
Saturday 22 December 2018

Strontium Dog - Bubo and his Bad Boys

Raiding convoys and towns on the planet Alzir, the vicious alien outlaws known as Bubo and the Bad Boys left a trail of devastation and terror in their wake. Riding their bipedal Mork steeds, Bubo and his Howler henchmen raided for valuables and meat - they cooked and devoured their prisoners! This reign of terror finally led to the mayor of the latest town to be hit by Bubo's gang to call on the Search/Destroy agency to send help. That help materialised in the form of Johnny Alpha and his partner, Wulf Sternhammer, who immediately set out on Bubo's trail...
Johnny and Wulf caught up with the Bad Boys as they attacked a train heading from Jobsville. After a violent showdown, Bubo tied the train's throttle and the train plunged off a bridge into a ravine below, trapping the unconscious Alpha. Wulf saved his partner, taking him to the nearest town for medical care before heading out to wreak bloody vengeance on Bubo and his Howler outlaws.
As with the previous set I showed (Johnny and Wulf on Morks) the figures are mostly two-piece castings with the right arms being a separate component. Note that the Bad Boy at the far right is a one-piece casting. They are extremely well sculpted and animated. This boxed set contains the three figures shown, two character cards (the Bad Boys share identical stats), 2 Armoury cards (Infrared Torch and Thermo-Bomb) and 1 Chicanery card (Lightning Charge). It costs £20.00 from the Warlord Games webstore.


  1. Great painting on these Bryan, remember the story fondly, now all you need is a train to reenact the story ! LOL Just kidding

    1. Cheers, Dave. I'd love a train to use with these figures. That would be so cool but is most likely to remain a pipe dream.

  2. Great looking minis Bryan, relating to arguably my favourite "Strontium Dog" story. Hopefully you'll be able to do a short BatRep involving all this Mork action at some point?

    1. Thanks, Simon. I hope to run quite a few "Strontium Dog" batreps in 2019, including pitting Johnny against these foes.

  3. Awesome looking figures Bryan!

  4. Absolutely bonkers, I love them! I need to get some I think. 😉

  5. Bubo and the Bad Boys that's such a classic name, brilliant. Have to say that I'm taken with these two legged camels.

    Maybe if you get some more of thesethe could be Bubo, Bryan and the Bad Boys, that has a certain ring to it. ;)

    1. LOL! What a brilliant idea, John! That's given me food for thought! :-)

  6. As said above, Totally Bonkers" but brilliant!! pretty much what we've come to expect from you Bryan!

    Beautiful painting as always mate, all the best of the day!!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Roger. Many thanks, indeed!

      Best wishes to you and your family this Christmas.

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