
Thursday 25 October 2018

Zomtober 2018 part 4 - The Walking Dead Zombies

Here are another eight 32mm scale zombie figures from the wave 1 boxed starter set of The Walking Dead by Mantic Games that I painted up for the Zomtober 2018 challenge.
First up is the zombie crawler that Rick Grimes encountered in episode #1 of series #1 of the TV series. This zombie has been ripped in half and has lost the flesh from the left half of his body.
Next in line is the zombie version of Deputy Sheriff Shane Walsh, the former partner of Rick Grimes. The two had a major falling out which resulted in Rick killing Shane by stabbing him in the stomach. When Shane came back to life as a zombie, Carl Grimes shot him in the head, finally laying him to rest. Shane was a major arsehole and deserved to die.
The third zombie in line closely resembles Reggie, one of the gangers from Atlanta. I don't know if this was intentional or not by Mantic Games, but I painted him in the same colour scheme as Reggie, whom I'll show in my next post. Zombie Reggie has a massive stomach wound from which his intestines are spilling out.
Last in line is a female zombie who has fed recently as her hands and chin are coated in fresh blood. Tamiya Clear Red is the perfect paint for fresh blood.
At the far left of this next group is a former business woman wearing a two-piece suit and shirt. She has suffered numerous cuts and bullet wounds.
The guy standing next to her has long dreadlocks, so I painted his skin tones darker to suggest he was from Jamaica, where Rastafarianism is popular. I didn't want him to have a plain coloured T-shirt, so I painted the Smiley face on it, which I copied from a photo I'd seen. His left arm has been torn off and his right foot is only just attached to his leg by a few slivers of flesh and muscle.
The male zombie, second from the right has been shot in the right side of his chest and the bullet has left a huge exit wound in the centre of his back.
Finally is an elderly gentleman who has been shot repeatedly in the body and legs.
I had so much fun painting these and I'm pleased to announce that I completed my mission to paint all of the figures from the top tray of the starter boxed set of The Walking Dead. That's 38 figures painted in just over three weeks! I'm very pleased with that result. I'll show the rest of the figures in my next few posts.


  1. Good job! I do not as yet have the top tray painted, slowly getting there though. Good to see them finished and with luck I shall be equally happy with mine as you are with yours.

    1. Thanks, Clint. These have sat unpainted for far too long so I'm really chuffed I took this opportunity to get them painted.

  2. This is a great job on some great minis. Think I did some of these last year. Love it.

  3. Replies
    1. Erm, yes! I was just so motivated to get them finished in as short a time as possible. I really pushed myself for this challenge... and I haven't finished yet, as I've decided to carry on painting yet more TWD figures.

  4. As always Bryan a great bit of painting & your right that arsehole got what he had coming to him, but one could hardly blame him for trying to move in on Rick's wife as she was a looker :)

    1. Especially as he thought Rick was dead.

    2. Thank you so much, Frank and Phil. Agreed, both Shane and Lori thought that Rick was dead when they began their relationship but even so, Shane was still a complete arsehole once Rick turned up. One of the things I'm keen to find out in the game is seeing what happens if Lori survives. That's the beauty of games like this - you can write your own script.

  5. Another great group. I really like your blood effects!

    1. Thanks, Skully. Painting gore effects is always my favourite part of painting zombies and it's always the last thing I paint on them.

  6. Beautiful work on the denizens of the dead as always Bryan, I haven't watched the series, but I cant believe these are based on actual zombie characters from the show! (or that you can remember them!).

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Hi there, Roger. Many thanks for your comments. To be fair, most of these zombies are NOT based on zombies from the comics or the TV series. However, the zombie crawler shown here was so memorable, I'm not surprised that Mantic included him.

  7. Awesome Bryan. 38 figures is a very big well done, will they ever get on your table do you think, with all the zombies you have it is going to be a bit of a crush ;)

    1. Hi John and thank you. This lot will certainly get on my table. I have often thought about taking group shot photos of all of my contemporary zombies covering my gaming table. But the effort required to pull it off is so daunting I just haven't bothered. That said, it would be an interesting exercise as well as a most impressive sight.

  8. Well done mate! 38 figures!!?? I thought I was doing really good there at 26 figures, not so much lol! Again, amazing stuff 🙂

    1. Many thanks, Ivor. To be fair to you, 26 is still a very good total, so well done.

  9. Excellent work Bryan - cracking stuff. :)

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