
Saturday 6 October 2018

Black Scorpion Townsfolk 02

Following on from my last post here are the rest of my Black Scorpion 32mm scale townsfolk from their Tombstone range of figures. I haven't got round to naming any of these yet but it's just a matter of time before I do.
These five figures come from the Civilians 03 set. At the far left is a dog, which I was pleasantly surprised to see included. Another useful figure is the little boy holding a poster. Figures of Wild West children are extremely rare, so once again, I was mighty pleased that he's included in the set.
In the centre of the group is a banjo player. Note his holstered pistol on his right hip. Next in line is a farmer or homesteader with a 12 Gauge Double-Barrelled Shotgun.
Finally, is a drunken cowboy who is having difficulty walking in a straight line. He has his revolver drawn but the chances of him hitting anything with it must be very remote.
This set of five figures cost £9.60 from Black Scorpion's webstore.
This next set of figures are the Town Watch, the brave folk who volunteer to join a sheriff's posse or defend their town from bandits and outlaws. They are a mixed bunch, that's for sure. At the far left is an elderly bespectacled gentleman armed with a .45 Colt Army Revolver and a 12 Gauge Double-Barrelled Shotgun.
Next up is another old timer who also wields a 12 Gauge Double-Barrelled Shotgun.
Not as old as the previous two, but still getting on in years as denoted by his greying hair, the gent second from the right is left-handed and is firing a .45 Colt Army Revolver.
Last in line is a spunky lady who means business as she wields a 12 Gauge Sawn-Off Double-Barrelled Shotgun. This set of four figure also costs £9.60.
As always, the sculpting of these resin-cast figures is just superb. They were very crisp and a pleasure to paint. They are also so full of character - each one looks like he or she has a story to tell - and I love that in a figure.
Note that my next posts will concentrate on my Zomtober challenge. Progress is going really well.


  1. Personally I prefer this set of Town-pokes to the last lot (although not a lot in it) Good job on bringing them to life.

    1. Cheers, Clint. I hadn't thought about which set is best, simply because I like them all.

  2. More great looking townsfolk Bryan, and really well painted, can't say I have a particular favourite as these and the previous ones shown all look great

    1. Much appreciated, Dave. I agree with you - they are all great!

  3. Lovely paint job Bryan, more models I need to get :)

    1. Thank you kindly, Frank. I hope my posts aren't hurting your wallet too much!

  4. Hi Bryan I'm afraid the first set I only really like the drunk but think that the second set are all brilliant useable sculpts.
    It's a good job we're all different in what ticks our boxes.
    Nice job with the painting though, on both sets. :)

    1. Hi John. No worries - it is a good thing that we all like different things. It'd be a boring world otherwise.

  5. I really like these sculpts and your lively painting sense style and choice of colour suits them perfectly. The Black Scorpion figures are characterful, meaty and utterly heroic sculpts. Unfortunately they are incredible singular among the many Old West lines out there to my eye so it was BS or everything else. It was a hard decision considering how I feel about those figures but, a necessary one. I'm always on the lookout in the range though; The sculpts fit perfectly with Mantic's TWD sculpts. I know there is a John Dory (Fear the Walking Dead gunslinger) among all those figures and I'll be happy to have him when I put together a custom character. They had a cool Modern Military line too but I think the chunky scale killed it. I have some of the US Marines for TWD duty already painted as National Guard.

    1. Greatly appreciated, HP. I bought their US Marines range of figures to use in my games of ATZ:FFO. I agree, they will work just as well as National Guard in TWD.

  6. More fine additions to the completed pile Bryan. I really like the ordinary townfolk figures they are such characterful sculpts.

    1. Thanks, Simon, and I'm in total agreement with you.

  7. Another really nice set of figures Bryan, every town need at least one drunkard! but they all should bring your wild west town to life, even if as soon as the shooting starts they'll all probably scuttle away to safety.

    Talking of which you could do with an undertaker, perhaps with a tape measure around his neck like the one in "Carry on cowboy" ;-)

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Roger. I do already have an undertaker figure but not with a tape measure around his neck.

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