
Friday 17 August 2018

Strontium Dog - The Weerd Brothers

The Weerd Brothers, Cuss, Hiss and Silent, fought alongside Johnny Alpha during the first mutant war. They joined the Search/Destroy agency at the end of the war to cash in on their deadly skills. Becoming somehow trapped in an alternate dimension, Hell-World, they stole three tickets back to Earth, and would have escaped, but lost them in a fight with Johnny Alpha, against whom they swore revenge. After they eventually escaped back to their own dimension, they were employed as Gronk poachers by an alien gastronomic terror called Cruso Slugg. Their slaughter of thousands of Gronks on the planet Blas for their master to eat was intended to lure Johnny Alpha into a trap. Attracting the ire of Johnny and his partner Wulf Sternhammer did not go well for them, and the three brothers were overcome a second time by their sworn enemies.
These three figures are produced by Warlord Games as part of their new Strontium Dog skirmish game. At the far left is Hiss Weerd, the leader of the trio. His mutation is that he has Medusa-like snakes for hair and their venom is deadly, giving him a +1 Fight modifier in melee combat.
In the centre is Cuss Weerd, who is classed as a main character. His mutation is he is an ugly snekker, which is purely cosmetic, giving him no effects in the the game. Younger brother, Silent Weerd is just a minor character, totally lacking any facial features. He can not take any double actions in the game, but nor can he ever be pinned.
They are available as a boxed set from Warlord Games, which contains the three figures, as well as character cards for each of them, two Armoury cards (Anti-gravity Shot and Time Bomb) and 1 Chicanery card (Team Work) for £15.00. I like the sculpting of them very much and they make fine bad guys.
I finished painting everything that I received in the Strontium Dog Collection 1 a day before I received everything that was released for the second wave of this game's figure releases. All of the new named characters are on my painting desk, getting painted now. The fact that Durham Red is amongst them ensured that these shot to the front of my painting queue. I also bought two boxed sets of the Build a Mutie sets and I'm pleased I did. Each box contains 5 figures that can be built in a staggering amount of poses with options galore. I need to work out what options to use on each figure.


  1. Great looking painting Bryan, these are on my list to get as they were my favourite, probably due to the awesome art work when they were first shown in Hell-World

    1. I fully agree with your thinking, Dave. The figures match their illustrations perfectly.

  2. Now these ones I do remember from the comic, smashing painting as always Bryan, your right about Cuss, he is one ugly snekker!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. I doubt if any of these three will win any beauty contest!

  3. I do not recall these 3. But Strony was never my fave story. Flesh, Harlem Heroes (mentioned previously) JD or Rouge were what I wanted the comic for And stronty was always just there! That said you have done a cracking job on them and your 2000AD-fu is much better than mine!

    1. Thanks, Clint. Do bear in mind I've been collecting 2000AD since issue#1 and still have them all, so I'm very knowledgeable about their characters and stories. There's nothing wrong with your choice of favourite stories as we all like different things.

  4. Excellent paint jobs on a great set of minis Bryan, and I fully understand why Durham Red and co have taken the head of your paint queue ;-)
    Obviously looking forward to them, but I'm also very keen to see the Build-a-Mutie minis - just to assess their potential for use in "other" sci-fi games :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Greg. All of the new figures are absolutely top notch sculpts. I knew from the preview pics that one box of the "Build a Mutie" set would not be enough for me. With separate legs, bodies, heads and arms you can have thousands of possible figures, all looking different. My initial assessment would be that you could definitely use them in other sci-fi games.

  5. Great trio of weeerdos, nice one dude

    1. Ha, "weerdos!" I see what you did there, Andy! :-)

  6. Your bold painting captures the comic book style of the characters perfectly. Cuss reminds me of Brian Eno in his Roxy Music days.

    1. Thanks, HP. Yes, I can see a similarity between Cuss and Brian Eno.
