
Tuesday 19 February 2019

Warlord Games 9th Doctor and his Companions

I recently bought some more boxed sets of Warlord Games Doctor Who miniatures, which included the 4th Doctor (as played by Tom Baker), the 9th Doctor (as played by Christopher Eccleston), the 11th Doctor (as played by Matt Smith) and their companions. In this post I'm focussing on the 9th Doctor and his four companions.
Battle-scarred, but with a great love of life and adventure, the 9th Doctor invited 19 year old shopgirl Rose Tyler (as played by Billie Piper) aboard the TARDIS for a trip of a lifetime. Later joined by time traveller Captain Jack Harkness from the 51st Century (as played by John Barrowman), and occasionally assisted by Rose's boyfriend, Mickey Smith (as played by Noel Clarke) and Rose's mother, Jackie (as  played by Camille Coduri), their adventures took them from Victorian Cardiff to the end of the world, fighting enemies old and new, including Autons, Daleks and the Slitheen.
From left to right are the 9th Doctor, Captain Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Rose Tyler and Jackie Tyler. Note that this is the second figure of Rose that Warlord Games has made. She also appears in the 10th Doctor and his Companions set. The sculpts are all excellent, and have faithfully captured the likenesses of the five characters. They are statically posed but I have no problem with that. The four companions would make excellent generic civilians in any contemporary game. I rather liked Christopher Eccleston's performance as the 9th Doctor but after it was announced that he was leaving after just one series, it came as no surprise to me. I never expected him to be a long serving Doctor. As for his companions, I liked them all immensely, especially Rose and Jackie.
This boxed set of five 35mm scale figures also includes 12 cards to use in the Exterminate! skirmish game. It costs £22.00 form the Warlord Games webstore.


  1. Very impressive brushwork Bryan! After Tom Baker, Christopher Eccleston is one of my favorite Doctors.

    1. Many thanks, Major. We all have different favourites, don't we?

  2. Great looking Doctor and his companions Bryan, I did like that series and Captain Jack was a most interesting character

    1. Thanks, Dave. I agree with you about Captain Jack. i really enjoyed the "Torchwood" spin off series.

    2. That was good too, as was Bo which was Jacks last form

    3. The reveal about Bo was very unexpected for me.

  3. Personally I thought Christopher Eccleston was a fine Dr. By far my favourite of the new Doctors. All personal choice of course. Well done mate

    1. Thanks, Clint. I have no complaint's about Eccleston's performance but there are others I rate higher (and lower). As you rightly say, it's all personal choice.

  4. Good to see the 9th Doctor gracing your blog, Bryan. I still think he should have done at least a second season, but as the first 'Nu Who' he undoubtedly still left his mark on the series. I thought this was a good boxed set from "Warlord Games".

    1. Very much appreciated, Simon. I agree that it would have been nice to have seen Eccleston in a second series. This is indeed, a really good boxed set. All five figures are excellent.

  5. The 9th doctor was the only one I really saw much of. Nice work on the minis! They do capture the look of all of the characters well.

  6. As a come back for Doctor Who the 9th Doctor just hadn't got enough about him I think Bryan unlike the man who came after him & took the show to a whole new level.

    Models & paint job both excellent :)

    1. Wise words, Frank. Of all the Doctors, David Tennant still remains my favourite. He certainly did take the show to a whole new level.

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