
Friday 25 January 2019

Rumbleslam Referees

Currently, the newest supplement and set of figures for TT Combat's Rumbleslam are the Referees. This supplement offers optional rules to include referees in your games. Referees is the second expansion for Rumbleslam, introducing two all new attacks, tripping and pinning. Use a trip attack to get your opponent onto the ground, then pin them to evict them from the ring! Referees are only in a Rumbleslam ring to monitor the match, not participate in it, but that doesn't stop most of them from interfering!
First up is the human referee who comes with two stat cards - Good Referee and Dirty Referee. In both cases his special ability is very similar. As a good ref if a friendly wrestler makes a No Class action or an action with the Dirty special rule, the ref can force the player to re-roll the Crowd dice. As a dirty ref if an enemy wrestler makes a No Class action or an action with the Dirty special rule, the ref can force the opponent to re-roll the Crowd dice. Note that this figure is not part of the Referees set - he was a limited edition figure that I was lucky enough to but earlier. His stat card can be downloaded from the Rumbleslam website.

The Goblin ref has identical stats to the Dirty ref with the addition of the Put the Boot In special ability. If the ref ends its activation in base contact with any wrestler with Knockdown counters, those wrestlers lose 2 STA.
Death is unique in that he has no stats other than Move 3. This is due to his Beyond Time Itself ability which means wrestlers cannot interact with Death in any way. Death may move through squares occupied by other wrestlers but may not end its activation in an occupied square. Its second ability is Dicing with Death. If Death ends its activation in base contact with any wrestlers, the controlling player must choose one. Both players roll 1G - these rolls cannot be re-rolled. If Death rolls higher, remove the opposing wrestler from the game. If the opposing wrestler wins, it gains +1 to its ATT, DEF, GRP and DEX until the end of of the game and cannot be chosen for this rule again.

The Dwarf referee is a good ref. His first ability is Got My Eye On You. Any wrestler within 2 squares of this ref is affected by No Class after the second identical action in its activation. His second ability is Keep It Clean. Any wrestler that attacks a wrestler with a Knockdown counter gains the DIRTY special rule for the attack.
Moving on is Jittery Ref, whose only ability is Crescent Moon. Every time he takes damage, roll a Crowd dice. On a Cheer result, replace the Jittery ref with Were-Ref. Note that once Jittery Ref transforms into Were-Ref he remains in that form for the rest of the game.

Were-Ref is a real brute with awesome stats. He has two abilities, the first of which is Full Moon. If Were-Ref ends its activation in base contact with any wrestlers, it will make a Brawl attack against each one. His second ability is Claws and Teeth, which means his Brawl attacks deal 2DMG.
Finally, is Big Ref, a female Ogre. She has only one ability - Break It Up. If Big Ref ends her activation in base contact with any wrestlers, she will attempt to Lift and Throw each one for 0AP. Any wrestlers Lifted must be Thrown as far as possible into an empty square but not on a turnbuckle. She has a Throw range of 5.

Referees are used in much the same way as any other wrestler and are always counted as their own team. Refs cannot be attacked as normal. They cannot gain any counters, but other special rules affect them as normal. The player that placed the first wrestler in the ring also places the referee as close to the centre of the ring as possible. A referee activates at the end of the round after all other wrestlers. Each player rolls 1G. The player that rolls higher controls the referee for that round. Alternatively, pick a third player to play as the ref all game.

This boxed set of six resin cast figures and rules cost £30.00 from the TT Combat webstore. I do like these figures and whilst I haven't used them in a game yet, I am looking forward to trying them out.


  1. Lovely Bryan! The female ogre is my favorite. ;)

    1. Many thanks, Tom. For some reason I quite fancy her! ;-)

    2. Bryan i do worry about you at times. :)

    3. Laughing out loud, John! :-)

  2. Judging by the ref's Bryan I would imaging the game is both chaos & fun to play, the models look wonderful & you've done a fine job painting then as stripes are never easy to do.

    1. Thank you so kindly, Frank. "Chaos and fun" is very much a perfect description of "Rumbleslam!" Even without referees, LOL!

  3. Great looking additions Bryan, I'm surprised none of the ref's have the ability of screw job as that's happened in wrestling a lot !

    1. Thanks, Dave. You make a good point about screw job!

  4. Great minis. Have to check that out!

    1. Cheers, Skully. They are not essential purchases but useful nonetheless.

  5. A fun set of figures, you'll have to show us a game sometime it sounds quite an interesting combat system.

    1. Thank you, John. A batrep showing how the game works is high on my to do list.

  6. Those are nice models. Painting stripes is very tricky so hats off to you for your efforts here sir! I am very interested in seeing a batrep and your thoughts on the game as the models do look very good.

    1. Cheers, Undercoat. As I said to John, I very much hope to post a batrep of the game soon. I've played it a few times and I'm very impressed with the rules and gameplay. It is such a fun game.

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    Finally, the initial HERPES POSITIVE result was replaced with a new HERPES NEGATIVE test result, and my position was given back to me with an apology letter and a salary increase.
    Beware of impersonators,
    Dr. Utu can only be reached at:
