
Sunday 30 December 2018

Vampifans Views 114 - Monthly Musings 84

Welcome to my final Monthly Musings of 2018 and I have a lot to cover. I've just noticed that this will be my 100th post of 2018. Yay me! First up is another illustration of my beloved Vampirella by Spanish artist Sanjulian. It's not a bad portrait but he has done better. The bat behind her is really naff!

2018 seems to have flown over. It started very badly for me with my mother dying in January. She is sorely missed. But life goes on and despite this being the first Christmas I have ever spent on my own I was determined to make the best of it and to enjoy it as much as I could, which I did. In my first post of 2019 I'll show you what my brother bought for me for Christmas present and the items I added to it. It is impressive!

These past couple of weeks have been incredible for me as a gamer. I am a big fan of Kickstarters. I know some people hate them but for the most part I have had very positive experiences with them and I continue to back them. By nature, I am a very patient person, so a one year wait (or however long it takes) to receive my order is not a problem. I understand that games need time to be developed and that the manufacturing process can take quite some time. The reason I mention this is that I received two Kickstarter games I'd backed a good while ago these past two weeks.

First to arrive was the wave 1 delivery of Nemesis, a sci-fi horror game set on a space ship that has become infested with Alien-like creatures. This game grabbed my attention as soon as I saw it being announced. As soon as I received my copy I painted all of the figures that came with it - 6 humans and 20 Intruders. It can be played by 1 to 5 players and I played it for the first time on Christmas Day and I have to say it was one of the most tense gaming experiences of my life. Since then I have played it many more times. This game is just superb and easily one of the best board-games I've ever played! Mind you, it is not an easy game to win but that is a good thing in my opinion - I like a challenge. If you're a fan of the Aliens franchise, as I am, you'll love this game. I plan on showcasing the figures very early in 2019.

On the Saturday before Christmas, I received two big parcels. One was for the Here's Negan board-game, a stand alone supplement to Mantic Games' The Walking Dead games. This was not a Kickstarter, it was my main Christmas present that I bought for myself. Thanks to this year's Zomtober and Zomvember painting challenges I'm really back into The Walking Dead games and this was a perfect complement to what I already own. I primarily wanted this game for the six survivor miniatures, including a new version of Negan, shown in the photo above. The zombie figures are all duplicate poses of ones from the boxed starter set of The Walking Dead: All Out War, which was slightly disappointing but not the end of the world. I was uncertain what the game play would be like but I have played it once and found the game very challenging and a lot of fun. I'm now looking forward to playing the campaign mode of linked scenarios. Thankfully, this is another game that allows for solo players.

The second parcel I received that day was massive and very heavy. It contained all of the items I'd backed for the Resident Evil 2 Kickstarter board-game, and I think I ordered one of everything that was on offer. There were 11 separate boxes in the parcel! That is a heck of a lot of content. As a huge fan of zombie films and games there was no way that I wasn't going to buy this game. Although I am not a computer player and thus have not played any of the Resident Evil computer games, I do own all of the films and novels for this franchise and I'm a big fan of them all. I have only just finished reading the rulebook and I plan on trying it out this afternoon. Initial impressions are highly favourable and the figures look really great, with some of them being truly frightening - Birkin stage 5 and the giant alligator, for example. I can't wait to get them painted.

So, as you can imagine, I have had a great time playing games that I love, which is something I don't do enough of. I seem to spend far more time painting figures than in gaming with them. This Christmas, however, has been the opposite, with gaming taking precedence over painting. This doesn't mean that painting has stopped all together - it has just slowed down. Currently on my painting table are some more Strontium Dog figures by Warlord Games and some new Rumbleslam figures by TT Combat, as well as some really old Citadel sci-fi figures that I'm repainting for my The Ace of Spades Campaign on my WOIN blog.

2019 promises to be a good year for me. What I am most looking forward to the New Year is celebrating Vampirella's 50th anniversary. She first appeared in comics in 1969 and has been going strong ever since. I'm sure there are big plans to celebrate this milestone anniversary. What I would love to see but is unlikely to happen, is a big budget movie or a TV series for her.

I have more Kickstarters that I'm waiting for, the first of which should be the hard-backed rulebook of Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD plus some extras by EN Publishing. That is due sometime in January and will receive a lot of coverage on my WOIN blog. February will hopefully see the release of Core Space, a sci-fi skirmish game with miniatures and awesome scenery by Battle Systems Ltd. This is their first foray into gaming and it all looks to be a smash hit for them. There are at least five others that I'm waiting for but in the short term, these two that I've mentioned are the two I'm most excited about.

