
Sunday 17 March 2019

Warlord Games Fourth Doctor & Companions

Here are the Fourth Doctor and some of his companions produced by Warlord Games. I know that Tom Baker is many people's favourite Doctor and I too like him very much.
At the far left is the Doctor (played by Tom Baker) and his faithful robot companion, K9 Mk II. Never without his trademark infeasibly long scarf and a bag of jelly babies, the Fourth Doctor was more distant and alien then his predecessors. His big almost maniacal grin and offbeat humour was often contrasted by a sombre and sometimes aloof personality.Defeating countless enemies old and new, including the Daleks, Cybermen, Zygons and the Black Guardians, he was declared Lord President elect of his home planet, Gallifrey and travelled the universe searching for the Key to Time. Charming, selfless and amoral crusader, the Fourth Doctor was a force to be reckoned with.
Next in line is Romanadvoralundar (Romana for short) (played by Mary Tamm). A fellow Time Lord, she often came across as snooty and authoritative, no doubt to her achieving a "triple first" from the time Lord Academy on Gallifrey. This sometimes led to inevitable personality clashes with the Doctor but she chose to stay with the Doctor and K9 long after their quest was completed.
Seemingly on a whim, Romana decided to regenerate into a new body taking on the appearance of Princess Astra (played by Lalla Ward) whom she had met during the events of The Armageddon Factor. Romana and K9 eventually decide to stay in E Space (a pathway between universes) after the Doctor escapes back into his own universe.
Fourth in line is Leela (played by Louise Jameson), a warrior of the Sevateem, a tribe of regressed primitive humans. Despite being offered the chance to become the leader of her society, her new found friendship with the Doctor led to her jumping aboard the TARDIS to join the initially reluctant Doctor on his travels. She had an understanding of the technologically advanced wonders of the universe, but often resorting to her primitive instincts and violence when faced with something she didn't understand - often with her knife or poisonous Janis thorns - much to the Doctor's distaste. This sometimes led to inevitable personality clashes with the Doctor, but she chose to stay with the Doctor and K9 long after their quest was completed.
Finally is Royal Navy medical officer Harry Sullivan (played by Ian Marter) who was amongst the first to encounter the Doctor shortly after his regeneration at UNIT HQ. This dashing, loyal and sometimes put-upon young man encountered the Wirrn, Cybermen, Daleks and other horrors of the universe, before deciding to depart the TARDIS after a deadly encounter with the shapeshifting Zygons.
I really love these figures. They are beautifully sculpted. I'm not at all surprised that Warlord Games chose the Fourth Doctor for their releases of the Old Doctors. Also, I was pleased to see that there will be a second release of the Fourth Doctor with companions, journalist Sarah Jane Smith, Nyssa of Traken, Australian air hostess Tegan Jovanka and young mathematical genius Adric. This boxed set costs £22 from the Warlord Games web store.


  1. Tremendous posting Bryan, full of colour and attention to detail. Its clear you put a lot of effort into painting these models, and I'm particularly impressed with all the colours you got on Tom's scarf. Great work.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. I thoroughly enjoyed painting them. I took a lot of time painting the Doctor's scarf. The pictures of him in the boxed set were a great help in getting the scarf right.

  2. Outstanding brushwork Bryan! Give yourself a Jelly Baby!

    1. Thanks, Major. I think will have a jelly baby. :-)

  3. Very nice rendition of the fourth Doctor and companions Bryan, being the longest running Doctor he had so many companions, so it would have been hard to get them all in one box

    1. Many thanks,Dave. You are right about the number of companions he had, so it is great to hear that Warlord Games are going to produce a second boxed set featuring his other companions.

  4. Another great collection Bryan but I'm surprised to see K( on the same base as the Doctor, is that something you did or did they come that way ?

    1. Thanks, Frank. K9 was sculpted with the Doctor. I'd have preferred it if he was separate but hey ho!

    2. Strange, the reason I asked Bryan was I play a game of Doctor Who with the 4th Doctor & K9 in it & they where on different bases.

    3. I still have the old Citadel 25mm versions of the Fourth Doctor and K9 as separate figures.

  5. Excellent showcase Bryan, and I just wonder how long that scarf took to paint !?
    I'd also ask the same question as Frank - how come K9 is on the same base as the doctor?

    1. Many thanks, Greg. The figure came with the Doctor and K9 on the same base. As for painting the doctor's scarf it took me two days to paint it.

  6. Definitely my favourite doctor of all time, fab stuff

    1. Cheers, Andy. The Fourth Doctor was certainly a favourite of many people.

  7. Big Dr Who fan. Tom Baker (I think) was my favourite Dr. So always good to see others hang on would you like a jelly baby?

    1. I knew you'd be pleased with this post, Clint, and yes, I would like a jelly baby.

  8. Really nice work Bryan, Tom Baker was the best!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I know many people would agree with you, but my favourite still remains David Tennant.

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