
Sunday 21 October 2018

Zomtober 2018 part 3 - The Grimes Family

For week 3 of the Zomtober 2018 challenge I present the heroes of The Walking Dead stories in both the comics and the TV series - the Grimes family. Here are three more 32mm scale survivor figures from The Walking Dead skirmish game wave 1 starter boxed set, produced by Mantic Games.
At the far left is Rick Grimes, a deputy sheriff who, at the start of the story, is shot whilst attempting to arrest a fleeing criminal. He wakes up from a coma to find a world very different to what he remembered. The zombie apocalypse has begun and nothing will ever be the same again. He seeks out his wife and son and finds them with a group  of other survivors on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia. His figure is armed with a hand axe and a police issue 9mm pistol. He can be used as either a Marksman or a Tactician in the game and he is the leader of any group he is in.
In the centre of the group is Rick's wife, Lori, who was forced to flee when the zombie outbreak began, believing her husband to be lost or dead. Lori is not armed and is classed as a Support member of any group she is in.
At the far right is Rick and Lori's son, Carl. Although his figure is shown armed with a 9mm pistol, he is also classed as a Support member of his group.
As the story progressed new figures for Rick, Lori and Carl were introduced but these are the three figures starting players of the game will use the most, especially Rick. As with all of this range, they are superbly well sculpted, full of detail and an absolute joy to paint.


  1. Great minis again. Though I really hate Carl Grimes...

  2. Lovely work on them all! I love Carl especially in the comics!

    1. Thanks, Simon. I'm sorry to say I'm not a fan of Carl, but each to their own.

  3. Lovely sculpts and effectively painted.

  4. Nice trio Bryan! All my Walking Dead figures are still stashed away in the mountain of stuff to do, but I agree they do look fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Terry. When you do get round to unboxing them I hope you find them as enjoyable to paint as I did.

  5. Great work Bryan! The Walking Dead figures are nice figures, though, I never bought any myself, was about to before I suffered the stroke in August. I do have tons of Zomicide figures, though, and posted my week 3 effort on the blog a little while ago

    1. Hi. Major. I'm so sorry to hear of your stroke. Here's hoping you make a good recovery. I checked out your link and that's a nice collection of zombies you've painted. I wish you all the best.

  6. These 3 are also in my painting queue. I just hope mine come out as well when I get round to them..... But I already think they possibly will not!

    1. Thanks, Clint. I look forward to seeing your paint jobs on the Grimes family. Don't be too harsh on yourself - you're a very good painter!

  7. Well done Bryan! Your detail on Lori's shirt is amazing!

    1. Greatly appreciated, Ivor. The Mantic painter gave Lori a two-colour chequered shirt - blue and black but I added a light blue where the black stripes and hoops met to make the shirt pop even more. I'm very happy with how it turned out.

  8. Ha - Ivor took the words to right out of my mouth. Nice trio but as usual I've not read the book or seen the film - such a sheltered life - sigh!!!

    1. Ah, John, you certainly have led a sheltered life. Whether you'd enjoy the comics or TV series would depend very much on what you think of zombie apocalypse series. Obviously, I'm a big fan of them but I know they're not to everyone's liking.

  9. Nice. I love your presentation. The Grimes family makes a good addition to your collection. The miniatures from the Walking Dead game are fun to paint!

    1. Thank you most kindly, sir. The figures are indeed great fun to paint.

  10. Iconic figures, nicely done. Not much else I can say, really...

  11. Nice work. I really like Lori's shirt. I chickened out of doing the chequered pattern.

    1. Thanks, Kieron and totally understandable about chickening out on the chequered pattern of Lori's shirt. I won't deny, it was a challenge.

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