
Wednesday 30 January 2019

Vampifans Views 115 - Monthly Musings 85

Here is my first Monthly Musings post of 2019. To the left of here is a portrait of Vampirella painted by Manual Sanjulian, whose work I highlighted throughout 2018 and will continue to do so for the near future. I really like this portrait a lot. There appears to be a trio of zombies and a hooded necromancer sneaking up on her but I bet she's fully aware of their presence.

January has been a very good month for me. I have been gaming practically every afternoon. The two games I have been playing were Nemesis and Resident Evil 2, both of which I have found incredibly addictive. The Nemesis game came with a graphic novel campaign that should be played in co-operative mode, which is the mode I usually play. I worked my way through the scenarios and completed them successfully. I gamed with four crew members. In the basic Resident Evil 2 boxed set there is a campaign booklet that contains eight scenarios. I have played five of them and hope to finish them in the next few days. I am using the four survivors that come in the basic set - Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong and Robert Kendo and they are still going strong. Once I finish playing this campaign (hopefully, successfully) I plan on running through the twelve scenario campaign in the Here's Negan game.

Painting has been going well. I finished painting the six survivor figures from the Here's Negan board-game. In addition I have painted some more Black Scorpion Tombstone figures and some new Doctor Who figures from Warlord Games. All of these will be shown on my blog in my February posts. Currently on my painting table are more Doctor Who figures and the new crew members for the Firefly: Brigands and Browncoats board-game. I should have these finished in the next week. Once they're done I plan on painting the figures from the Resident Evil 2 game, starting with the heroes.

For those of you who are interested, I am about to start my St. Trinian's campaign on my WOIN blog. I'll be using the N.O.W. rulebook for this campaign. I have just finished posting the last of my cast reviews and should be posting part 1 of the introductory scenario within the next few days. I know that some of you are eagerly awaiting this campaign. It will be story driven like my The Ace of Spades Campaign but I plan on including lots more how the rules work notes in my batreps.

One thing that has pleased me immensely is that I have spent nothing on figures or gaming products this month. I am trying to cut back on what I spend on gaming this year, so I'm off to a good start. All the best from Vampifan.


  1. Sound's like you've had lots of fun Bryan, look forward to seeing all your new painted models

    1. Thank you most kindly, Dave. I'm having loads of fun gaming and painting.

  2. Clearly lots to look forward to in February, Bryan. I’m especially keen to see your “Doctor Who” and “Resident Evil 2” models :-)

    1. Thank you, Simon. I'm not at all surprised that you're keen to see my "Doctor Who" and "Resident Evil 2" figures. I have such a backlog of "Doctor Who" figures waiting to get painted that I had to make inroads in them. Fortunately, I do enjoy painting them so that's half the battle.

  3. Lots going on as usual Bryan & yes I'm one of those looking forward to St T campaign :), not to put a damper on things the month is not over yet lol

    1. Cheers, Frank. I do admire your enthusiasm but please be a little more patient, mate. :-)

  4. You seem to be having a good start to the year, hope it continues this well.
    Bring on St T's :)

    1. You are so right, John, all is good! St. Trinian's will be here very soon.

  5. Loads to look forward to dude, I really envy the amount of game time you’ve been getting

    1. Thanks, Andy. It is wonderful to be able to game almost every day!

  6. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:

  7. To know more about Chief Dr Lucky you can visit his website (

    A friend that suffered from Herpes and was cure with the help of this great herbal doctor Chief Lucky so i decided to contact him for help in getting rid of my families genital herpes virus 1/2 which i did and all i was told to provide was just some useful information and some materials used in preparation of the natural cure and that i did and now i am the happiest person on earth because i am writing this testimony of mine with joy and happiness in my heart to the whole world to know that natural remedy is real because i am a living testimony of Chief Lucky traditional herbal cure and i want you all to contact Chief Lucky via his email: or WhatsApp him +2348132777335 am sure he will help you too.

  8. My name is Olisa Blessing, I am so happy. I never believe I will be this happy again in life. I have worked as an air hostess ( cabin crew ) for 3years but early this year, I lost my job because of this deadly disease called Herpes virus (HSV).
    I never felt sick or notice any symptoms. Not until the day all workers were asked to bring their current doctor's report card, that was how I got tested and I found out that I'm HSV positive and that made me lose my job because it was considered as an STD and is an incurable disease.
    I was so depressed to the extent that I started worrying about suicide. I explained my situation to an older friend of mine, who often said to me 'a problem shared is a problem half solved.
    She felt so pity for me that she referred me to Dr. Utu Herbal Cure, that was how I reached Dr. Utu and got the medication from him and was cured for real.
    I went back to my work a month later with a HERPES NEGATIVE test result. They were astonished and curious when they saw my HSV NEGATIVE result so they carried out another test on me in the company lab to be very sure and they found out I am indeed a HERPES VIRUS FREED PERSON.
    Finally, the initial HERPES POSITIVE result was replaced with a new HERPES NEGATIVE test result, and my position was given back to me with an apology letter and a salary increase.
    Beware of impersonators,
    Dr. Utu can only be reached at:
