
Wednesday 9 January 2019

Nemesis Intruders 01

As promised in my last post, I'm showcasing the Intruders that appear in the Nemesis board-game. As in the Aliens films, the Intruders mutate, becoming larger and more dangerous as time passes. I present them from smallest and weakest to the largest and most deadly.
Hatching from eggs laid by the Queen are the Intruder Larva. There are three Larva on each base. These are very easy to kill - one shot is all it takes to kill them. Rolling the combat dice you have a 5 in 6 chance of wounding them. However, they can infect a crew member and that is not a good thing, although surgery can remove them. You get six of these figures in the game.
Next up are the Intruder Creepers. These are much tougher opposition and can have anywhere from two to six wounds, depending upon which card is drawn when you score a hit on them.Rolling the combat dice you have a 4 in 6 chance of wounding them.
You get three of these figures in the game. They rarely make an appearance but when they do they can prove a deadly threat.
By far the most numerous of the Intruders are the Adults. These are the Intruders that the crew members are most likely to encounter. Once again, they can have two to six wounds depending upon which card is drawn when they are injured. Each time you injure an Intruder you draw a card to determine how many wounds it has so it can vary in a single turn if you injure it multiple times. Rolling the combat dice you have a 3 in 6 chance of wounding them.
There are four versions of the adults and you get two of each version, giving a total of eight Adults. The two standing Intruders have bits of debris sculpted on their bases with pieces fixed to their legs and hands to add strength to their sculpts, otherwise they might snap at their ankles. It is a wise decision that the sculptors made.
These are three Intruders you least want to encounter. Two Breeders stand on either side of the mighty Queen. When you injure one of these figures you draw two cards to determine how many wounds it has. This gives them a range of four to twelve wounds depending upon which cards are drawn. For both of them you only have a 2 in 6 chance of wounding them on the combat dice.
In one game I played all of my crew had completed their missions and had gathered in the Hibernatorium at the end of the game to enter their hibernation chambers when I drew an Intruder token from the bag and it was the Queen. It could not have appeared at a worse time. The crew did not defeat it but did force it to retreat, which was lucky. They all suffered wounds and were lucky no one died. You get two Breeders and one Queen in the game. It is very rare that they appear but when they do it is brown pants time!
To give you some idea of just how big the Intruders in this photo are I have placed one of each of their types against all six crew members. They really are a frightening sight and their sculpts are just incredible. The detail on the Queen's base is amazing, with Larva emerging from openings in the floor. I also like how she is holding a Larva in her left hand. In real life she would probably be over 20 feet tall!
The Queen was the first figure I painted out of this set and I decided against painting them all black, which seems the most obvious choice for them. I liked the idea of giving them a metallic sheen, so painted them with a base of Foundry Black Shade 34A then dry-brushed them with two coats of metallic blue with the second being lighter than the first. I was very happy with the results so I quickly painted the rest of the Intruders. I have to say, they were some of the easiest figures I've had to paint.
I really love these figures. I'm thinking that they would fit in perfectly with the N.E.W. supplement Xenomorphs: the Fall of Somerset Landing. They would be great figures to represent the various types of Xenomorphs, who look very similar to these Intruders.


  1. Very nice colour scheme on your intruders Bryan, the models are very similar to a certain film franchise, which I imagine is what they were aiming for

    1. Thanks, Dave. The whole game is highly reminiscent of "Alien" and "Aliens", which I really love.

  2. Black, yet not black. A nice choice.

  3. Beautiful colour scheme dude, what metallic blue did you use?

    1. Many thanks, Andy. I ordered the metallic blues for them specifically from Amazon UK. They are DecoArt Pewter and Ice Blue sold in big 59ml pots.

    2. this one?

    3. Not that one, Andy, but this one -
      and this one -

  4. Lovely minis and lovely colour choice, Bryan. Some of them are a nice size too clearly!!! More reasons to buy this game once it hits the shelves methinks :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. I certainly hope that this game hits retail soon for fans like you.

  5. Oh ya Bryan! You've made them look very gribbly, well done.

    1. That is so kind of you, Tom. Gribbly is exactly what I was aiming for.

  6. A good choice on the colour Bryan & they look very impressive :) is it on a turn bases that they grow or is it on a scenario bases ?

    1. Greatly appreciated, Frank. Intruders usually appear on a turn by turn basis. Note that they don't always appear but odds are that they will.

  7. These look awesome Bryan (as do the crew), I hope I'm not going to be kicking myself for not grabbing a copy of this game!

    1. Thank you kindly, Andy. Everything about this game is awesome. I've been playing it every day since Christmas day. Hopefully, it will be available commercially.

  8. Excellent work! The shiny "blackness" makes them look suitably dark and creepy and slimy.

  9. Most impressive minis! I love your choice for their color scheme Bryan.

    1. Many thanks, Major. I'm more than happy with my choice of colour scheme.

  10. These all look cool. I like the colour schemes. The sculpts are nice for all the different stages as well. Great job Bryan.

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    Dr. Utu can only be reached at:
