
Sunday 6 January 2019

Nemesis Crew 01

Nemesis is a game that I received shortly before Christmas. I played it for the first time on Christmas day and became addicted to it. I have been playing it just about every day since then. So, in this post and the next I want to show you the figures that come with the game, starting with the six crew members.
At the far left is the Captain. He starts the game armed with a Six Shooter Pistol which has 6 shots. It is a classic weapon and can only be reloaded with the Reload Action card. When you roll double damage you deal 1 additional injury. He is a good all-rounder.
Next up is the Mechanic. He starts the game armed with a Sawed Off Shotgun, which only has 2 shots. Rolls of 1 damage are treated as double damage. He is the guy who is best suited to repairing stuff.
At the far right is the Pilot. She starts the game armed with a Shotgun which also has 2 shots. Every time you deal at least 1 injury you deal 1 additional injury. She is the person you most want to get to the ship's cockpit, where her skills prove most useful.
Moving on is the wheelchair bound Scientist. He starts the game armed with a Pistol, which has 3 shots. Unfortunately, rolls of double damage are treated as single damage, so that's not good. Obviously, science skills are his forte. He is not good in combat.
The female Scout is next in line. She starts the game with a Rifle, which holds 4 shots. It has no special rules. She is excellent at exploring the ship and can check out rooms without entering them or move silently.
Last up is the Soldier. He starts the game armed with an Assault Rifle, which has 5 shots. Each time he deals at least 1 injury he deals an additional injury. Obviously, he is the character best suited to fighting the Intruders.
The figures are nicely sculpted with realistic proportions. However, the facial detail on them is poor. All of the figures have textured bases, which is a nice touch. The game is designed to be played by 1 to 5 players so you can't field all six characters. When I've been playing, the most I've taken has been four. However, I usually play with three characters. My win ratio is good but every game is so tense and unpredictable. Victory is never a certainty. The Intruders are truly frightening and I'll show you them in my next post.


  1. When you mentioned "Nemesis" before Bryan, I was rather intrigued and this posting has added to that interest enormously. What an incredibly different cast of characters the game provides, and thanks for taking the time to explain their various in-game roles and equipment etc. Really looking forward to this becoming available in stores :-)

    1. Thank you kindly, Simon. I hope you don't have too long to wait for the game to be available commercially. I really can't recommend it too highly. It has fast become my favourite board-game!

  2. Shame about the facial detail Bryan, as otherwise the models look good, and nice to see all aspects of a crew being represented

    1. I totally agree with you, Dave. The figures are very nice but let down by their lack of facial detail. There are more crew figures coming with wave 2 of the game. I'm very much looking forward to receiving them.

  3. I know nothing about the game Bryan is played out on a spaceship ?

    1. Yes, Frank, it is played on a spaceship named "Nemesis". The game board is double-sided each with a different layout of the "Nemesis".

  4. Sounds pretty cool. Those minis are ace. I like the yellow one, who looks like a foppy Prince Adam.

    1. Thanks, Tom. I think you're right about Prince Adam. :-)

  5. This is the first I have heard of this game. Sounds interesting. Is it like the game Endure the Stars?

    1. Cheers, Major. I am not overly familiar with "Endure the Stars" but I do see certain similarities between both games. I guess if you like one you'll like the other.

  6. Cool looking minis Bryan and nice paint jobs.

    1. Do you have problem with your eyes or you just kidding?

  7. hahaahha... stop trolling with this painting hahahaha

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