
Friday 15 February 2019

Black Scorpion Hillbilly Boys

Here I present the four 32mm scale Hillbilly Boys figures from the Black Scorpion Tombstone range. I haven't named any of them yet but will do when I use them in my Six Gun Sound campaign.
At the far left is "Junior" who is armed with a pitchfork and a .44 Colt Army Revolver. "Junior" is clearly not the sharpest tool in the box. Note his buck teeth.
Next up is an old timer armed with a Double-Barrelled Shotgun and wearing dungarees and a big hat.
Second from the right is the leader of the group, sporting a mightily impressive white beard and moustache. He is also armed with a Double-Barrelled Shotgun.
It wouldn't be a proper Hillbilly gang without at least one moon-shiner. At the far right is the old timer in charge of the moon-shine still. He has a bottle of hooch in his right hand, a .44 Colt Army Revolver in his left hand and a banjo slung over his back.
These resin cast miniatures are very well detailed and so full of character. They'll be a great addition to my growing Wild West collection. This set costs £9.60 for the four figures from the Black Scorpion webstore.


  1. Black Scorpion Make excellent figures.

  2. Nice paint job Bryan & as always with BS models plenty of detail.

    1. Much appreciated, Frank, and being so full of detail makes them a delight to paint.

  3. I have beard envy !!!You sure he hasn't escaped from the Black Scorpion Dwarf Bloodbowl Team?

  4. Nice work Bryan. Love that beard!

  5. Great painting on the hillbillies Bryan, if I had to pick a favourite would be the one in desperate need of a beard trim before he gets it caught in the mechanism of the rifle

    1. Thanks kindly, Dave. Everyone likes him! That is a very good point you make. I hadn't thought of that.

  6. I've had those boys in my sight for a long time. They really are very characterful. I think I must have them... let's see... yes, Alphaspel have one in stock... not anymore...
    It's your fault!

    1. Good man, Joachim. I am sure you won't regret purchasing them. :-)

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