
Wednesday 19 December 2018

Strontium Dog - Johnny & Wulf on Morks

I have been busy painting the wave 3 release figures for the Strontium Dog skirmish game by Warlord Games. These two figures show Johnny Alpha and his partner, Wulf Sternhammer, riding Morks.
Bounty hunters often need to track their quarry into the wildlands beyond towns and cities, and on many worlds the indigenous Morks are the mount of choice. These bipedal mammals combine speed and durability with a seemingly high tolerance of radiation making them ideal steeds for bounty hunter and outlaw alike. Mork farms are not an unusual sight in the homesteads on the fringes of society.
Johnny Alpha and his Viking partner, Wulf Sternhammer made good use of Morks on many of their bounty-hunting jobs - from tackling the vicious alien outlaws, Bubo and his gang of Howler Bad Boys to protecting alien farmsteaders from bullying neighbours intent on driving the Search/Destroy agents out. Allying speed and resilience, Morks can reliably get them to where they need to be - much to the chagrin of their quarry.
This set contains the two figures shown above, 2 character cards, 1 Armoury card (Medipack) and 2 Chicanery cards (Can I Borrow That? and Counter-Attack). It costs £15.00 from the Warlord Games store. I like these figures but I don't expect I'll get much use out of them. Incidentally, this is now my eighth figure of Johnny Alpha and my fifth figure of Wulf Sternhammer.


  1. Great work on Johnny and Wulf Bryan, nice looking models as you say maybe limited use but a great addition none the less

    1. Much appreciated, Dave. Much like the figures of Johnny and Wulf on the skimmer bikes, they won't see a lot of play but they're still useful additions.

  2. Those look really nice, lovely painting, I just desperate to "Nanu, Nanu!" though. ;-)

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. I must admit that I too thought of Mork and Mindy when I first saw what these beasts were called.

  3. Wonderful models Bryan, Mork calling Austin Mork calling Austin :)

  4. Those minis look very nice indeed, Bryan, and are probably worth painting just for their look even if you don't feel you'll get much use out of them in-game. Would you recommend painting them with the riders attached, or as sub assemblies?

    1. Cheers, Simon. These come with the bodies sculpted onto the Morks. Only the riders' right arms are separate components. Thus, you have to paint them as a single entity. This didn't bother me at all as I prefer painting mounted figures that are glued to their mount or part of them as these are.

  5. Cool looking figures Bryan. Mork calling Orson...Mork calling Orson...Oh, SHAZBOT! Mork signing off. Nanu, nanu. :>)

    1. Many thanks, Major. I'm fully expecting more Mork jokes with my next post. :-)

  6. These are such cool minis Bryan. Great job!

    1. Very much appreciated, Simon. I agree with you.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you most kindly for telling me how much you like them, Andy, and sorry I inadvertently deleted your comment.

  8. Two legged camels was my first thought, followed swiftly by the sad thought that you'd been short changed by Warlord, and then I read your text and it all became clear. ;)

    Another interesting set of figures Bryan, well done I'm just so impressed at your output it's amazing.
    Well done and keep it up.

    1. Many thanks, John. If you've never seen a Mork before then I can fully understand your confusion. More Morks on display today with my next post.

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