
Tuesday 5 February 2019

Warlord Games Movellans

Just prior to Christmas, Warlord Games had a sale on their range of Doctor Who miniatures - buy two sets and get a third one free. This was too good an offer to pass by so I ordered the Movellans, Emojibots and Time Lords set. I finished painting them all last month and in this post I'm going to present the three Movellan figures.
Outwardly resembling humans of different ethnicities, the Movellans are androids from the star system 4X Alpha 4. Sporting long, silver dreadlocks, white uniforms and a conical gun, they are extremely strong. Each Movellan carries an external power pack round their belts; if this unit is damaged or destroyed, the android unit will cease to function. They have a strong code of honour, refusing to allow other species to see them in death. The Movellans are noted adversaries of the Daleks.
I can remember seeing them when they first appeared in the 1979 episode, Destiny of the Daleks and was immediately attracted to them. The white uniforms and metallic coloured hair very much reminded me of the female Moonbase personnel from Gerry Anderson's UFO TV series. Being such a big fan of strong female characters I like these miniatures a lot. I could well see them being useful characters to appear in my The Ace of Spades Campaign. This boxed set of three figures and six Exterminate! cards costs £13.00 from the Warlord Games webstore.


  1. Great to see some more “Doctor Who” on your blog, Bryan, and some ‘Classic Who’ minis too. What paint/s did you use on their weapons please?

    1. Many thanks, Simon. These were an absolute joy to paint. The pistols were painted with the Foundry Nipple Pink triad 16A, 16B and 16C. The tips were painted with Foundry Arctic Grey Light (White) 33C.

  2. Nice work Bryan & would agree they are very UFO looking :)

    1. Many thanks, Frank. Seeing as "UFO" came out in 1970, I wonder if it inspired the costume designer of the Movellans?

  3. Great looking Movellans Bryan, agree they are very U.F.O looking which is not a bad thing at all

    1. Cheers, Dave. The seemingly obvious tie-in with "UFO" is no bad thing at all.

  4. Ah, the "disco aliens"! Nice to see these figures, though I still worry that Warlord's range is not size-compatible with any of my existing 28mm figures and terrain.

    1. "Disco aliens" is a great description of them, Hugh. Yes, size-wise they are taller than 28mm scale figures.

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