
Wednesday 26 December 2018

Strontium Dog - Scum of the Universe

Where there are bounty hunters there must, by definition, be those who have bounty placed on their heads. Often these are violent outlaws, criminals or psychopaths.
A two-faced mutant gang leader from Paprika in the Spice System, Billy Joe forced Johnny Alpha into a duel with las-whips, the outcome a foregone conclusion as the gang leader was the system's champion for the last 16 years. Alpha faked his death, knowing he could not beat Billy Joe at that time. Billy Joe was enraged when he realised Johnny had tricked him, coming across a circus poster that read, "Johnny Alpha: Greatest Las-Whipper of All Time: 10,000 credits TO ANY MAN WHO CAN BEAT HIM!" It was a challenge he could not turn down  without losing his reputation and business. Billy Joe faced a far more dangerous opponent the second time, discovering to his detriment that Johnny had spent the months of his recuperation learning how to wield the las-whip.

One of Johnny's previous partners, Sniffer Martinez was gunned down by Kansyr on the planet Laz in Johnny's early days as an S/D Agent. Kansyr was caught by Alpha and handed to the authorities but was later freed with only a fine, on the grounds that killing a mutie S/D Agent warranted no greater punishment. The alien outlaw went on to commit hideous crimes across the galaxy for the next seven years, until Alpha and his partner, Wulf Sternhammer, took up the warrant for his termination.
Taking part in the ancient, annual death-rite known as The Killing, on the planet Zdwhkkrswrld (more commonly known as Zed!), Johnny and Wulf crossed paths with the android Steelkreeg. Holding the two S/D Agents off in a bell tower using his flamethrower, he eventually met his demise.

These are an eclectic mix of bad guys in this boxed set. The figures are all well sculpted but I would offer a word of warning when attaching Billy Joe's arms to his body. Try to fix them to two points, as I've done with mine (base and las-whip), otherwise they could well snap off at the hands. That seemed to me to be a weak point that could be a problem with constant handling. In addition to the three miniatures, the box also contains 3 Character cards, 2 Armoury cards (Electro-flare and Heat Beam) and 1 Chicanery card (Patient Hunter). This boxed set costs £15.00 from the Warlord Games webstore.


  1. Some classic bad guys that are nicely painted Bryan, not my favourite villains but great additions none the less

    1. I have to agree with you, Dave. They aren't my favourite villains either, but they are worth having in my collection.

  2. Very nice Bryan! Some great looking colors there 🙂

    1. Many thanks, Ivor. They were a lot of fun to paint.

  3. Never heard of any of these three villains but they a great fig's, my fave of the three has to be the big blue haired chap in the middle "Kansyr?", He'd make a great Alien Supervillain for "supers" gaming too.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Cheers, Roger. Yes, Kansyr, is the one in the middle and although I hadn't thought of him as a supervillain, your idea makes a lot of sense. :-)

  4. Nicely done B, not heard of these guys but hope to see them in a batrep soon ;-)

    1. Many thanks, Andy. They all appeared in Johnny's earliest adventures, so unless you've been following his stories from the start or have volume 1 of the graphic novel collection you're unlikely to have heard of them. I'm hoping to post lots more "Strontium Dog" batreps in 2019.

  5. Another nice set Bryan, like the guy with the red head, as usual I've never heard of any of them - sorry.;)

    1. thank you kindly, John. That's another fan of Kansyr. He's my favourite out of the bunch as well. No need to apologise for not having heard of them. See my reply to Andy above.

    2. PS. Yes, I really am replying to you at 01.44am. I just can't get to sleep so decided to spend some time on my computer!

    3. I know what you mean, last night I was in bed but using the tablet until 2:30, it's a bugger this sleeplessness sometimes.
      Cheers mate.

    4. It looks like I'm not the only one suffering from sleepless nights. With me, it comes and goes, but it sure is a bugger when it happens, as you rightly say, John.

  6. Once more you bring us a nice tale & nicely painted models Bryan :)

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