
Friday 7 September 2018

Strontium Dog - Blubberlips, Kid Knee & Maeve

In my last post I showed you two of the five figures you can get in the S/D Agents boxed set by Warlord Games. In this post, I'll show you the other three figures from that set - Blubberlips, Kid Knee and Maeve the Many-Armed.
At the far left is Blubberlips. There have been two mutants with the Blubberlips moniker. One was gunned down by a Stix Brother - the other (shown here) aided Johnny Alpha, Middenface McNulty and other leaders of the Mutant Resistance Army as they fought against the mutant war criminal, William Blood Moon. I can't help but wonder if Blubberlips was based on Mick Jagger? He is a minor character and his big lips mutation is purely cosmetic although he can make a surprising range of vocalisations, which can Pin any enemy within 8" of him if they fail a Cool test. Doing so counts as a single action.
Next up is Kid Knee, a lesser known Strontium Dog who enjoyed a modicum of success with the Search/Destroy agency before falling on hard times in his later career. Turning to bottles of Mac-Mac to ease his woes, he lost his edge and his nerve. However, he never lost his eye for a potential job and travelled to the artificial station of Mab Garden City on the trail of a highly dangerous mutant known as the Mutator. There he ended up teaming up with Johnny Alpha, Wulf Sternhammer and the Gronk to track down the shape-changer as it masqueraded as Emperor Odgood the Okay. Kid Knee's head is located in his right knee, making him difficult to head shoot.
Hailing from Ireland, Maeve the Many-Armed is easy to spot - aside from her many arms, she dresses as the Queen of Connaught from Irish mythology. Maeve rides a chariot pulled by two mutant horses with disagreeable personalities. Her five arms allow her to wield multiple weapons - from pistols to the sword of Irish hero, CuChulainn. I have to admit to liking Maeve immensely. She is a beautifully sculpted figure and quite heavy compared to the other figures in this set.
In addition to the five figures I've shown in this post and the previous one, you also get stat cards for all five characters, four armoury cards (Beam Polariser, Bottle of Mac-Mac, Chameleon Cloak and Medipack) and one Chicanery card (Distraction). The boxed set of S/D Agents costs £20.00.


  1. LOL we both posted within 3 mins of each other.

    Excellent SD additions. The cloak is very nice indeed.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Yes, I did notice that we posted within a few minutes of one another.

      Maeve's cloak isn't my best bit of painting. Close up it looks rough, but from a distance it looks fine, and seeing as I paint for gaming not competition standard, I'm okay with that.

  2. Another fine hall Bryan. I agree with you that Maeve is a very good figure indeed. I don't know how many times she can shoot in a turn with those arms but she'll be hard to take down I think.

    1. Many thanks, Phil. When Maeve shoots she still gets only one Shoot action, just like anyone else, but she does get a +3 bonus to her Shoot stat, which is a huge bonus.

  3. Another great looking trio of muties Bryan, my favourite out of the bunch has to be Kid Knee, who doesn't like an underdog !

    1. Cheers, Dave. Kid Knee certainly has his uses and isn't a bad ally to take.

  4. More lovely SD minis, Maeve is my fave

  5. Three great figures and beautiful paintjobs as always, Maeve is stunning, but I remember Kid Knee well from the comic, so I think he's my fav of the group.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. Like you, I can remember Kid Knee's appearances in the 2000AD comics, and whilst I do like him, I still prefer Maeve.

  6. These get more surreal as you go along, as you know I've not read any of the story lines before so it's all a bit wild and wacky to me. :) But I do like the guy with his head on his knee, how wild is that.:)

    1. Thanks as always, john. Mutations can take many forms and some are just downright weird.

  7. Love these additions they all look fab Bryan!

  8. Kid Knee was always one of my favorites.

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