Credits per roll on the tables. Goons are found on the Outlaws table - the scourge of honest folk, businesses, travellers and their fellow sentient beings wherever they crop up.
At the far left is a Goon armed with twin basic hand blasters. His colleague in the centre wields a single basic hand blaster. At the far right, this Goon is armed with a basic blaster rifle. These three figures are sold as a blister pack with no extras for just £8.00. As generic Goons, I do like them. Indeed, I could find a use for them in most sci-fi games, especially Judge Dredd or N.E.W.
Next up are a pair of Strontium Dogs who were produced by Wargames Foundry - Evans the Fist and the Torso from Tyneside. Both took a major part in the Mutant Uprising against the government in 2167 and were given the ranks of general. They are both allies of Johnny Alpha. Evans the Fist has an abnormally large and strong right arm which gives him a +1 to his Fight stat but -1 to his Shoot stat. Torso's mutation is no head - his facial features are located on his chest and he only has one eye. This gives him a +1 to his Resist stat but he is limited to a Front Facing fire arc due to his limited vision arc. Note that neither of these characters are listed in the Strontium Dog rulebook, but it is an easy matter to work out their stats. I'd class them as Minor Characters.
Second from the right is a Kreeler, a soldier and follower of Nelson Bunker Kreelman, the father of Johnny Alpha and a bigoted politician who drafted the anti-mutant laws and gained power on the back of bigotry. As a generic NPC he'd be classed as an Ally from the Military. He is armed with a basic stormer. This figure was produced by Wargames Foundry and is now out of production.
Finally is a mutant trader called Tombstone Toothbrush. He was a very minor character in the 2000AD comic. I forget which story he appeared in (it wasn't Strontium Dog) but I do remember he was drawn by Kevin O'Neill, so he may have appeared in a Nemesis the Warlock story. His mutations are purely cosmetic in game terms - an oversized head and three fingers per hand. I sculpted him in the 1990's. Note his trademark toothbrush stuck in the side of his hat.


  1. Great looking models Bryan, as you say the goons are very useful for a multitude of sci-fi gaming. With your large collection of 2000 ad models from different manufacturers you should have no shortage of models for your games

    1. Absolutely spot on, Dave. You're dead right, mate.

  2. The sculpt of Tombstone is a spot on. He was in the story Shok set in Mega City 1:!

    I too think of Nemesis at the mention of O'Neill (first graphic novel I ever bought) followed quickly by Marshall Law.

    1. Jason, you are an absolute star! Thank you for posting that link to where Tombstone originated from. I've been racking my brain trying to remember where he came from so many thanks for your insight. I'm indebted to you.

  3. Hmmm... I wonder what the source material for those goons was, Bryan, or were they simply ‘made up’? They initially reminded me of the Freeborn in “Beyond The Gates Of Antares”, so I did wonder whether they’d simply been repurposed, but your paint-job seems to make it clear that they’re from the Strontium Dog universe.

    I love the collection of Foundry minis, particularly two of the Mutant Revolution’s generals. Tombstone is a wonderful mini though, and the stand-out figure of the posting, imho. Kudos for putting him together - what a characterful chap he appears :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I do think the Goons were specifically designed for "Strontium Dog" but I see no reason not to use them in other games. I very much suspect I will!

      It is a shame that the Foundry 2000AD range has gone now. I miss them, even though I bought every figure they made for the range.

      I don't know why Tombstone appealed to me so much when I first saw him (do check out the link provided by Jason above) but I liked him so much I wanted to make a figure of him. He fits in so well in the "Strontium Dog" universe as much as the "Judge Dredd" universe. He was a lot of fun to sculpt.

  4. 3 very nice additions. Clearly suitable for a multitude of games. I hope to see them pop up in JD as well as Stronty. (Maybe a few others as well). Real cross-over potential that's ofen the case with such figures. (And so it should be).

    1. I totally agree with you, Clint. The Goons have so much cross over potential, and yes, that is a very good thing.

  5. More stronty goodness! Thanks Bryan for showing us your vast collection and cracking sculpts

    1. Very much appreciated, Andy, and I'm only too happy to finally get the chance to show off my 2000AD figure collection.

  6. Nicely done I was admiring these Sunday on the Warlord stand.

  7. The Goons are three nice figures, and really well painted, but I'm afraid they pale in comparison to the four excellent characters at the bottom of the post Bryan!! and you home made "TT" is the star of the show!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. Would it be too big-headed of me to say that I totally agree with you? Tombstone is my favourite character out of this lot, closely followed by the Torso from Tyneside. Seeing as I was born in Newcastle I've always had a soft spot for him.

  8. Hi Bryan I agree with Roger in every respect apart from the Goons being nice figures. This is only my view and I wouldn't wish to upset you but I find in general the Warlord figures to be quite weak sculpts. They may be accurate representations but they don't do anything for me, whereas the foundry figures are always good but in this last selection your sculpt is by far the best of the bunch.
    Sorry I've just read your reply to Roger, I now worry you won't get your head through the door. C'est la vie.

    1. Ha, ha, ha! No worries at all, John, both with the size of my head and you not being a fan of the WG figures. :-) I'm perfectly happy to accept that as individuals we all like different things. That's how it should be! I must admit to being flattered by all the love being shown to my figure of Tombstone. I honestly did not expect it.

  9. Another great selection of minis Bryan, and yes, TT is the pick of the bunch :-)

    1. I really appreciate the kind words, Greg. Cheers!

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