
Thursday 13 September 2018

Strontium Dog - Darkus's Howlers

Not all Strontium Dogs are mutants. The alien howlers that follow Darkus are a good example of individuals willing to kill a few humans for some credits. With a reputation for eating those they served termination warrants on, Darkus and his crew travelled from their home world of Kunghung to the planet Burrito when the amnesty on the 49th Territory was lifted and a veritable army of bounty hunters assembled to take down the many outlaws and ne'er-do-wells that had been hiding in the Badlands.
The bloodthirsty ways of Darkus and his howlers brought them into conflict with the other Strontium Dogs. After learning that Johnny Alpha and his companions, Wulf Sternhammer and Middenface McNulty, were after a massive six million credits reward for galactic criminal, Xen the Brainwraith, Darkus used a combination of torture, superior tracking skills and low cunning to go after the big bounty, leading to an inevitable shoot-out with the howler's fellow bounty hunters.
These figures of Darkus and two of his howlers are terrific sculpts, and are among my favourites from Warlord Games' Strontium Dog range. They are part of a boxed set that includes the three figures shown here as well as two character cards (one for Darkus an done for a howler), two Armoury cards (Dimension Warp and Psi-tector) and one Chicanery card (No Honour). The boxed set costs £15.00.


  1. Great looking models Bryan, might add these to the list of ones to get

    1. Thanks for the prompt reply, Dave. I can definitely recommend this set for you.

  2. My favourite of all the "Strontium Dog" villains, Bryan, and apart from "The Killing", my fave story too. I do recall Darkus' gang being bigger than two though, so I wonder whether WG are planning on another box of his alien headhunters? Wonderfully colourful as ever though on the paint-jobs, and clearly a set which caught your enthusiasm :-)

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Simon. You'll be pleased to know that there are more howlers coming out. Wave 3 from Warlord Games includes Bubo and his gang of howlers mounted on morks. Mixing the two sets together will give you your bigger gang.

  3. Great stuff Bryan, do like these a lot!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. They are proving to be very popular amongst my followers.

  4. These are fantastic! I'm gonna have to get some...and I also see there are mounted versions. OH YA!!!!

    1. Many thanks, good buddy. Yes, mounted versions will released later this month.

  5. Love these very much. I love the sculpts of these.

  6. How well do these scale with 28mm minis from other ranges? Thanks!

  7. They are larger than a true 28mm scale human, but to be fair they are meant to be larger than humans. Certainly in the comics they are.

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