
Wednesday 16 January 2019

Strontium Dog - Build a Mutie Set 01

The Great Atom War of 2150 decimated Britain's population and saw a massive increase in mutant births due to the fallout of the radioactive isotope, Strontium 90. Mutants are vilified, shunned and segregated into mutant ghettoes, away from decent normal folk.
Mutations can range from the mundane to the extreme and this set allows you to build your own mutant miniatures - either to use as S/D Agents or as downtrodden muties railing against the draconian laws passed by the Norms. A variety of arms, legs, torsos, heads and weapons allow you to build five mutant models in a myriad of different configurations.
This set contains, five sets of legs, five sets of torsos, ten heads and over ten right and left arms mostly with weapons. They are all fully interchangeable, giving you a near infinite variety of combinations. I have based my figures on those shown on the back of the boxed set and the Warlord Games webstore. In addition, you get three Armoury cards (Anti-grav Chute, Medipack and Frag Bomb) and two Chicanery cards (Angry Mob and Sneak Attack). This boxed set costs £20.00


  1. Nice looking muties Bryan, would have liked more arms without weapons, but is a combat game after all

    1. Thanks kindly, Dave. In total you get four right arms and four left arms without weapons. That gives you plenty of choice for unarmed muties, which I'll be making when I get round to putting my second set together.

  2. No surprise you’ve picked these up, Bryan, splendid additions to your Johnny Alpha Universe. Can you kindly confirm they’re hard plastic, and what is the detail like on the sculpts? Soft or perfectly paintable?

    1. Many thanks, Simon. Actually, they are made of metal. Detail on them is very good. They fit in so well with the rest of the range.

  3. They are great, especially the two-headed guy and the chainsaw-looney!

    1. Much appreciated, Skully. I'm glad you like them.

  4. I love stuff like that Bryan as you can just run wild with making the models :)

    1. I totally agree with you, Frank, which is why I bought two sets.

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