I want to do more batreps for both of my blogs. I really enjoy doing them but they are very time consuming to produce. I started 2018 well with the 12 part scenario, Alien Base, for my The Ace of Spades Campaign, which appeared on my WOIN blog, but there were very few further batreps after that. My two Six Gun Sound scenarios that I ran on this blog were a lot of fun and I very much want to post more Wild West and Weird West batreps. In August I ran an introductory scenario for the Strontium Dog skirmish game by Warlord Games. Again, I hope to run more of them in 2019. I can say that I do have plans to run a short St. Trinian's scenario using the N.O.W. rules on my WOIN blog very soon, once I finish showcasing the cast. Hopefully, it'll be the start of a long running campaign. After that I plan on returning to Kimberley and the crew of The Ace of Spades as they visit a pleasure planet and Kimberley enters a high stakes gambling contest. Actually, my WOIN blog should be filled with batreps because once I get the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD rulebook I'm going to want to start a new campaign based on it. Honestly, I have so many plans for stuff I want to do, it's just hard to find the time to do them all. Thank God, I'm retired and have so much free time to devote to this wonderful hobby.

I am looking forward to 2019 and I hope it lives up to my expectations. I am content with my life and that is a good thing to be able to say. I'd just like to end by first of all thanking all of you who follow my blog and who take the time out to comment on my posts. Your continued support spurs me on and encourages me to continue blogging for as long as I can. Secondly, I wish every one of you a peaceful and prosperous New Year filled with love and happiness. God bless you all!


  1. What a great hobbying year, Bryan, with plenty to look forward to in 2019 clearly. I think your "W.O.I.N." coverage over the past twelve months has proved particularly enjoyable and certainly caused me to pick up a few tomes for some well-written fluff - "The Moons of Boria" being my fave read.

    Plenty more BatReps to come too I see, and it will good to see the Ace of Spades crew back in action once again, and your attention to detail with their first campaign made that a very different experience from the usual 'wham kablam' BatReps this hobby usually posts.

    I'm looking forward to seeing some additional coverage of "Nemesis", as I've been sat on the fence with that one for a while - but the video reviews look good and I like some of the game mechanics - it should also be out on general release in 2019.

    Lots more painted minis to come too, which are always good to peruse in my books, as you seem to find plenty of gems which I've never seen/heard of before. Admittedly, that does occasionally lead to me scouring the interweb looking to see if I can locate a long OOP model only to be disappointed when I can't. But its still great to see them on your blog.

    I'm not sure about retirement giving so much free time for the hobby though, I retired a year ago and have never been busier doing other things. LOL :-)

    1. Thank you ever so much, Simon, for such a long and delightful reply. More batreps are at the top of my "to do" list for 2019. I am immensely looking forward to returning to my "The Ace of Spades Campaign" as I have so many adventures planned for them. I purposely made their batreps more like reading a novel than the more usual lots of shooting and fighting batreps. That is not the focus of this campaign. I like exploring the characterisations of my heroes and how they interact with one another and who they meet.

      As for "Nemesis" I really can't recommend this too highly. As I said, it is one of the best board-games I have ever played. It just ticks all the boxes I want ticking.

      I will of course continue to showcase the figures I paint and yes, there will be some very old ones amongst them. Do remember I have been figure collecting since the late 1970's!

      I guess retirement is different for me seeing as I live alone and don't have any family to look after. I know that if were married with children my free time would be drastically curtailed.

      All the best to you, Simon.

  2. Bryan it's been a pleasure following the master blogger, you continue to surprise me with the quality and quantity of your content, I would have expected you to have slowed down a little but 100 posts in a year is truly amazing.

    I personally would like to see more games in a campaign setting and I still have high hopes of a return to Sixgun Sound but I'm looking forward to St Trinians, as you know my gaming interests are more current or set in the past but you have so much breadth of content that there's something for everyone, including a grump like me.

    I did think of you having your first Christmas without your mum but it then slipped my mind at the crucial point, things get so hectic at this time of the year, sorry about that.

    It sounds as though 2019 had better watch out, Bryan's about, I wish you all the best for the New Year mate.
    Have a jolly good time.

