
Saturday 19 January 2019

Strontium Dog - Wasters

The last set from Warlord Games' wave 3 of Strontium Dog figures are the Wasters set. This blister pack contains three human figures.
Wasters appear in the lists for the Outlaws and the Pirates/Slavers on pages 82 and 83 of the Strontium Dog rulebook and are all armed with Basic Hand Blasters. However, these figures are armed with a Club, a Basic Hand Blaster and a Basic Blaster Rifle respectively. I like the fact that they all have different weapons as it makes each one an individual.
Wasters are not the most reliable of Allies. They are cheap, however. I like them a lot. They are well sculpted and definitely fit in well with the rest of this range. They could easily fit in other sci-fi games as starport scum or street gangers. As I said, they come in a blister pack and don't have any stat cards or Armoury and Chicanery cards. This set costs £8.00, which is pretty good value for money.


  1. Those look cool Bryan!Those would definitely work for other sci-fi games ;-)

    1. My thoughts exactly, Major. I immediately thought of using them as perps in a Judge Dredd game.

  2. 8 for £3 is a good deal. What is the one on the left supposed to be armed with???

    1. Agreed about the price, Phil. The one on the left is holding a metal club.

  3. Great looking villains Bryan, as you say multiple uses with these

    1. Thank you, Dave, and yes, I can think of multiple uses for them.

  4. I agree 100% Bryan each model having a different weapon is a lot more interesting, but I'm a bit confused as you stated that in the rulebook they all have Hand Blasters so how does that work with them having weapons ?

    1. Many thanks, Frank. The rulebook says they should all be armed with Hand Blasters. However, I would happily bend the rules to add a bit of variety to their weapon choices. A club is a worse choice and a Blaster Rifle is a better choice, so it evens out in the end.

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