
Tuesday 4 September 2018

Strontium Dog - Durham Red & Middenface McNulty

Two of Johnny Alpha's closest Strontium Dog allies are Durham Red and Middenface McNulty and I'm showcasing both in this post. Durham Red is a mutant with a vampiric appearance who has collected many bounties, occasionally teaming up with Johnny Alpha or other Search/Destroy agents to complete a mission. She has spent time as partner to Frinton Fuzz and has seen action alongside Middenface McNulty and others. Her mutation is purely cosmetic, she possesses none of the mythical powers of the vampire or their disadvantages (an aversion to garlic, holy symbols or sunlight). Even so, she is still drawn to blood, though whether this is a physiological or psychological predilection is unknown. Her mutant powers include bloodlust, long lifespan, regenerative powers, super agility, super strength and superhuman senses.
I have two versions of Durham Red. The one at the far left was produced by Wargames Foundry and whilst it is both an excellent likeness of her and well sculpted,  I am not a big fan of crouching or kneeling figures. I'd have liked her a lot better if she was standing up, like the newly produced version by Warlord Games. This is an excellent sculpt and my favourite figure out of the new range of Strontium Dog 30mm scale figures. I've mentioned this before, but Durham Red is my favourite character from the 2000AD comic. There's just something about sexy-looking female vampires that I love.
Moving on, Archibald "Middenface" McNulty came to prominence as leader of the Tartan Terrors during the Mutie Uprising during the Second Mutant War in New Britain. He became a staunch ally of Johnny Alpha during that time and took part in some of the most important battles of the war, rising to the position of general. He is fiercely loyal to Johnny Alpha, and on finding out that Johnny was being kept trapped in a death-like coma by the alien Stone Wizards, McNulty offered up his own life to save his friend, though the sacrifice proved unnecessary when the Stone Wizards freed Johnny and let Middenface go.
Though experienced with a variety of weapons, McNulty prefers to fight up close and personal, favouring his fists and his hard, lumpy head. Infamous for his fondness of drink, Middenface is not always in control of his temper. Foes quail at his fearsome war cry, "Gi 'em laldy!"
Once again, I have two versions of Middenface by Warlord Games and Wargames Foundry. The smaller version, second from the right is the brand new Warlord Games version and yet again, I prefer it to the Wargames Foundry figure. The Foundry version is much taller but is more statically posed. There is nothing wrong with the sculpting of the figure, I just happen to prefer the smaller, more dynamically posed version.
The new Warlord Games versions of Durham Red and Middenface McNulty are available as part of a boxed set of five SD Agents priced at £20.00. The other figures in the box are Blubberlips, Kid Knee and Maeve the Many-Armed, who I'll be reviewing very soon.


  1. Blimey, you didn’t hang about with these two Bryan. Like you I was rather disappointed in “Wargames Foundry” sculpting their Durham Red kneeling down, and at one point was tempted to buy the mini simply to chop her in half and place the torso upon some new legs. Fortunately “Warlord Games” have corrected that situation but I do rather like the larger size “WF” models overall. Regardless, both your new acquisitions are as colourfully painted as they are within the pages (or on the covers) of “2000 A.D.” - I wonder whether at some point “WG” produce a supporting cast set whether Ronald Reagan will be part of it (my fave Red story I’m sad to say).

    1. I appreciate your comments, Simon, and agree with you 100%. I almost cut my Foundry Durham Red in half to remodel her standing up but decided it was too much like hard work. I would have if I'd bought a swap of her. The faces on the Foundry figures are much better sculpted and more clearly defined than the new WG figures. The new Durham Red was always going to get painted very quickly by me. She shot to the front of my painting queue and was the first of the second wave of the new "Strontium Dog" figures to get painted.
      It's funny you mentioned Ronald Reagan as I have only just re-read the "Bitch" story in which he appears. I loved that story, too.

  2. Great looking figures Bryan, I actually like both versions of each character, and would happily use either

    1. Thanks, Dave. I do like the Foundry figures on the whole but in these two cases I much prefer the Warlord Games versions much more.

  3. Ha you covered exactly what I thought in your reply to Simon, the Foundry faces are very nicely sculpted and you have made a good job with the painting of them, the Warlord ones don't compare well. Tis a shame about the kneeling pose, I don't like them at all and the Warlord Durham Red one is very dramatic, it's a shame they couldn't combine the best of both in one figure.
    With a name like Middenface I would have expected his face to be like a midden!

    1. My thoughts exactly, John! Combine the Foundry faces with the Warlord Games bodies for a perfect figure.

  4. If I was invested in the whole SD theme I would like them more., But I do not recall them at all. Which is not intended as a criticism of them. You have done a good job making them look good for comic book characters. It is just a shame my memory is not as strong as yours.

    1. Cheers, Clint. No need to apologise. If you don't remember them then that's fine.

  5. Two of my favourite SD characters in one post - heaven. Unlike the rest of you guys I like the kneeling pose the best

    1. Thanks, Andy. I won't criticise you for liking Durham's kneeling pose the best because we all like different things and the world would be a lot poorer if we didn't.

  6. Lovely painting all round on these Bryan, I have to agree with your comments though I like the Foundry figures best, but the poses are better on the Warlord figs.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you very kindly, Roger, and thanks also for agreeing with me.
