
Wednesday 13 March 2019

Black Scorpion Old West Terrors 03

Following on from my last post here are the last five figures from the Tombstone Undead faction produced by Black Scorpion. These zombie figures are all 32mm scale and are sculpted in resin.
At the far left is the Undead Deputy, who is a zombie 7th Cavalry Officer who is armed with a .45 Colt Cavalry revolver and a cavalry sabre. He is sold separately from the others.
Next in line is a female townsfolk who at a distance could pass as a normal human. She still holds on to her shopping bag but in her right hand is a .32 Smith and Wesson revolver.
In the centre of the group is a zombie preacher. He is armed with a .44 Winchester rifle. Note his exceptionally long pointed tongue sticking out of his mouth. Creepy!
Second from the right is a Mexican bandido and hanging victim. He is armed with a .45 Colt Army revolver. The crow feasting on his neck is a gruesome but so cool touch. Note that he also has a long pointed tongue.
Finally is a zombie plains warrior. Although he has a skeleton face I'm assuming the flesh was stripped off by zombies before he died or scavenging animals or birds. He is armed with a .45 Colt Army revolver and tomahawk. He also has a bow and quiver of arrows on his back.
These are a great bunch of figures and are very varied. The detail on them is very crisp, making them a joy to paint. Having more zombies is never a bad thing in my opinion. The zombie deputy costs £4.50 and the other four come as a set costing £9.60.


  1. Oh that plains warrior does look spooky! Lovely Bryan!

  2. Oh they must have been an absolute delight to paint, Bryan. Knowing of your love for all things zombie!! LOL!! I especially like your palette choice on the zombie 7th Cavalry Officer, whilst the face on your plains warrior is truly creepy. Marvellous posting!!

    1. Yes, Simon, they were an absolute delight to paint. Thank you so much for the kind words. :-)

  3. Excellent additions to the weird west collection Bryan - some really neat macabre touches to the sculpts, finished off as ever with your talented brushwork :-)

    1. I very much appreciate the compliments, Greg. Thank you, my friend!

  4. I thought I posted on this earlier I mustn't have hit the publish button :( excellent looking set Bryan with just the right amount of grubbiness

    1. Thank you most kindly, Frank. Making them all look grubby was a very conscious decision on my part. It seems so appropriate for zombies.

  5. Oh these are superb Bryan, this and the last few posts have been a delight to read, your enthusiasm for these figures shines through you prose and painting, Great stuff!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Hi, Roger. It is lovely to hear from you again and thank you so much for your lovely comment.

  6. Black Scorpion figure always look good and these are no exceptions.

  7. Great looking zombies Bryan, particularly like the mexican with the crow picking at his neck

    1. Greatly appreciated, Dave. Yes, I love that Mexican bandit figure.

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