
Wednesday 10 October 2018

Zomtober 2018 part 1 - The Walking Dead Zombies

This post is a bit late but that's only to be expected when I'm painting two batches of 20 figures this month for the annual Zomtober challenge. I've just finished painting the first batch and am about to start the second, so I'm way ahead of schedule. I am working on getting all of the figures completed from the Kickstarter wave 1 box of Mantic Games' The Walking Dead skirmish game. What better a way to start than with a bunch of zombies? It has been such a long time since I have painted any contemporary zombie figures, so it was nice to return to them as I always enjoy painting them.
At the far left is a severely wounded old man. His chest bears a pair of large cuts forming a cross and his stomach has been ripped open.
Next to him is a young punk with a Mohican haircut. He sports numerous cuts and wounds.
Second from the right is a young female whose left arm has been bitten off or ripped off.
At the far left is a police patrol-woman who has been shot, stabbed and bitten. The blood on her hands is still fresh, so most likely came from a victim she has recently fed upon.
In this next batch is a young man in a baseball cap who has lost his left arm just above the elbow. There is also a gaping hole in his stomach. The zombies fed well on him!
The guy in the yellow T-shirt appears to have died from a single gunshot to the heart. The entry wound is in his back and the exit wound in his chest. A nice clean kill... for a human!
The skinny-looking female second from the right has had half of her face bitten off.
The female at the far right appears to have been a shop assistant, judging by her clothing. She has been shot just below her right breast and there is a massive exit wound in her back. Also, her left arm has been broken and hangs at an odd angle, with bone showing through.
These were an absolute joy to paint. They were the first figures I've painted from this range and I like that they are made of hard plastic and that they are superbly detailed. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get round to painting them but I'm glad I've made a start on them. Lots more to follow!


  1. Horrific! What else can I say about zombies? (Painting some of this range myself at present!)

    1. Horrific is a very apt description, Clint... but in a good way, if you like zombies. I look forward to seeing your own work on them.

  2. As with Clint I have the same set Zomtober bound.

    1. Thanks, Phil. They do seem to be a very popular choice this year.

  3. They look whatever is the fitting word for well painted Zombies Bryan :)

    1. Well painted is praise enough for me, Frank! :-)

  4. nice!!!! I painted this set last year and they were just lovely and full of detail. hope you enjoyed them as much as I did mate

    1. Thank you kindly, Andy. I really did thoroughly enjoy painting them and I'm looking forward to getting the rest done.

  5. There is no such thing as having too many zombie miniatures, I guess. Great work!

  6. Really nice work Bryan, this must be "bread and butter" to you!

    Seems strange that it's been so long since we saw some "Zom's" on your blog.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Much appreciated, Roger, and yes, this is indeed "bread and butter" work for me. However, to be fair I have shown a fair few Weird West zombies this year

  7. Welcome back to the contemporary zombie apocalypse Bryan :-)
    It's great to see you painting these my friend, and I hope you're enjoying doing them as much as I'm enjoying seeing them!

    1. Many thanks, good buddy. These were a real blast to paint and I'd forgotten just how much I enjoy painting contemporary zombies.

  8. Excellent start to zomtober Bryan, I had thought I might have a go this year and was thinking I could maybe do 4 figures and you knock out 8 in the first batch, brilliant.
    The sculpts do look pretty good, a reasonable variety of body (literally) types ;)

    1. Greatly appreciated, John. I've set a fast pace for myself. Actually, I knocked out 20 in my first batch but I'm splitting them up for my posts. I've got another 20 on the go right now! I love the sculpts of these figures.

  9. You know, there was a period where I wondered if my own collection of zombies might (I stress *might*!) have approached your own in numbers. I now see how foolish that thought was; there's no way I'll ever catch up :-) ...

    1. Ha, ha! Thanks, Hugh! I used to keep count of how many zombie figures I have but I honestly don't know what the current total is. I do know it is well over 1,000 and most probably over 1,500.

  10. Excellent Bryan. The Walking dead zombies have been some of my favourite sculpts to paint.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I can certainly see why - they are a joy to paint.

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