    1. Many, many thanks for such a lovely reply, John. My hobby pretty much fills my life and means I never get bored and always have something to occupy myself, which is definitely a good thing. As long as I have good health I will never slow down.

      I have lots of plans for "Six Gun Sound" including two ongoing campaigns! The St. Trinian's campaign will start in late January hopefully.

      Thank you so kindly for thinking about me being alone at Christmas. It was kind of strange and the house felt empty but I wasn't going to wallow in sadness and self-pity so I made it a happy day by having a positive attitude. I'm more of a glass is half full guy than a glass is half empty bloke.

      All the best to you, my good friend. I hope you have a wonderful New Year.

  3. 2018 was certainly an eventful year Bryan, good to hear that the first Xmas without your mum went well, she was a marvellous lady.
    Sounds like there is much to look forward to in 2019 so I wish you a happy safe and productive new year

    1. Very much appreciated, Dave. You are right, my mum was a wonderful lady, much loved by all who knew her.
      I am very much looking forward to 2019. I, too, wish you a happy, safe and productive New Year. All the best, Dave!

  4. Busy old year for you then, and another on the horizon, even being retired it amazes me how you fit all this in!

    All the very best to you for the new year, cheers Roger.

    1. Busy is definitely an understatement, Roger. But, do you know, I wouldn't want it any other way. My hobby keeps me busy, happy and sane.

      My best wishes to you and your family for the New Year.

  5. 100!post this year congrats man! Tho I spend most of my time painting then gaming too. I wish it were the opposite as well. I agree bat reps take a lot of time, but the reactions are well worth it!!! Looking for ward to your 2019 out put. Have a Happy New year holiday.

    1. Many thanks, Tom. I totally agree with you about posting batreps. They are very time-consuming but they always get a great reaction. I definitely want to post more of them.

      All the best to you for 2019, good buddy!

  6. Your thanking us for following your blog Bryan ? no its us who should be thanking you for taking all the time & effort to post stuff & hitting the big 100 is no mean feat, so thanks mate :)

    You certainly have plenty to keep you busy in the New-year but the one that grab me was Resident Evil as I'm a big fan of those movie's & have often thought about doing one, anyway there's more then enough to keep us all coming back for more in 2019 so here's to it been the Happiest of a New-year :)

    1. I greatly appreciate your comments and support, Frank. Thank you most kindly!

      I did get to play my first game of Resident Evil 2 this afternoon and scored a convincing victory. However, I was only facing zombies and nothing else. Some of the other monsters are the stuff of nightmares. I just know I'm going to enjoy this game immensely, as I, too, am a massive fan of the franchise.

      I wish you a very happy New Year, mate!

  7. Jeepers, what a year. Finances somewhat restricted at the moment so nothing being purchased. Dad went into hospital colored bright yellow the week leading up to Christmas but was discharged on Christmas Eve. Hobby wise the worst ever year ever, still the only way is up. I have thoroughly enjoyed your and Fantoricals blogs/ Happy 2019 to you.

    1. Many thanks, Phil. I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I hope he's on the road to recovery. I'm also sorry you think 2018 was your worst year hobby-wise ever. Be positive and make 2019 a much better year.

      All the very best for the New Year.

  8. 100 Posts? Congrats! I may break thirty if I roll out the annual review today :D . I probably got my copy of Here' Negan close to when you did and hope to tackle the models in the new year. Have you considered converting the duplicates? I'm considering cutting them up a bit to diversify my walker horde. Best wishes for the new year. Looking forward to seeing what you cook up in 2019!

    1. Cheers, HP. I most probably will convert the duplicates or at the very least, give them new paint schemes. Painting the six survivor figures that come with the game is very high on my "to do" list.

      All the best to you for the New Year and happy gaming!

  9. Superb year Bryan despite the sad news of your mum’s passing, having lost my own mum i understand how strange it can be during the holidays.

    One of my club mates has Nemesis and wants to commission me to paint the minis so you might be seeing them show cased on my blog later on in the year and I look forward to playing it!

    Sounds like 2019 is gonna be a cracker. Happy new year my friend

    1. Many thanks and much appreciated, Andy. I got my "Nemesis" figures painted super-quick and I'll showcase them real soon. I have to say that I'm very much addicted to this game and have been playing it most days since Christmas Day.

      Best wishes to you and your family for this New Year, my friend!

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