
Monday 10 September 2018

Strontium Dog - Rogue SD Agents

Not all S/D agents play by the rules - in fact not many worry about the law at all! Sometimes a Strontium Dog goes too far and ends up becoming the hunted rather than the hunter. Fly's-Eyes Wagner is such a case in point, going rogue after killing his partner. A termination warrant was placed on him and was taken up by Johnny Alpha. He returned to his home town of Sharpville to kill his father, whom he blamed for his mutation.
With Johnny on his heels, Fly's-Eyes used a dimension warp to escape, and Johnny, along with Wulf and the Gronk, jumped after him. They ended up in a hellish dimension where anything that died came back to life - fortunately for Fly's-Eyes, who was shot by Johnny, but resurrected. Together, Fly's-Eyes and his would-be captors forged across the bizarre dimension to find a way back to Earth, earning themselves a special ticket to do so. Alpha used his to send Fly's-Eyes back to the offices of the Galactic Crime Commission to get his bounty. His Fly's-Eyes mutation gives him a +1 bonus to his Evade stat but he is automatically Pinned if he ever gets Stunned or Injured.
Second from the left is Slabhead, an unremarkable Search/Destroy agent and an occasional ally of Armstrong Jones and Big Cynthia. His most notable asset was the two Dervish Dogs that accompanied him - Spiro and Giro. Utterly relentless, these wildly gyrating, slashing and slicing monsters could demolish a tank and smash through concrete walls, though were barely under the control of their handler or themselves. 
Although these are all minor characters they are all well sculpted and I particularly like Spiro and Giro, who follow the Pack rules, meaning they activate together as one. These four figures are available to buy in a boxed set priced at £15.00. The set also includes 3 character cards (Spiro and Giro share the same stats), 2 Armoury cards (Live Wire and Time Trap) and 1 Chicanery card (Last Gasp).
I noticed that Warlord Games have just shown the wave 3 figures that are available for pre-order. It is great to see this game getting such solid support and, of course, I'll be buying all of them.


  1. Great looking miniatures Bryan, did think the mix in the box was a bit strange, but I guess where else would they put Flys Eyes, do hope they do Big Cynthia and Armstrong Jones

    1. Many thanks, Dave. No Big Cynthia or Armstrong Jones amongst the next releases but, like you, I do hope they appear later.

  2. Personally I don't mind who "Warlord Games" sculpt Bryan, as long as they keep doing so and we can keep buying them. They seem to have gone about producing this range with considerable gusto, although I understand that Paul Sawyer is a huge fan of "Strontium Dog" and is giving this game his backing. Of course, a more structured release (following the chronological stories perhaps) would be nice, but you just have to look at their "Doctor Who" release schedule to see how chaotic their releases can be.

    1. I agree with you wholeheartedly, Simon. Like you, for both "Doctor Who" and "Strontium Dog," I don't mind who or what gets released as long as both franchises keep on being supported as well as they are now. There are still loads of minis that could be released for "Strontium Dog".

    2. Hmmm... I seem to have been so focused on “Warlord Games” release schedule that I didn’t say how wonderfully colourful I thought these particular minis were. I tempted to pick out my own Dervish Dogs having seen how well yours have turned out - they look like they’ve been sucked straight out of the comic’s pages!! Great stuff :-)

    3. Very much appreciated, Simon. I did enjoy painting this pair of Dervish Dogs.

  3. More weird and wonderful figures there Bryan, you're having a whale of a time with this, aren't you.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. You're not wrong, Roger, I am having a whale of a time with this range.

  4. More fine additions finished for you SD Collection. I may have to have a dabble at this lots of cool Paintjobs coming out on the internet from various sources is eroding my resistance gradually.

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. It's a good, fun game, that plays quickly with just a few minis per side. A perfect skirmish game.

  5. Spiro and Giro certainly look the most interesting pair of the set, but the Flys-Eyes storyline is wierdly interesting. :)

    1. Thank you most kindly, John. I'm a big fan of Spiro and Giro. Fly's-Eyes is just an average NPC but yes, his back story is most interesting.

  6. Replies
    1. Cheers, Andy. You'll be pleased to know there's still more to come.

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