
Friday 22 February 2019

Warlord Games 11th Doctor and his Companions

In this post I'm reviewing the figures from the 11th Doctor and Companions set from the Doctor Who range of 35mm scale pewter figures by Warlord Games.
Youthful in appearance, but centuries old, the 11th Doctor (as played by Matt Smith) loved life but had little time for those who did him wrong. A fondness for hats and Jammie Dodgers, he was adventurous and unpredictable. His main companions included feisty Scot, Amy Pond (as played by Karen Gillen), her husband Rory Williams (as played by Arthur Darvill) and the mysterious Clara Oswald, aka the Impossible Girl (as played by Jenna-Louise Coleman). He also frequently appeared alongside Professor River Song (as played by Alex Kingston), a fellow time traveller, with whom he shared a romantic storyline which resulted in them marrying.
From left to right the figures are the 11th Doctor, River Song, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond and Rory Williams. Note that the figure of Clara is the second to be made by Warlord Games in this range, with the first appearing in the 12th Doctor and Companions set. This makes me very happy as Clara is my favourite companion from all of the series. She had star appeal in abundance! I liked Matt Smith a lot and I was very fond of all of these companions. They were all worthy allies of the Doctor who put in many fine performances.
This boxed set of five figures also includes 12 cards to use in the Exterminate! skirmish game. It costs £22.00 form the Warlord Games webstore.


  1. I like these .. especially young Clara (also my favourite companion)

    1. Phil, you have such impeccable taste. Clara rules!

  2. Nice renditions of this incarnation of the Doctor and companions Bryan, my favourite companion from this series had to be Rory, he may of started off weak and a bit of a tag on character, but ended up one of the deepest characters living through centuries of history just to get back to Amy

    1. Thank you, Dave. I totally agree with your assessment of Rory, which made him so likeable, but he could never beat Clara as my favourite companion. I fell in love with her from the moment I first saw her.

  3. Another great set of minis, Bryan, and definitely one of the stronger TARDIS crews from the show, imho. Whilst not the fan of Clara I know you are, I think "Asylum Of The Daleks" is one of my fave stories full stop, and her the sculpt is very nice indeed.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. When I first saw "Asylum of the Daleks" I thought Clara (or rather Oswin as she was called in that episode) acted everyone else off the screen. She was superb. That one performance totally captivated me and I could see she was a star in the making.

  4. Nice additions. For me Dr Who will always be Tom (would you like a Jelly Baby?) Baker

    1. Thanks, Clint. You'll be pleased to know that I'm currently painting Tom and his companions right now.

  5. That's a great set Bryan, I thought Amy Pond was great the Doctor while not bad just had an impossible act to follow, lovely paint job.

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