
Friday 8 February 2019

Warlord Games Emojibots

Continuing my look at my recently purchased figures from Warlord Games' Doctor Who range I move forward in time to review the Emojibots. These appeared in the second episode of the tenth series of the reboot called Smile.
The Emojibots were robots who served as avatar interfaces to the sentient microbots, the Vardy. Their purpose was to ensure the humans on the off-world colony Gliese 581d remained happy at all times. To monitor their moods, everyone wore a badge which reflected the person's mood through the language of emojis. Emojibots viewed unhappiness and grieving as anathema and would enlist the Vardy to kill those showing such negative emotions.
When the TARDIS arrives on the colony, the Twelfth Doctor and his companion, Bill Potts, are greeted by the Emojibots and given badges. After the Doctor comes to the shocking realisation that the colonists are being slaughtered and their bones used as fertiliser for the food supply their resultant upset is picked up by the Emojibots...
These figures are a lot smaller in size to the rest of this range, so would fit in well with 28mm scale figures. I could see them fitting in so well in Mega City One as part of a Judge Dredd game. This set of three figures cost £13.00 and comes with six cards to use in the Exterminate! game.


  1. The one on the end doesn't look very happy Bryan :) I always find models like these have so many uses.

    1. Indeed, Frank. He's sad face. I, too, like models that have multiple uses.

  2. sinister looking creatures dude. I think the smiley one looks the scariest...

    1. Thanks, Andy. Personally, I find them all creepy.

  3. Great looking bots Bryan, was an interesting episode, that follows the train of thought that robots will eventually wipe out mankind ! And we still keep making them ! LOL

    1. Thanks kindly, Dave. You raise a good point.

  4. I like these, especially the glum one.

  5. I can see why hessadif he's going to be killed for it. Multi use figures and great for scenario's.

  6. Haha, those are cool. Reminds me of that robot in Fallout New Vegas.

    1. Cheers, Skully. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Fallout New Vegas but I'm sure you're right.

  7. Another welcome "Doctor Who" posting, Bryan, and some minis which are probably more use for other genres than the official rule-set? I wasn't a fan of either the episode or robots, but I can see them appearing in "Strontium Dog", or "Mega-City One" some time soon :-)

    1. Most appreciated, Simon. Like you, I wasn't a big fan of the episode or the robots but transferring them to the likes of "Judge Dredd," "Strontium Dog" or even "Robo-Hunter" seems far better to me. With the imminent release of "The Robot Wars" supplement for the new Judge Dredd RPG it might not be too long before you see them in action.

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